2014年7月28日 星期一

as long as

Hi there, students. You know the phrase 'as long as', so what does this mean and how do we use it? Well, the phrase as long as means on conditon that. So for example, I will help you as long as you need me. On condtion that you need me, I will continue to help you. And when you don't need me anymore, I will stop. As long as I have got enough money, I will come with you to the cinema tomorrow. So on the condtion that tomorrow I have enough money, I will come with you tomorrow. Ok. Now notice, as long as plus present, then either present or future. So as long as we use for zero conditionals and first condtionals. Ok, this is a real situation, a real contional, a real (of them??). As long as he is polite, I will stay. Ok, this is a first contional. If he is polite, I will stay, on the contion that he is polite, I will stay, a first condtional. As long as my children are happy, I am happy. Ok, that is a zero conditional. As long as, on the condition that my children are happy, I am happy. So here is a zero conditional.Ok, and it's that simple. As long as means on the condtion that while the condition is true. Ok, as long as plus present, then future, first condtional; as long as plus present then present, zero conditional. Or you could even have as long as past, then past. As long as I got good marks at school, my teacher were happy, ok that's a zero condtional in the past as well. Ok, so as long as, while a condtion is true, then...but for real condtionals. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你一定知道as long as 這個動詞短句,但是,它是什麼意思?怎麼用呢?這個短句有on the condition that的意思,如果,在...條件下的意思。I will help you as long as you need me,如果你需要我,我就會幫你。on the condition that you need me, 如果你需要我,我會一直幫助你,當你不再需要我,我就會停止。如果我有足夠的錢,明天我就和你去看電影。如果明天,前提是我有錢,我就和你一齊去。注意,as long as後接現在時態,然後是現在時態或將來時態。所以我們用as long as表示零條件句和事實條件句。這是個真實的情況、條件。只要他有禮貌,我就留下。這是個事實條件句。前提是他有禮貌,我就留下。只要我的孩子高興,我就高興。這個是零條件句。前提是我的孩子高興,那麼我就高興。這是個零條件句。就是這麼簡單。as long as表示on the condition that,前提是真實的就可以。用as long as加上現在時態,然後接將來時態,就是事實條件句;as long as加上現在時態,然後接上現在時態,就是零條件句。甚至可以用as long as接上過去時,然後加上過去時態。只要我在學校得到好成績,我的老師就會高興。這是個過去式的零條件句。好了,這就是當條件是真實的情況下所得出的條件句。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2014年7月21日 星期一

by vs until

Hi there, students. What's the difference between by and until? Ok, by says that not later than a certain time. By Friday, not later than Friday. By two o'clock, not later than two o'clock. But until tells us how long a situation continues. He will be here until Friday. From now, the situation of being here will continue until Friday. So it tells us how long a situation is happening. I will be working here until next year. From now to a point in future. So this situation will continue. Ok, whereas by tells us not later than. So let's compare contrast. I will be working by Friday and I will be working until Friday. They are different meaning. I will be working by Friday means I will start work before or not later than Friday. Whereas I will work until Friday, I will continue working from now until Friday. Ok, so by tells us this is the limit, the deadline time, not later than that point, yeah. Maybe you have a use by date on a product, ok, means before, not later than. But until, tells us how long it will continue, so you can use this product until the tweny-eighth December. Ok, until, so until, from now onto a point. But by before a point in the future (as it reached?). Ok, so anyway, there you go, easy. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating ;subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!by和until之間的區別是什麼?by是不超過一個確定的時間, by Friday, 不遲於星期五。By two o'clock,不遲於兩點鐘。until則表達的是一個動作會持續多久。他將在著停留至星期五,從現在開始,停留在這的這個狀態將持續至星期五。它告訴我們一個動作會持續多久。我將在這工作到明年,從現在,直到將來的一個確定時間,該狀態會延續。而by則是說不遲於某個時間。我們來比較一下二者的差別。I will be working by Friday和I will be working until Friday。二者是有分別的。前者是我會開始工作,不會超過星期五。後者是從現在開始工作,一直持續至星期五。所以,by說的是限期、截止日期,不超過某個時間。比如在某個產品上的保質期,意思是不要超過確定日期食用。而until說的是某個動作持續的時間。你可以使用這個產品直至十二月二十八號。until是從現在至將來某個時刻,by是在將來的某個時點之前。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2014年7月19日 星期六

ward off

Hi there,students. Today's phrasal verb is to ward off, to turn aside, to keep away, to keep at a distance, to avert, to prevent, ok. Let me give you some examples, because these things with examples are easy to understand. Ok, I took an umbrella with me to ward off the rain, to keep off the rain, to keep the rain off my head. Ok, to ward off, to keep away,yeah. In the films, they always wear cross and galic to ward off the vampires, to keep the vampires away. Ok, the man tried to hit me with a stick but I used my arm to ward off, to keep away the blow, ok. To ward off, to hold something off, to hold something away. Ok, or for example, the banks are sending me letters, because they want me to pay the money. But my lawyer at the moment is managing to ward them off, to keep them away, ok. So notice, ward them off, is separable and transitive. Yeah, ok, to ward off, to keep away something that is bad for you, something that would hurt you, yeah. So to ward something off, to keep something away. In winter, I put on a thick jersey and a big coat to ward off the cold, to keep the cold away, ok. So to ward off, to keep away, to keep your body save, to keep away something bad that could hurt you, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!今天的動詞短語是ward off。ward off有避開、躲避、遠離、避免、躲開的意思。我給大家一些例句,相對容易理解。我帶了把雨傘遮雨,用來擋雨,遮住我的頭。這就是ward off,避開的意思。在電影中,他們通常戴上十字架和關上大蒜來驅趕吸血鬼。那個人想用棍子打我,我用胳膊擋住了這一擊。ward off, 是hold off的意思,將某物隔開。比如,銀行發來很多信件要求我還錢。我的律師正在將他們擋住。注意,ward them off, 此處ward和off是可以分開的,而且可以作為及物動詞來用。to ward off就是避開某件不好的事情,躲避某件將會傷害你的事。在冬季,我穿上厚厚的毛衣和大衣來躲避寒冷。to ward off就是令到你的身體安全,不受不好的東西傷害。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2014年7月3日 星期四

persecute vs. prosecute

Hi there, students. Do you know the difference between persecute and prosecute? Persecute, prosecute, ok, to persecute, is to be hostile to someone, because there are race, because there are religion, because there are political beliefs, because of the, maybe in the football team they support. Ok, to harass , to annoy someone persistently, constantly.So to give somebody a hard time. For example, th spanish in the middle ages persecuted the Jews and made them leave Spain. So they were making things difficult for people, they were making things difficult for Jews, because they didn't like them. Ok, so to persecute someone, to harass consistantly somebody, because there are race, because there are reglion, because there are belief, ok. Now prosecute is very different. Prosecute means to take legal proceedings against somebody. The police prosecuted the theif for stealing, ok. To prosecute, to take to court, yeah. So notice, these are very different things, you could perhaps persecute somebody by prosecuting them for the things they do if you make the laws that are...they break, then you can persecute them by prosecuting them. But notice, these are very different things, prosecute, to take legal proceedings against somebody. To persecute, to harass, to give problems to somebody because they are....different, ok. So anyway, there you go. You are sure you are not going to get these two wrong anymore. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!你知道persecute和prosecute之間的區別嗎?對,persecute和prosecute。To persecute是對某人有敵意,可能是因為種族、宗教、信仰,也可能是因為支持某個足球隊,從而持續固定地騷擾、去干擾某人,令到該人很不好過。比如,西班牙人在中世紀時迫害猶太人,令其離開西班牙。他們給猶太人制造很多麻煩事,因為他們不喜歡猶太人。所有,to persecute就是基於種族、宗教及信仰而持續擾某人。prosecute則很不同。prosecute是采取法律程序控告某人的意思。警察控告小偷盜竊。prosecute就是告上法庭的意思。注意,它們是非常不同的兩個意思,如果他們所作的事情觸犯了法律,你或許可以對他們所作的事情提出控告的方式去擾亂他們。所以它們很不同。prosecute是采取法律程序去控告某人的意思;persecute是騷擾、帶給對方麻煩的意思。好了,我相信你們不會再將這兩個詞混淆。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。