2013年6月9日 星期日

it serves you right

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'it serves you right, it serves im right, it serves them right'? Ok, this is when something bad happens to you, and you deserve it happened to you, because you have behaved unreasonably or negligently or stupidly. Let me give you an example. If you get really drunk, and then you get in to your car and drive it, and you have a crash, it serves you right. You shouldn't have got in to your car, drunk and drive it.  The results of the accident is your stupidity at driving when you were drunk. Ok, so it serves you right, it serves Michael right, he deserves this bad thing to happen, or he deserves this punishment. Ok, let me try another example. If you go out when there are lots of grey clouds in winter, and you don't take a coat, and you get really cold, it serves you right. You should have taken a coat. So if you are irresponible, if your actions lack resonsibility, and then something bad happens as a result, in English we say 'it serves me right, it's my fault, because I didn't do soemthing logical' . Something that I should have done. Yeah, so it serves you right to receive punishment or something bad happens because you have behaved irrsponsibly or negligently. Ok notice we nearly always use this in a negative sense, we don't use it in a positive sense. So it is only when something bad happens to you that it serves you right. Yeah, if we use the verb 'to deserve',  you deserve this, it could be bad, it could be good. If you study hard, you deserve to do well. But if you don't study and you failed your exam, you deserve it, it serves you right for not studying, ok. So there you go, anyway, it serves you right, it serves me right, yeah, another idiom for you. So anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你有沒有聽說過這個短語:it serves you right? it serves him right? it serves them right? 這句短語是說當某件不好的事情發生在你身上,而你是自討苦吃,因為你表現得非常不理性、粗心大意、愚不可及。我舉個例子,如果你醉得很厲害,卻鑽進汽車去開車,然後撞車了,那麼你就是活該。你不應該在醉醺醺的時候鑽進汽車去開車。後果是由於你在喝醉的時候仍要開車造成的。it serves you right, 你活該,你自討苦吃,麥克自討苦吃,這件壞事發生在他身上,他是自找的,他活該受罰。我再舉一個例子。如果你在彤雲密布的冬天外出卻不穿外套,你凍得要死,你活該!你應該一早穿上外套才出去。如果你缺乏責任感,如果你的行為缺少責任性,惡果顯現,在英語裡,我們說:it serves me right, 我活該!這是我的錯,因為我沒有按常理做本該做的事情。所以,it serves you right就是說你因非理性的、粗心大意的行為而受到懲罰或不好的事情降臨在你身上。主意,我們幾乎總是在否定意思中使用這個短句,而不會在肯定意思中使用。所以僅當不好的事情發生在某人身上時,我們才說:it serves you right。如果我們用deserve這個詞,它可以表達正面的意思,也可以是負面的。如果你學習很用功,你應得獎賞。如果你不用心學習,考試失敗了,你活該!你自找的!好了,這就是我給你們的一個常用語:it serves you right. 如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

