2013年2月28日 星期四

parts of speech

Hi there, students. The parts of speech, ok, what are the parts of speech? These are classifications of different types of word. Ok, they have different functions. So we have nouns, we have pronouns, we have verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. Ok, these are all different types of words. So what are they? What do they mean? Ok, nouns, normally talk about things, real things or unreal things, tensiable things, tangible things, a pen, that is a noun, or an idea, a thought, yeah, so a nouns, nouns normally talk about things, people, ok, things we can see, things we think. Then we have pronouns. Ok. These are words that talk about people. We use them to substitute for people's names so that it is easier. he, him, his, my, your, her, ok, these are different types of pronouns. The next thing we have, section verbs. Verbs are normally actions, changes where different things happen with some (types) of movement or differtiation or change, yeah, verbs. Put it over there, give it to me, tell me please, ok, these are verbs, actions, movements, changes. Ok, next we have adjectives. Adjectives normally describe nouns, they describe things. A blue pen, a big hat , an angry man, a beautiful woman. So the adjectives describe, they give us more detail about the nouns, a good idea, yeah, they can be subjective or objective, maybe. Ok. anyway, what about the next one, the next one is adverbs. Adverbs, firstly we use adverbs describe verbs. He walked quickly, he gives generously, she smiled sweetly. Ok, that's the use of adverbs describing verbs. But we can also adverbs to describe adjectives. Beautiful quick, rapidly easy, so the first adverb is describeing adjective. You could also use adverbs to describe adverbs in themselves. He came happily contently smilingly (done this first?). Maybe these are all describing verbs, maybe they are describing each other,( but adverbs to describe adverbs. Ok, what about the next group, prepositions?prepostion describe and explain the relation between the nouns, different nouns, in my pocket, the verbs, he did it by trickery, he came by bus. So the prepostions are talking about the relationship between nouns, other nouns, verbs, and other verbs. Ok. What about a conjunction? Conjunctions are words that join sentences. I was very happy and I was very tired. Ok, a conjunction, a (joiner?), a linker. This is very good but it needs to be done in more detail. But, a conjunction, joining different phrases. And finally interjection, a word expressing emotion, emotional surprise, anger or happiness. Wow, no, aah, ok, these are interjections. Yeah, interjections, these are normally single words or phrases ...but normally single words that are explanation and talk about how we feel, how we think about this situation with surprise that are instantaneous words. Ok,so remember the parts of speech, noun, verbs, adjectives, prepostions, conjunctions, interjections and let's not forget the pronouns. Ok. so if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!詞類,究竟什麼是詞類?這是一些不同種類詞語的分類,它們­有不同的詞功能。比如說,有名詞、代詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞、連­詞、感嘆詞。它們都是不同種類的詞語。那麼,它們究竟是什麼?它­們究竟是什麼意思?名詞,通常是關於事物的,真實事物或者非真實­事物,可觸摸到的事物。比如一支筆,或者一個主意,一種思想。名­詞通常是被用作事物、人,一些可以看得見的事物及我們思考的事物­。代詞,是用來談論人的時候,用它們取代人的名字,以便令其更簡­單。 he, him, his, my, your, her,這些就是不同種類的代詞。下一個我們看看動詞。動詞通常­是動作, 、變動並帶有一定的運動和區分變化。把它放在那兒,把它給我,請­告訴我。這些是動詞,表示動作、運動、變化。下一個是形容詞。形容詞通常用來形容名詞,它們形容事物。一只藍­色的筆,一頂大帽子,一個生氣的男人,一個漂亮的女人。形容用來­形容,它們給出更為詳細的關於名詞的描述。一個好主意,可以是主­觀或者客觀的描述。好了,下一個是副詞。首先,我們用副詞去修飾­動詞。他快速地走著;他大方地給予,她甜蜜地笑了。這就是副詞修­飾動詞的用法。我們也可用副詞去形容形容詞。比如,完美地迅速,­快速地舒適。這樣,前面的副詞用來修飾後面的形容詞。你可以用副­詞去修飾副詞。比如,他愉快地、滿足地、微笑著前來。也許這些全­是用來修飾動詞,也許它們是相互修飾。好了,下一組介詞又是怎麼樣的呢?介詞是用來修飾和解釋不同名詞­之間的關系,在我的口袋裡,他用狡計得到了它;他乘坐巴士來的。­介詞是用來說明名詞之間、動詞之間的關系的詞。連詞又如何呢?連­詞是用來連接句子的。我很高興,也很疲倦。and, 是一個連詞。這個不錯,但是需要搞得更詳細些,but,是連詞,­連接不同的短句。最後我們看看感嘆詞。感嘆詞是表達情感的詞,表­達驚訝、憤怒、愉快。連詞通常是單一詞或短句....通常是單一­詞,附帶不期而至的驚訝用來表達我們的感覺、看法。好了,記住詞­類:名詞,動詞,形容詞,副詞,介詞,連詞,感嘆詞,也不要忘記­代詞。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你再見面。