2014年6月26日 星期四

tone down

Hi there, students. To tone something down, ok, this is to change the language or perhaps piece of writing or a speech to make it less offensive or less fulsome. Ok, so, could you tone down your language, could you reduce your tone to make it more friendly and less aggressive? You could have a really bright colour orange, that's really shining and you want to tone it down. So maybe you could add some white to the colour and tone down, reduce the intensity of the colour. But normally we tone down, what we are saying, we tone down a letter or we tone down a speech or something that has a message. Yeah, it's something that is very strong, people could easily be offended, you need to tone it down and be more polite. Yeah, to tone down your language, to tone down the way you express something, ok. So you really need to tone it down if you want to get on well with these people. You need to be polite and not use strong language or not use words or phrases that might offend them. Maybe you need to use some euphemisms, ok. So to tone down, to decrease intensity, so somebody or other people won't be shocked , they won't be surprised, they won't be upset, yeah.Ok, to tone it down, to make it less fulsome, less direct, less offensive. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to tone down某事,是指降低言語(也許是一段書寫內容或講詞)中的冒犯性、厭惡性。你可以tone down你的話嗎?將你的話變得柔和一點。降低你的聲調,令到它友好些,少點侵犯性。對於非常鮮艷的橙色,發光耀眼,你想要tone down,想衝淡它的鮮艷,你可以將寫白色加入其中,to tone down, 減低橙色的強度。但是,通常我們會tone down我們所說的話、一份信、一段演講或者包含信息的內容。由於該內容非常強烈,其他人很容易被冒犯,你需要tone it down,你需要衝淡它,令它柔和,令其更有禮儀性。to tone down你的話,令你表達的內容更加柔和。如果你真想和這些人友好相處,你就要tone down你的話,令其柔和,不要使用語氣太強的詞,不要使用傷害他人的詞語。或許你需要使用一些委婉語。所以,to tone down就是降低語言的強度,令到其他人不至於震驚、驚訝,不至於氣惱。to tone down,就是少些直接性,少些厭惡性,少些冒犯性。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

