2014年4月23日 星期三


Hi there, students. Scuttle, yes, scuttle, s c u double t l e, ok, this is a word with various meanings. I think probably the most common is to scuttle , to run. A mouse scuttled across the room. It's got the idea of this little legs moving in panic. The children are scuttling all over the place. Yeah, I live (...rock) and the insight scuttled everywhere, ran and moved rapidly. Ok, to scuttle, ok to go rapidly, maybe in panic, maybe because you are nervous. That's one meaning. Another meaning to scuttle, you can scuttle a ship or a boat. This means to make a hole in the hull in the bottom of your boat. So it sinks. Ok, in order that the enemy don't capture your boat or your ship, yeah. I think the Germany scuttled their ships in Scapa Flow. Ok, to scuttle, to make a ship sink by making a hole in the bottom because you don't want your enemy to catch it, to take it. And then we also use this meaning firguratively. I scuttled his plans to steal my car, to scuttle, to (th..d??), to make bad, to make bad, to stop happening. So he had plans to steal my car, but I scuttled his plans, I destroyed his plans. Ok, and the third meaning, yeah, the third, is a scuttle, a coal scuttle, ok, a scuttle is a metal container, normally like a bucket with a handle, a scuttle that you use to keep coal in. So I am sure if you have coal that your coal is in the shade outside, but to bring it into the house and keep it in the house, you have a scuttle. Maybe it is made of a (bruse??), a coal scuttle, a container for coal in your house, ok. So there we go, those for me three main meanings, to scuttle, o run about, to run in panic, movement in little legs, yeah. To scuttle a ship, to make it sink by opening a hole or to scuttle a plan, to ruin a plan, or to object an idea. And then the last one, a scuttle, a coal scuttle, a container for coal, ok. So something to add to your vocabulary. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!scuttle, s-c-u-t-t-l-e,這個詞有多重意思。我認為最常用的意思是to scuttle, 跑的意思。一只老鼠scuttle across這個房間,老鼠跑過房間。此處的意思是來自於小腳們驚慌疾馳。孩子們在那裡到處急跑。我住在(),那裡的昆蟲到處亂爬,急速跑動、移動。跑得很急促,也許是驚慌失措,也許是太緊張。這是一個意思。scuttle的另一個意思是to scuttle一艘船或小艇,意思是在船底鑿出一個洞令到小艇沉水,避免敵人得到船或小艇。我認為德國人在斯卡帕灣將他們的船鑿沉了。to scuttle a ship, 就是在船底鑿出一個洞令到它沉底,避免令敵人得到。我們也可以用比喻的方式使用scuttle。我scuttle了他偷我的車的計劃。to scuttle,就是對某人使壞,破壞,阻止某事發生。他有偷我車的計劃, 但是我scuttle了他的計劃,阻止破壞了該計劃。第三個意思是a coal scuttle, 煤箱。a scuttle是一個箱形容器,像一個桶一樣,通常有一個把手,用來保存煤。我相信如果你有些煤在室外陰暗處,如果你要將煤搬入房間並存放在房間裡,你需要一個scuttle,煤箱。也許它是用()制成的,a coal scuttle,房屋裡用來存放煤的容器。好了,scuttle有三個主要意思, to scuttle, 到處跑,緊張地跑動,用小腳丫急速跑動。to scuttle一只船,在船底鑿出一個洞令到其沉底,或者scuttle一個計劃,摧毀這個計劃,或者反對一個想法;最後是a coal scuttle, 保存煤的煤箱。補充在你詞彙表上吧。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

