2013年6月6日 星期四


Hi there, students. Tacky, tacky, ok, this actually has two meanings. The first meaning is perhaps when you paint something, and the paint starts to dry, and you put your finger on it and it's still sticky. You say 'it is tacky'. It's still a little bit sticky. It's not completely dry. Or maybe glue, it's still tacky, it's still a little bit sticky but not completely dry. That's a slight stick feel to it, your finger sticks to it. But that's not for me the main meaning,  or the most important meaning. Tacky means of poor taste, of poor quality. So many people say the British are really rather tacky dresses. The dress sense of the Brithish is tasteless, old fashioned and not good. Ok, so tacky, shabby in appearance, not fashionable, cheap and flashy, maybe even garish, ok, garish, g-a-r-i-s-h. Cheap and (voga?), even crude. So without fashion, without (cen..?), without decor, yeah. So the decoration of a cheap hotel is very often tacky. Bad quality, cheap, tries to look good, but it's not good. The colour skin is bad and it is not fashionable. So, tacky, a tacky building, a tacky decoration. Maybe you see in some shops lots of tacky cheap jewelry. Jewelry that is cheap and it look really flashy and good but it really not fashionable and not elegant, it's tacky. So notice tacky is quite an insult, yeah. It says you have, if you call a person tacky, you are saying they are not fashionable, they have no sense of fashion, elegance or taste. their sense of taste is just not good, tacky, ok. So what's the origin? I have read but I am not sure. The tacky comes from a horse and tack, a horse and a cart to go with it which implies a farmer, a farmer with no money. Yes, an American farmer with no money maybe in the 19 century has or the early 20 century has a horse and a tack, a horse and a cart or a carriage to go with it instead of a car. So he doesn't have taste, he is tacky. Anyway, so, I hope this video wasn't too tacky,  too flashy, too garish. And if you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!tacky, 這個詞實際上有兩個意思,第一個意思是當你刷油漆的時候,油漆開­始變干。你用手指去按油漆表面,油漆仍然有點粘手,這就是tac­ky,還沒有完全干,還是有點黏。或者拿膠水來說,就是有點ta­cky, 有黏的感覺,你的手指有黏的感覺,手指被膠水粘住了。但是對我來­說,這並不是tacky的主要含義或者最重要的含義。tacky­有品味差、品質差的意思。很多人說英國人在穿著上品味很差。英國­人的穿著意識在某種程度上缺少品味、過時古板,令人不敢恭維。t­acky,有外表品質低劣、不合潮流的、廉價的、俗麗的意思,甚­至可以說是華而不實的、劣質的、(?)甚至是粗劣的意思。 所以,不符潮流,(?)、沒有修飾,廉價酒店的裝修通常是非常低­劣的,質量差、劣質,看上去好,實際很差。外表顏色很差,完全不­合潮流。我們可以說a tacky建築,a tacky裝修,劣質的建築,低劣的裝修。很多店鋪都賣tack­y的珠寶,廉價劣質的珠寶。它們看起來很華麗,但是實際上並不華­美。tacky其實是一種侮辱,如果你稱一個人tacky,你是­說他不時尚、沒有潮流感、不高雅、沒有品味,他們品味非常之差。­tacky這個詞的起源是什麼呢?我曾經閱讀過它的起源但是並不­能肯定。tacky這個詞來自於horse and tack,馬匹及馬具意思,馬和馬拉的車廂,一並行走。這個詞暗­示農民,農民是沒有錢的。在19世紀或20世紀初,貧窮的美國農­民擁有horse and tack, 馬和馬具,指的是馬匹及馬拉的車廂,用以代替車輛。他沒有品味,­他很tacky。我希望這個錄像不會太tacky,太浮華、華而­不實。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道­,我將很快和你又見面。

