2014年8月3日 星期日

in case, in case of

Hi there, students. In case, in case of, ok ,so what do these mean? How do we use them? Ok, because of the possiblity, in case of, I will take an umbrella in case of rain, ok, in case of rain, or in case it rains. I will take some water in case we are thristy. Because we may be thirsty, because the possibility that we could be, in the event of, yeah, so I will take some water in the event of being thirsty. Ok, so in case, in the event of, because of the possibilty that, or because something might happen. Ok, in case. Notice in case, subject verb object, I will take some money in case I need it, subject verb object. I will take some money in case I need it. I will take some water in case we are thirsty. Yeah, in case of, I will take some money in case of it being needed (that's a little...but....do??). I will take some water in case of thirst. Ok, in case of, noun or noun clause, yeah. Ok, so in case of. If there should happen to be, take this number in case of emergency, if there should happen to be emergency. Or in case it happens, if it happens, as-precaution-that, in that event, that you have something to do. Taking an umbrella, as precaution, in case it rains, as precaution against it rains, so in case it rains, this is a precaution, yeah. In case, or in case of, Ok. As precaution against the event that something happened. He carries a knife in case he is attacked, ok, as precaution against, yeah. Maybe even just if, if and only if. Take your passport in case they need it. Ok, if and only if, they need it, as precaution against they need it. Ok, so in case, in case of, yes, so, a conjunction and a preposition, but like that would be a good explanation, now in case of your needing it, then....you are (nab..??) able to use it. So if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!in case和in case of, 它們是什麼意思?如何使用?because of the possibility, in case of, 因為具有可能性,萬一,我會帶一把雨傘以防下雨。可以說in case of rain,或者說in case it rains。我會帶些水以防我們口渴,因為我們可能會口渴,因為那種可能性是存在的,就是說in the event of,倘若,萬一。所以,我會帶些水,in the event of we are thirsty, 以備我們口渴。所以,in case of就是in the event of的意思,because of the possibility that, 因為有該種可能性,因為某種事情可能發生。in case後面接主語、動詞、賓語。我會帶些錢,以備不時之需,主語、動詞和賓語。我會帶些水以防口渴。in case of,我會帶些錢,in case of需要用到錢。聽起來有點奇怪,但確實是這樣。我會帶些水以防口渴,in case of後面接名詞或名詞從句。如果這種情況發生的話,帶上這個號碼以防萬一。如果發生了緊急情況,萬一發生了,以備萬一,as precaution that,在那種情況下,你要做些什麼。帶一把雨傘,以防下雨。in case和in case of就是以防某件事發生的意思。他帶了一把刀,以防被攻擊,as precaution against, 防備,以防。或許只是if and only if,當且僅當的意思。帶上你的護照,以防需要。in case 和in case of一個連詞,一個介詞。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將和你很快又見面。

