2014年7月21日 星期一

by vs until

Hi there, students. What's the difference between by and until? Ok, by says that not later than a certain time. By Friday, not later than Friday. By two o'clock, not later than two o'clock. But until tells us how long a situation continues. He will be here until Friday. From now, the situation of being here will continue until Friday. So it tells us how long a situation is happening. I will be working here until next year. From now to a point in future. So this situation will continue. Ok, whereas by tells us not later than. So let's compare contrast. I will be working by Friday and I will be working until Friday. They are different meaning. I will be working by Friday means I will start work before or not later than Friday. Whereas I will work until Friday, I will continue working from now until Friday. Ok, so by tells us this is the limit, the deadline time, not later than that point, yeah. Maybe you have a use by date on a product, ok, means before, not later than. But until, tells us how long it will continue, so you can use this product until the tweny-eighth December. Ok, until, so until, from now onto a point. But by before a point in the future (as it reached?). Ok, so anyway, there you go, easy. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating ;subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!by和until之間的區別是什麼?by是不超過一個確定的時間, by Friday, 不遲於星期五。By two o'clock,不遲於兩點鐘。until則表達的是一個動作會持續多久。他將在著停留至星期五,從現在開始,停留在這的這個狀態將持續至星期五。它告訴我們一個動作會持續多久。我將在這工作到明年,從現在,直到將來的一個確定時間,該狀態會延續。而by則是說不遲於某個時間。我們來比較一下二者的差別。I will be working by Friday和I will be working until Friday。二者是有分別的。前者是我會開始工作,不會超過星期五。後者是從現在開始工作,一直持續至星期五。所以,by說的是限期、截止日期,不超過某個時間。比如在某個產品上的保質期,意思是不要超過確定日期食用。而until說的是某個動作持續的時間。你可以使用這個產品直至十二月二十八號。until是從現在至將來某個時刻,by是在將來的某個時點之前。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

