2013年9月30日 星期一

iron out

Hi there, students. to iron out, ok, to iron, you have an iron which you use with your clothes, you iron your shirt. But we have a phrasal verb 'to iron out', to resolve little problems, to find a solution to problems. Don't worry, we will iron out that prblem, we will find a solution to that problem or best solution possible. So to iron out a problem or difficulty, you can even say to iron out the wrinkles, ok, these wrinkles are not (flatbes??), the little problems you want to make flat and therefore resolved, yeah. So there are one or two difficulties, but we will iron out, we will iron them out before we finish. Ok, this is something that needs ironing out. So notice, it's separable, it can be transitive or intransitive. Yeah, ok, so maybe you are watching this video to try ironing out one or two little problems in your English. Just the final little things you don't understand, or maybe English is a little bit compicated than that, and there will always be wrinkles or difficulties to iron out. Ok, so a phrasal verb to iron out, to find a solution to a problem, yeah, to resolve a problem. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!to iron out, iron, 燙鬥,用來燙衣服, 你可以用燙鬥熨襯衫。但是,這裡的iron out是個動詞短語,意思是解決一些小問題,找出解決問題的方法­。不要著急,我們會iron out 解決那些問題的,我們找到解決問題的方案,或許最佳的方案。所以­,我們可以說 to iron out一個難題或困難,甚至可以說to iron out wrinkles,這些皺紋起伏不定,我們要令它們平直,to iron out,從而令到問題得到解決。這裡有一兩個難題,我們會將它們­iron out,在完成工作前,我們會將它們解決。這是些需要被iron out的問題,注意,iron out是可以分離的,它既可以是及物的,也可以是非及物的。 也許你觀看這個錄像的目的是為了解決在英語上的一兩個難題, 你不明白的但具有決定性的小問題,總是存在一些難題需要去iro­n out, 去解決。所以,短語to iron out就是找到解決難題的方案,解決一個問題。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又­見面。

2013年9月26日 星期四

might as well

Hi there, students. Might as well, may as well, might just as well, may just as well, this is a formal, oh, sorry, this is an informal phrasem meaning it is probably better to do something than not to do it. But what does that mean? Ok, let's see, I have got nothing to do at the moment, so I might as well or might just as well go for a walk. So (???) I have got nothing to do, it would probably be better if I went for a walk, like that, I will occupy my time. It's saying that there is no reason why you should not do something. Yeah, why am I here, why am in this shopping centre, I might as well get some pencils as well, I might as well get some pencils. I have come here to do another thing, and when I am here on balance, it would be better for me to get some pencils. Notice you very often use 'may as well', meaning you are agreeing to an idea. So for example, my friend says "do you want to come with me tomorrow"?  I have got nothing to do, but coming with you is really boring. Well, I suppose I may as well come with you, I might just as well come with you. So I am saying 'yes'. I would like to come, but not with great enthusiasm. So this is a lack of enthusiasm, you are not very enthusiastic about this idea when you say 'might as well'  or even might just as well. Yeah, ok, it's you not accept wholeheartedly, you (?) 'yeah, this is a brilliant idea', 'all right, all right ,I suppose so, I might as well'. Yeah, you are not really keen on this idea. Now that you are here, I suppose I might as well pay you, now you are here, I can see you,  I might as well pay you, I am not enthusiastic about this idea, but as you are here, it's better that I do it than I don't do it. Yeah, ok, let's see. Today is really really hot and I have got some cooking to do but I don't really want to do it because it's really hot in the kitchen. But I might as well make a cake. I will do it, but I am feeling really good at it. Another way to look at this 'might as well ' or 'may as well', may or might means possibly, probably. And as well (??)  in this situation means appropriate or fitting. So I might as well come with you. Yeah, possibly, it's appropriate, or possibly it is fitting that I come with you. Ok, that's another way we are looking at it. Yeah, I might as well, it's a way of saying 'yes', but not with huge enthusiasm, it's better to do than not to do it, there is not a lot of difference. Maybe you are tired and you are bored, so you say 'I might as well go to bed'. I am bored and tired, here, so I have got nothing to do,  so on balance, it will be better that I went to bed. Ok, I might as well. It's another way of agreeing. It's another way of saying yes. It means what harm could it do, it can't be bad, it can't be negative if I do it. But it may not be extremely positive, it might (just be??) a little positive. Ok, so there you go, may as well, might as well, may just as well, might just as well, I think might as well is more common than may as well. I might as well plus the verb, the (part??) of the verb, . I might as well do this, I might as well come with you. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video a lot, give it a rating. This is not a question (as?) you might as well give it a rating. I would rather you are enthusiastic about giving it a rating, I suppose so, I might as well give it a rating, I prefer just give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!might as well,還有may as well, might just as well及may just as well,它是一個正式,對不起,是非正式用語,意思是“或許做­某件事要比不做好”。但是,它究竟代表什麼?我們看看,例如,此­刻,我沒有什麼事情好做,I might as well go for a walk, 我不如去散步算了。因為我沒有什麼事情要做,出於平衡,出去散步­可能會更好,那樣,我可以占滿我的時間。它是說“你沒有原因不應­該去做某事”。我為何在這裡呢?我為什麼在這個購物商場呢?我不­妨買點鉛筆算了。我來這裡做另外一件事,出於平衡考慮,我不妨買­點鉛筆。注意,你也會經常用到may as well,意思是你同意某種建議。比如說,我的朋友說:“你想不想明天到我這裡來”?我沒有什麼事­情要做,但是和你在一起真的很無聊,我假定會和你在一起,I might as well come with you。我說,我可以來,我很高興來,但是這裡面沒有很高的熱情­,少了一份期盼,當你說I might as well,或者might just as well時,你對這個主意並不是太熱衷。所以你並不是全身心接納­它,比如說:這是個無比好的主意,而是說,好吧,好吧,我可能會­來到,I might as well。你對這個建議缺乏熱情。你剛好在這裡,我不如把錢給你­算了。因為你在這裡,我能看到你,所以,我不如把錢還給你算了。­我並不是非常熱切想這樣做,但是既然你在這裡了,這樣做要比不這­樣做好。 我們再看看,今天非常非常熱,我要烹飪一些東西,但是我不是非常­想做,因為廚房非常熱。我還是做些西餅算了,今天,我不是十分想­做東西。我們從另外一個角度去看may as well或者might as well的意思是“可能,或許”。在這種情況下也可以做“適當,­適合”來解釋。我還是過來和你一起算了,這是可能的,對於我和你­在一起,是適當的或適合的。所以,might as well的意思是“行,好的”,但是沒有太大的熱情,做要比不做­好,但做與不做的分別不大。你或許感到悶或者疲倦,於是說:我還­是去睡覺算了。我沒有事情做,又悶又累,出於平衡考慮,我不如去­睡覺算了。這是另外一種方式去表達贊同,意思是“這麼做的話,我­又能造成什麼損失嗎?這樣做也不是壞的”,如果我這樣做,也不是­什麼負面的事情,當然,這樣做也不是絕對積極的事情,算是有點積­極吧。 . 好了,在might as well, may as well, might just as well和may just as well中,我忍為might as well最為常用。用might as well加上動詞,比如I might as well come with you。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下‘喜歡’評級;這裡不要­用‘might as well’所包含的那種心態留下評級,我更希望你充滿熱情地留下­喜歡評級。如果你用might as well去這樣做,我寧願你還是簡單留下一個評級算了。訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年9月13日 星期五

a sitting duck

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a sitting duck'? A sitting duck is an easy victim and an easy target. Let's see, it's (phegratif??) and it gives you the idea of hunters trying to shoot or catch ducks. And a duck that is sitting on the ground or sitting on the water, it is very easy to shoot. It's much more difficult to shoot it when it's flying in the sky. So a sitting duck is an easy target, something that hunters can shoot easily. But nowadays we use this to mean an easy victim and easy target for something. Ok, so for example, old people who can not walk very fast, who can not run away are easy victims for (magers??), for thieves. Ok, they are sitting ducks. Ok, a sitting duck is an easy target . It could be somebody who is easy to insult because of their position. So for example, yeah, the politician was a sitting duck due to his position on unemployment which was very unpopular. So it was easy to be rude, to insult him about his position on unemployment, because everyone was against that, so he was a sitting duck, an easy target, an easy object, ok. So there you go, there is a new phrase for you, a sitting duck. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽說過a sitting duck這句常用語嗎?a sitting duck就是容易上當的人、容易受害的目標。我們想一下,(?)­獵人想射擊、捕獲鴨子。如果一只鴨子蹲在地上或者浮在水面上,獵­人是很容易打到它的。當它在天上飛的時候卻是很難射到的。所以,­a sitting duck就是一個非常容易對付的目標,是某種獵人容易射擊到的目­標。但這句話現今卻是用來表示一個容易受害的人或容易對付的目標­。比如說,無法快速行或者無法跑動的老年人很容易成為賊的目標。­他們就是sitting ducks。a sitting duck就是容易對付的目標,也可以是因其地位或職位而容易受羞­辱的某個人。比如,那個政治家因為他對失業狀況持有非常不收歡迎­的立場而成為一個sitting duck,因為每個人都反對他的立場,他很容易因其所持立場而受­到粗魯的對待、受到羞辱。好了,這就是一個新的常用語。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和­你又見面。

send shivers down somebody's spine

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'something sends shivers down somebody's spine'? This sends shivers down my spine. Well it has two similar but two different meanings. It either means you are really really frightened, you are terrified. The horror films send shivers down my spine. Or you are really excited, she touched me and it was really exciting, it sent shivers down my spine, so I was really excited. So let's look at this word, this phrase a bit.  To send, you all know. Shivers, to shiver is when you shake, when you either very cold , you tremble, or when you very excited, you could shiver as well. Ok, so the scene was so frightening, it sent shivers down my spine, my spine, is the bone that goes from my neck to my (tailsis?). It's the central bone that goes up and down you use to bent, your spine, yeah. Ok, so it sent shivers down my spine, I was terrified, it sent shivers down my spine, I was really excited. I won the lottery, it sent shivers up and down my spine, if you like, yeah. Notice, it can up as well it is down. The night was dark, the bats were flying past. I was really frightened, it sent shivers up and down or up my spine or down my spine. So there you go, something sends shivers up or down somebody's spine, meaning either to be really frightened, to be very very afraid, or to be very excited. Ok, so anyway, if this video sent shivers up and down your spine because it is so good, and left you in a state of excitment, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們有沒有聽過'something sends shivers down somebody's spine'這個短語?這個東西sends shivers down my spine, 它有兩個看似相近卻有不同的意思。它的意思或者是某人非常非常恐­懼,受了驚嚇,這個恐怖電影sent shivers down my spine,令我毛骨悚然;或者是該人非常興奮,她摸了一下我,­這令我很興奮,sent shivers down my spine, 令我興奮莫名。我們繼續學學這個短語。你已經明白send的意思­。shivers, 意思是當你戰抖時,你會shake, shiver。也許你很冷,你冷得發抖;也許你非常興奮,你會s­hiver。這個情景非常恐怖,令我毛骨悚然。spine, 脊柱是指從頸部一直到(尾骨?)的一條中央骨干,上下支撐人體令­到人體可以彎曲。所以,it sent shivers down my spine, 我被嚇著了;it sent shivers down my spine, 我感到十分興奮。我中了彩票,我顫栗不已。注意,這裡可以使用u­p或者down。天開始黑了,蝙蝠飛過,令到我毛骨悚然。好了,­to send shivers up or down somebody's spine, 或者是嚇壞了、嚇著了的意思,或者是非常興奮的意思。如果這個錄­像非常好,sent shivers up and down your spine, 令你感到興奮,那麼,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道, 我將很快和你又見面。