2014年6月14日 星期六

in the offing

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase' in the offing' ? In the offing, something that is in the offing is something that is likely to happen soon. You foresee, you view or your think that this is going to happen soon. It can be negative or positive, but I personally think that in the offing is more normally used for positive things. Let's try some examples. I don't have a job at the moment, but I think there is a job in the offing, I think I am going to be able to get a job soon. There is a realistic prospect in the near future that I will get it. I have been trying to sell my car but nobody is interested in it. But I think I have a buyer in the offing. There is someone I have seen or I have talked to or something that is happened, which makes me think someone may realistically want to buy my car in the near future. It's in the offing. Is there any breakfast in the offing? We are going to have something to eat for breakfast soon, ok, breakfast in the offing. Ok, I quite like this phrase 'in the offing', because originally I think "in the offing" is a nautical term, the offing is when you stand on the shore or the beach, and you look out the sea that you can see in front of you, is called the offing. It's the sea near the shore and going out to the (thing?). So this is on the horizon, things, the (??) you can see near to you, so perhaps almost feels like it is coming towards you. So it is in the offing, yeah, if you like. Things are in the offing, in the view in front of you. So to be in the offing, let me give you some synonyms. Ok, in the foreseeable future, in the near future, something that is eminent is in the offing. Yeah, something that is coming close, something that is near. Yeah, maybe something that is coming up, is coming up soon, you think or you imagine that is coming up soon. Yeah, something that is forthcoming, forthcoming is a good synonym for in the offing. You could use booming or brewing as well. There are problems in the offing, there are problems looming, there are problems brewing, yeah. But I think better for in the offing, for positive things although that is not wrong. Impending, yeah, I think I have an impending job, there is a job in the offing, something that is coming, ok. At hand, something that is at hand, something that is in the offing, coming soon. Or even upcoming, upcoming, yeah, coming soon. Or even the phrase on (mocars?), so I think I have a job on (mocars?), I think I have a buyer on (mocars?). So in the offing, something that you really think that is realistically going to happen soon. Yeah, something that is on the cars, something that is on the cars, could happen soon, perhaps even something on the horizon, coming towards you. How about in the pipeline? On the way to you as well. So here we go, in the offing, when you have something in the offing, then is something coming and you think it's forthcoming and going to happen. So I can see your rating for this video is in the offing. And I can also see that your subscribing to my channel is in the offing if you haven't already subscribed. Ok, so in the offing. If you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to this channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過in the offing這個短語嗎?某件事in the offing,意思是這件事可能很快發生。你做了預測、觀察、思考,認為這件事很快會發生。它可以用在正面或負面意思上,但我個人認為通常in the offing是用在正面意思上的。看看一些例子。我現在沒有工作,但是我認為我會有一份工作in the offing,我認為我能夠很快得到一份工作,對此,有很現實的前景,我可以得到這份工作。我一直在努力出售我的車,但沒有人有興趣。但是我認為會有一個買家in the offing,可能我見過什麼人,和他談過相關的事,此事發生之後,令我相信有人在不遠的將來會買我的車。快有早餐了嗎?我們會很快有早餐的食物。我很喜歡這個in the offing短語,因為我認為它最早出自航海業中。offing的意思是當你站在海灘或岸邊時,望向大海,你所能看到的海,就成為offing。它是從近海到遠離海岸,在地平線範圍,你所能看到的海面,感覺上就像是它在向你走過來一樣。這就是in the offing的意思。in the offing 的事情,就是在你面前所能看到的景像。我給大家一些和in the offing具有近似意思的詞。比如,某件事in the foreseeable future,在不遠的將來,具有明顯的特征,正在向你走近。或者這件事正在coming up, 呼之欲出,通過思考、想像,這件事已經呼之欲出。某件事要forthcoming,forthcoming 是in the offing的近義詞。你也可以用looming或者brewing, 有一個問題in the offing,有一個問題looming, brewing,但我認為用in the offing表達正面意思的情況是較為不錯的,當然,用looming和brewing也沒有錯。也可以用impending,我認為我有一份impending工作,有一份工作in the offing,一份即將到來的工作,某件事即將來臨,in the offing, 即將到來。又或者用upcoming,或者用on (macars?)。所以,in the offing就是你認為某件事確實具有現實性發生的可能且很快發生。某件事on (macars), 很快發生。或許某件事已經出現在地平面,正在向你走來。in the pipeline又怎麼用呢?正在朝向你的方向發展、走近。好了,in the offing就是某件事正在向你走近,呼之欲出,即將發生。我可以看到你會給這個錄像一個喜歡評級,我也可以看到你訂閱這個頻道也是in the offing,如果你還沒有訂閱的話。這就是in the offing的意思。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

