2013年9月13日 星期五

a sitting duck

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'a sitting duck'? A sitting duck is an easy victim and an easy target. Let's see, it's (phegratif??) and it gives you the idea of hunters trying to shoot or catch ducks. And a duck that is sitting on the ground or sitting on the water, it is very easy to shoot. It's much more difficult to shoot it when it's flying in the sky. So a sitting duck is an easy target, something that hunters can shoot easily. But nowadays we use this to mean an easy victim and easy target for something. Ok, so for example, old people who can not walk very fast, who can not run away are easy victims for (magers??), for thieves. Ok, they are sitting ducks. Ok, a sitting duck is an easy target . It could be somebody who is easy to insult because of their position. So for example, yeah, the politician was a sitting duck due to his position on unemployment which was very unpopular. So it was easy to be rude, to insult him about his position on unemployment, because everyone was against that, so he was a sitting duck, an easy target, an easy object, ok. So there you go, there is a new phrase for you, a sitting duck. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽說過a sitting duck這句常用語嗎?a sitting duck就是容易上當的人、容易受害的目標。我們想一下,(?)­獵人想射擊、捕獲鴨子。如果一只鴨子蹲在地上或者浮在水面上,獵­人是很容易打到它的。當它在天上飛的時候卻是很難射到的。所以,­a sitting duck就是一個非常容易對付的目標,是某種獵人容易射擊到的目­標。但這句話現今卻是用來表示一個容易受害的人或容易對付的目標­。比如說,無法快速行或者無法跑動的老年人很容易成為賊的目標。­他們就是sitting ducks。a sitting duck就是容易對付的目標,也可以是因其地位或職位而容易受羞­辱的某個人。比如,那個政治家因為他對失業狀況持有非常不收歡迎­的立場而成為一個sitting duck,因為每個人都反對他的立場,他很容易因其所持立場而受­到粗魯的對待、受到羞辱。好了,這就是一個新的常用語。如果你喜­歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和­你又見面。

