2014年7月19日 星期六

ward off

Hi there,students. Today's phrasal verb is to ward off, to turn aside, to keep away, to keep at a distance, to avert, to prevent, ok. Let me give you some examples, because these things with examples are easy to understand. Ok, I took an umbrella with me to ward off the rain, to keep off the rain, to keep the rain off my head. Ok, to ward off, to keep away,yeah. In the films, they always wear cross and galic to ward off the vampires, to keep the vampires away. Ok, the man tried to hit me with a stick but I used my arm to ward off, to keep away the blow, ok. To ward off, to hold something off, to hold something away. Ok, or for example, the banks are sending me letters, because they want me to pay the money. But my lawyer at the moment is managing to ward them off, to keep them away, ok. So notice, ward them off, is separable and transitive. Yeah, ok, to ward off, to keep away something that is bad for you, something that would hurt you, yeah. So to ward something off, to keep something away. In winter, I put on a thick jersey and a big coat to ward off the cold, to keep the cold away, ok. So to ward off, to keep away, to keep your body save, to keep away something bad that could hurt you, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!今天的動詞短語是ward off。ward off有避開、躲避、遠離、避免、躲開的意思。我給大家一些例句,相對容易理解。我帶了把雨傘遮雨,用來擋雨,遮住我的頭。這就是ward off,避開的意思。在電影中,他們通常戴上十字架和關上大蒜來驅趕吸血鬼。那個人想用棍子打我,我用胳膊擋住了這一擊。ward off, 是hold off的意思,將某物隔開。比如,銀行發來很多信件要求我還錢。我的律師正在將他們擋住。注意,ward them off, 此處ward和off是可以分開的,而且可以作為及物動詞來用。to ward off就是避開某件不好的事情,躲避某件將會傷害你的事。在冬季,我穿上厚厚的毛衣和大衣來躲避寒冷。to ward off就是令到你的身體安全,不受不好的東西傷害。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個喜歡的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

