2014年6月16日 星期一


Hi there, students. A glimmer, to glimmer, ok, to glimmer is to shine, a glimmer, a flash of light. But particularly when the light is reflected. So for example, the moon was glimmering on the surface of the ocean. Ok, it was shinning. Normally a glimmer is not particularly bright or (incandist??). It's quite fade. So a faint glimmer, a very small glimmer, a small shine, ok. Now we can use this alsometaphorically. There was a glimmer of hope that our team might win. A very small of (m...?), a small shine, a small light, there was glimmer of light at the end of tunnel. Ok, a glimmer of light. I explained the situation to him and a glimmer of understanding coming to his mind, a flash of understanding, not complete, but a little bit. Ok, to glimmer. Yeah, a dim or flickering light perhaps in the distant, they can be very close as well, yeah, for example, the candle glimmered in his eyes. Or we could see the fire glimmering through the windows, shinning. Yeah, ok, so normally remember it is a dim light , it is not a strong intense light. The searchlight glimmered in my eyes, no, yeah, the searchlight shined in my eyes, the searchlight shone in my eyes, but not a glimmer, a glimmer must be much less. The stars glimmer in the sky, they (sentelate??), yeah. Ok, so a glimmer, a small shine but can be a small amout, particular a glimmer of hope, yeah, and maybe a glimmer at the end of tunnel. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a glimmer, 或者to glimmer是閃爍的意思。a glimmer是一道光亮的意思,特別是指當光被發射回來的時候。比如,月亮光在海面上閃爍,倒映發光。通常a glimmer不會是明亮的,一般是比較淡的光,a faint glimmer, 微弱的光,細微的光,微光在閃爍。我們亦可以用它來比擬。我們的球隊仍有微弱的希望可以贏得比賽。細小的數量,微弱的閃光,細弱的光亮。在隧道盡頭出現一道微弱的光,用比喻的方式表達仍有一線希望。我向他解釋了當前狀況,一絲理解出現在他腦海中,一道光閃現在他腦中,他開始明白了,不是完全明白,但是有點明白了。to glimmer是指在遠處昏暗的、搖曳的光,當然,也可以是近距離的。比如,蠟燭的光在他眼中閃爍,我們可以看到火光透過窗戶搖曳。記住,通常glimmer是昏暗的光,不是十分耀眼的強光。探照燈的光在我眼中閃爍,不,不是這樣用的,探照燈的光在我眼中閃耀著,強烈閃耀,但是不可以用glimmer,glimmer一定是非常微弱。天上繁星閃爍。a glimmer,是閃現的意思,但是十分微弱,一絲微弱的希望,隧道盡頭的一絲光亮。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

