2014年7月3日 星期四

persecute vs. prosecute

Hi there, students. Do you know the difference between persecute and prosecute? Persecute, prosecute, ok, to persecute, is to be hostile to someone, because there are race, because there are religion, because there are political beliefs, because of the, maybe in the football team they support. Ok, to harass , to annoy someone persistently, constantly.So to give somebody a hard time. For example, th spanish in the middle ages persecuted the Jews and made them leave Spain. So they were making things difficult for people, they were making things difficult for Jews, because they didn't like them. Ok, so to persecute someone, to harass consistantly somebody, because there are race, because there are reglion, because there are belief, ok. Now prosecute is very different. Prosecute means to take legal proceedings against somebody. The police prosecuted the theif for stealing, ok. To prosecute, to take to court, yeah. So notice, these are very different things, you could perhaps persecute somebody by prosecuting them for the things they do if you make the laws that are...they break, then you can persecute them by prosecuting them. But notice, these are very different things, prosecute, to take legal proceedings against somebody. To persecute, to harass, to give problems to somebody because they are....different, ok. So anyway, there you go. You are sure you are not going to get these two wrong anymore. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!你知道persecute和prosecute之間的區別嗎?對,persecute和prosecute。To persecute是對某人有敵意,可能是因為種族、宗教、信仰,也可能是因為支持某個足球隊,從而持續固定地騷擾、去干擾某人,令到該人很不好過。比如,西班牙人在中世紀時迫害猶太人,令其離開西班牙。他們給猶太人制造很多麻煩事,因為他們不喜歡猶太人。所有,to persecute就是基於種族、宗教及信仰而持續擾某人。prosecute則很不同。prosecute是采取法律程序控告某人的意思。警察控告小偷盜竊。prosecute就是告上法庭的意思。注意,它們是非常不同的兩個意思,如果他們所作的事情觸犯了法律,你或許可以對他們所作的事情提出控告的方式去擾亂他們。所以它們很不同。prosecute是采取法律程序去控告某人的意思;persecute是騷擾、帶給對方麻煩的意思。好了,我相信你們不會再將這兩個詞混淆。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

