2013年12月31日 星期二

settle down

Hi there,students. Have you ever heard the phrasal verb 'to settle down'? Maybe all students in the class are talking and running all round, and the teacher comes into the class and says 'settle down'! 'settle down'! Ok, become less active, become more relaxed and more quiet. Make the situation less chaotic. Ok, so another example, I have been really really at work, seems really chaotic. But I think next week things will settle down. They will become less intense, less disorganized. Ok, less chaotic. Ok, so this is the idea as well with the class of children, you tell the children to settle down. The children settled down when to sleep. Ok, so to settle down. Notice, also, two people can settle down together, this has slightly different meaning. I have been travelling for very, for many years and I now want to settle down and have my own house and live for a long period in the same place. Ok, to settle down. To start living a fixed life and a fixed rountine. Ok, so, yes I met a really nice girl and we want to settle down together. To live together and to live a fixed more rountine life. Like that maybe we could have some children, ok, to settle down and have kids, yeah. To settle, to get comfortable, yeah. So to settle down, to get comfortable and live for a long period of time, maybe forever in a place, to put down roots if you like, to settle down, yeah. Ok, to start living in a place where you plan to live for a long time, maybe with the person you love, ok. And,or but particularly after a long period of travelling or different things maybe different partners or different life and irregular life, yeah, you settle down. So having travelled the world for 20 years, I finally settled down. Yeah, or you can settle down with someone. Notice, normally to settle down is intransitive, it doesn't take a direct object. So, children, please settle down! I want to settle down with this girl. Notice settle down with someone. With and it makes it a transitive. But you can use it transitively without with. I am going to settle the children down before they go to bed. Because they are running up and down upstairs and I am going to settle the children down before they go to sleep. So make them calm and relaxed, maybe read them story, slowly trun down the light, make them relaxed to go to sleep. So you can settle someone down. The patient was really ill and suferring a lot. But the nurse finally managed to settle the patient down, ok, to settle someone down. Ok, so to settle down, to relax, to make a chaotic situation more organized, less chaotic. To go to live somewhere a long time with a more fixed rountine or to settle down and have children to go and live somewhere with somone for, maybe forever. Ok, so there you go, a phrasal verb for you maybe, to settle down. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過動詞短語‘to settle down’嗎?教室裡所有學生可能都在聊天或跑來跑去,老師走進來,說:settle down, settle down!意思是不要太活躍,要放松些,要安靜些,令到環境少點混亂。再舉個例子,我的工作非常忙,但我認為下星期事情會settle down,事情會逐漸變得不那麼緊張,不那麼混亂,減輕無秩序性。·就像在課堂裡,你告訴學生們:安靜下來!孩子們安靜下來並且去睡覺了。注意,兩個人也可以一起settle down,這裡的意思有些許不同。我飄蕩了很多年,現在我想安頓下來,想有自己的房子,並長期固定在這個地方住下來。這裡的settle down 是開始一種固定的生活、固定的生活模式。我遇到了一個非常可愛的女孩,我們想在一起安頓生活,我們想住在一起,一起過日子。那樣的話,我們或許會有些孩子,to settle down並且生些小孩。to settle, 變得舒服點,並住相當長的一段時間,也許在這個地方永遠住下去,也可以說落地生根。在你計劃居住的地方生活一段相當長的時間,可能是和你所愛的人一起。特別是經過一段長時間的漂泊,經歷很多不同的事情,不同的伴侶,不同模式的生活,不規律的生活,你決定安頓下來。所以,經過了20年的漂泊之後,我終於安頓了下來。你可以和某人一起安頓下來。注意,to settle down是不及物動詞,後面不接直接賓語。比如,孩子,請settle down, 請安靜下來。我想和這個女孩一起安定生活。to settle down with某人,with令到settle down後面接賓語。但是你也可以把它用作及物動詞而無需用with。我想在孩子們睡覺之前先令到他們安靜下來。因為他們在樓梯上不停地跑。在孩子們睡覺之前令他們安靜下來,使到他們冷靜、放松,或許給他們讀故事書,將燈扭暗一點,令到他們輕松下來去睡覺。所以你可以settle 某人down, 那個病人病得很重,痛苦不堪。但那個護士最終能夠令到病人安靜下來。所以,to settle down是令到某人放松下來,令到混亂的環境變得有秩序,減輕混亂。去到某地生活相當長的時間,過一種固定模式的生活。或者安頓下來,生下孩子,和某人在某地生活一世。好了,這是一個新的動詞短語,to settle dow。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。


2013年12月5日 星期四

right handed - left handed - ambidextrous

Hi there, students. When you writhe, do you use your right hand or your left hand? Your right hand, you write with your right hand, or do you write with yoru left hand? If you write with your right hand, we say in English you are 'right handed', if you write with your left hand, you are 'left handed'. And then there are some people that have equal facility when using their right hand and their left hand, these people are ambidextrous. They have equal facility using their right hand and their left hand to do things. Ok, so if you use your right hand, normally to do things, then you are right handed. I am right handed. If you use your left normally to do things, then you are left handed. And if you use both hands, because you have equal facility with both, then you are what it is called ambidextrous. You have the ability to use both hands with equal (ees??). So there you go, a nice easy video. Right handed, left handed and ambidextrous, the two. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你寫字的時候,是用左手還是右手?你的右手,寫字用右手,或者用左手寫字。如果你用右手寫字,在英語裡被稱為右撇子;如果你用左手寫字,則為左撇子;如果你雙手都有均衡寫字的能力,則為ambidextrous,雙手靈活寫字的人,這樣的人雙手都具有做事情的能力。如果你用右手做事,你是右撇子,我就是右撇子。如果你通常用左手做事情,你就是左撇子。如果你雙手都可以,你有使用雙手的均衡能力,你就是ambidextrous,雙手都靈活的人。好了,這是個簡單而有用的錄像,right handed, left handed, ambidextrous。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。