2013年7月19日 星期五


 Hi there, students. To jostle, ok, this is to push against somebody typically in a crowd, you elbow against them. Imagine you get onto the bus, and there are lots lots of people on the bus. As (the must??) the bus moves, different people jostle you, you are jostled in the bus. Ok, you are elbowd in the bus, they push against you, they shove against you,yeah. If you are in a Discotheque, and it is really crowded, and you need to walk through, to walk to see soembody, you jostle you way, you push your way, you shove your way, through the crowd. And perhaps the crowd are dancing, they jostle you here and there, you are pushed against, pushed against, pushed against. So this is typically in a crowd. The waiter was carrrying a tray, but he was jostled and the drinks fell over. Ok, to jostle, to push against, to pump against somebody, yeah, ok. So, yeah, they were, he was jostled, you get onto the underground, yeah, yeah, onto the tube. And the car is full of people.  You are jostled this way and that, as everybody tries to stand up without falling over. Ok, to jostle, to push, to push against. to jostle your way through the crowd. Ok, there you go, that is a new word for you. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to jostle, 這個詞的意思是用手撞開某人,特別是在人群中,你用肘部頂開其他­人。試想你登上一架巴士,車上人頭洶湧。當車開動時,不同的人在­用手推撞你,你被他人推來推去,你被他們用手推開。如果你在一間­迪斯科舞廳,裡面非常擁擠,你想穿過人群去找某人。你用手推開人­群, 撞開人群擠出一條路,穿過人群。大家正在跳舞,你被推來推去,撞來撞去。這種情況一般是發生在擁­擠的人群中。侍應端著一個托盤,他被人撞了,托盤上面的飲料跌了­下來。所以,to jostle是被擁撞的意思。比如你上了一架地鐵,車廂裡載滿了­人,你被撞得左右搖擺。每個人都試圖站穩,避免跌倒。所以,to­ jostle就是撞開他人而穿過人群的意思。你又明白了一個新詞­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你又見面。

