2013年7月14日 星期日

in, ir, im, dis, un, il

Hi there, students. Im, ir, un, in, dis, ok, these are all negative prefixes. Ok, a prefix is something that goes at the beginning of a word. And a negative prefix is something that goes at the beginning of a word to make it negative. So for example, un, so we have the word 'necessary', to make that negative, we can say 'unnecessary'. Yeah, if something is forgivable, we can make it negative by saying unforgivable. Perhaps you are (contrus...?), then you could be (uncontrus?). Something is avoidable or unavoidable. Are you available or are you unavailable? Authorised and authorised signature and unauthorised, unauthorised. Attended, unattended. Ok, so notice, un is a negative prefix. Then again, we could have ir, i, r. So this is repairable, this is irrepairable, it's not possible to repair it. But it is replaceable or it is irreplaceable. Ok, something that could be replaced. Is this relevent or irrelevant? Are you are rational or irrational person? Are you regular or irregular? Is this recoverable or irrecoverable? Notice it's very common words that start with r to have ir at the front. And it's normally i double r, so rational, irrational; i, double r, (a, t?), irrational. But not always, reputable, disreputable. so it doesn't always work. Ok, so what about in? So this is viable, or is it invisible? So is this word formal or informal? Are upi efficient or inefficient? This is a very effective method, or is it an inaffective method? Are you credible or incredible? Convenient or inconvenient; complete or incomplete; accurate or inaccurate, ok, so, in. Also very often, we have the prefix im, so last one was in, this one is im, i, m. So this is probable or improbable? This guy is polite and that guy is very impolite. Are you patient or impatient? This is movable and that is immovable. Are you a moral person or an immoral person? Ok, yeah, this is a mobile unit, but that is immobile, you can't use, you can't move it. Something you can measure, it's measurable; and if you can't, it's immeasurable. And an adult is mature, a child is immature. And then you have two things in balance, or maybe there is imbalance, ok, a balance and an imbalance. Ok, we could also even have ill, i double l, legible, illegible. Legal, illegal. Yeah, ok, then for the last one, we need to look at dis. So you could have an advantage or disadvantage. You continue, something continues, or it's discontinued, you discontinued. You have order and chaos, disorder. You are qualified to do this, you are disqualified, prohibited from doing this. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied? So there you go some examples im, ir, un, in, dis and il. It's very difficult to know which to use in which situation and this you need to learn. Yeah, you need to learn the positive and the negative, the negative prefix that goes with. Sometimes we a or an as well. This is typical, this is atypical. This is virus, this is antivirus. Ok, so there we are, there are slections of these, there are no strong rules to these. If it starts with the words sounds with r, it's probably i double r. And if the words starrt with l, then it's i double l, legal, illegal, responsible, irresponsible, but that is not always true. So anyway, negative prefixes. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!im, ir, un,in, dis, 它們都是否定前綴。前綴是放在某個詞前面的結構,否定前綴就是放­在某個詞前面,令到它具有否定意思的前綴。比如,un這個前綴,­necessary, 我們可以在它前面加上un將它變成否定詞,unnecessar­y。如果某事是可以forgivable, 我們可以用un將它變成否定詞,unforgivable。也許­你是清醒的conscious, 你也可以是unconscious, 不清醒的。某件事可以是avoidable,或者unavoid­able。你是available還是unavailable? authorised 簽名還是unauthorised簽名? attend,還是unattended? 所以,要注意,這裡的un,是否定前綴。ir也是一個否定前綴。­這個東西是repairable, 可以修復的,或者irrepairable, 無法修復。這個東西是可以替換的,replaceable, 或者無法替換,irreplaceable。這是相關的一件事嗎?relevant,還是不相關的事,irr­elevant? 你是理性的人rational, 還是非理性的人,irrational? 你有條理嗎,regular,還沒有條理,irregular? 這個可以復原嗎,recoverable, 還是無法復原,irrcoverable? 注意,通常以r開頭的詞會用ir在詞頭構成否定詞,比如rati­onal, irrational。但也不是絕對如此,比如,reputab­le, 否定詞是disreputable。所以,事情不是一成不變的。­我們再看看in, 這個東西是可視的嗎,visible, 還是不可視的,invisible? 這個詞是比較正式的,formal,還是非正式的,inform­al?你是有效率的人嗎,efficient,還是沒有效率的人­,inefficient?這是一種非常有效的方式,effec­tive, 還是不太有效的方式,ineffective?你信用度高不高?creditable還是increditab­le? 方便還是不方便?convenient 還是inconvenient? 完整的還是不完整的? complete還是incomplete? 精確的,還是不精確的?accurate還是inaccurat­e? 這就是in的用法。除了in以外,我們還有im這個否定前綴。這­件事有可能還是不大可能? probable還是improbable? 這個家伙很有禮貌,polite;那個家伙沒有禮貌,impol­ite。你有耐性還是沒有耐性?impatient還是patient?­­這個東西可以移動,movable, 那個東西不能移動,immovable。你是個有道德的人,mo­­ral, 還是個沒有缺德的人,immoral? 這個是可移動裝置,mobile, 那個是不可移動裝置,immobile。有些東西是可以度量的,­­就是measurable;有些是不可度量的,是immeas­u­rable。成年人是成熟的,小孩子是不成熟的,matur­e and immature。你可以有兩個東西,它們處於平衡狀態,bal­­ance;也可以是不平衡的,imbalance。否定前綴還­有­il,legible, 和illegible。合法的和非法的,legal和illeg­­al。最後一個否定前綴是dis,你有長處和短處嗎? advantage和disadvantage。你持續做某事,­­continue, 某事是持續的;也可以是不持續的,discontinued. 我們可以說order和chaos,也可以說disorder。­你夠資格做這件事,qualified,或者你不夠資格,dis­qualified,你不許做這件事。你滿意還是不滿意,sat­isfied 或者dissatisfied。所以這裡提到了一些例子,in, ir, un, im, dis 和ir,至於在何種情況下用哪個前綴是非常困難的一件事,你需要­學習,你需要學習肯定詞義和否定詞義。有時我們也用a和an作為­否定前綴。這件事很典型,typical,這件事不是很典型,a­typical。這個是帶有病毒的,virus,這個是抗病毒的­,antivirus。這裡的這些前綴是有選擇性的,這些否定前­綴沒有固定的規則,如果是r開頭的詞,通常用ir,變成有兩個r­;如果是l開頭的詞,則變成了ill,比如legal,ille­gal,logical, illogical,responsible, irresponsible。但也不總是這樣。如果你喜歡這個錄­像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

