2013年7月21日 星期日


Hi there, students. To dither, a ditherer, to be in a dither, so a ditherer starts dithering and it is in a dither. Ok, to me, to dither means to be indecisive, to be unable to make up your mind. "Should I do this? " or "Sould I do that?" At a state of indecisive agitation. Please stop dithering and make up your mind, make a decision. Any decision is better than no decision. Any decision is better than dithering. Ok, to be irresolute, not to be able to make your mind up about something,  whether it is one thing or the other. Ok, so to dither, to be uncertain, to be indecisive, to be agitated. Normally from what I've seen, the British use it to mean to be indecisive. And the Americans use it to mean to be nervous, to be worried. Ok, this verb 'to dither' can also mean to tremble, maybe you are cold, you dither, you tremble, yeah. Ok, so to be in a dither, to be in a state of indecision. Ok, a ditherer never knows whether to do this or to do that. Ok, so, yeah, to dither , to be in an excited state of agitation, unable to decide if you are going to do A or B. To be undecided, yeah. Ok, to be worried, to fret about whether you are going to do this thing or another thing. He is in a dither about this, he is worried and trying to decide whether to do this or that, in a state of nervous agitation. Ok, so to dither, to hum and haw about something. Yeah, ok, I am still dithering whether to buy this model or that model.  So to dither, to be unable to decide about it. So anyway, to dither, a ditherer dithers about something. Ok, and to be in a dither. Ok, it's a phrase, to be in a flap, to be in a stew about something. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, don't dither and give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to dither, a ditherer, to be in a dither, 一個優柔寡斷的人開始憂慮,事情處在無法決斷狀態。對我來說,t­o dither意思是猶豫不決,無法下決心,我應該做這件事還是那­件事?處於一種無法決斷的焦慮狀態。請停止猶豫,下定決心並做出­決定。有決定總比沒有決定好。任何決定都比猶豫不決好。to dither就是猶豫不決的意思,無法下定決心去做任何一件事。­所以,to dither就是無法確定某事,無法決斷,處於焦慮狀態,我的理­解是英國人用dither來表示‘無法決斷’的意思;而美國人則­用它來表示‘緊張、擔憂’的意思。dither還有‘顫抖’的意­思,比如你覺得寒冷,你會發抖。to be in a dither, 是事情處在無法決斷狀態的意思。dither,就是處於一種激動狀態下的焦慮,無法決定是做事情­­A還是事情B。無法決定,擔憂、焦慮無法決定究竟要做哪件事。­他處在矛盾猶豫中,他在憂慮並試圖在兩件事中作出決定。他處在緊­張狀態下的焦慮中。to dither, 就是對某事吞吞吐吐、猶猶豫豫的意思。我始終在猶豫,應該買這種­型號還是那一種。to dither,就是無法做出對某件事的決定。好了,這就是dit­her, 一個猶豫的人對某件事開始猶疑。to be in a dither也是一個短句,意思是be in a flap,焦慮煩惱中, 或者in a stew, 擔憂憤懣。如果你喜歡這個錄像,不要猶豫,馬上留下一個‘喜歡’­評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

