2013年6月8日 星期六

take something lightly

. Hi there, students. To take something lightly, the opposite of this is to take somthing seriously. So to take something lightly, to take it in a joking manner, to take without being serious about it. Ok, your question I am sure :what do I mean by take it or take something? This is talking about your attitude to something. So for example, the French take food very seriously. The British take it more llightly, for them it is a less serious subject. Maybe, maybe not, but these are examples.  Ok, so you can take something too lightly, be too jokey about it, not take it seriously enough. Or you can take things too seriously. When your friend plays a joke on you, you should take it lightly, you should laugh at it. You shouldn't take it seriously. Because it's only a joke. Ok, so to take something lightly, to have a light hearted, jocular, happy, funny, laughing attitude to something. As opposed to take it seriously, where you really think that this is really important thing and you worry a lot about it. So I think I have many students out there who take there English very seriously. Ok, they watch a lot of video, they work very hard at that. But sometimes you need to take your English lightly as well. Have fun when you learn, enjoy it, take it lightly, yeah, don't be so serious about it and maybe like that you learn more.  I don't know, anyway. I hope you take this video seriously, but with just a little touch to it. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to take something lightly, 這個短句的反義句是to take something seriously。它的意思是以開玩笑的態度對待某件事,不要太認真對待它。我知道你的疑問:你說的take it 或者take something 是什麼意思?其實,這個短句是在說你對待某件事所持的態度。比如,法國人看待食物是非常認真的,英國人則看得比較輕,對他們來說,食物並不是一件值得較真的題目。或許他們對食物也認真,或許不認真,這僅是個例子。所以你可以對某事看得很輕,用開玩笑的態度對待它,無需太過認真。你也可以對某事看得很重。當朋友開你的玩笑時,你應該看得很輕,一笑置之。你不該過於認真,只不過是個玩笑罷了。所以,to take something lightly,是用輕松的、幽默的、開心的、風趣的、開心笑的態度對待某事。to take something lightly的反面是to take something seriously,你可能因為事情太重要而十分看重、擔心它。我相信我有很多學生都對英語學習十分重視。他們觀看很多錄像,他們學得十分用心。但是有時你也需要將英語學習看得輕一些。在學習英語時要充滿樂趣,要享受學習過程,把它看得輕一些,不要太較真。如果那樣的話, 可能你會學得更多一些,當然,我也不太肯定。好了,我希望你認真對待這個錄像,但是也要輕松一點對待它。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

