2013年6月28日 星期五

the pot calling the kettle black

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'That sounds like the 'the pot calling the kettle black'? Ok, the pot, use a pot to cook with, and you use a kettle to boil water. In the old days, both of those were heated with fire. So the pot is black because it had soot all round it. And the kettle is black as well because it has soot on it as well. So what does this mean if you say 'that's the pot calling the kettle black'? This means somebody is criticising someone,  for something that they themslves are guilty of, for example, if I called somebody fat, I am pretty fat, that would be a case of a pot, me, fat person, calling the kettle black, I am calling another person fat, ok. That's the idea 'the pot calling the kettle black'. Perhaps there are two thieves, one of them says to another 'you are a thief', this is a case of 'the pot calling the kettle black', yeah. Because the person who is saying this has the same characteristic,  share the same characteristic as the person they are saying to. Ok, if I criticise somebody for having too much hair on their face, too much beard, again, that would be the pot calling the kettle black. I've got lots of facial hair, lots of beard. So I would be criticising somebody for something that it's wrong with me as well to. I (am not going to say it's wrong that you have facial hair?), because that's another question. Ok, so, the pot calling the kettle black, someone criticising something, for soemthing the first person, the pot, is guilty of, Ok. So, yeah, if you enjoy the video, give it a ratting; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!大家有沒有聽過這句短語:這聽起來像是the pot calling the kettle black。pot, 鍋,我們用鍋來烹調。kettle, 壺,我們用壺來燒水。過去,這兩樣東西都是用火來加熱的。鍋由於被煙熏火燎而變成黑色,壺由於同樣的原因也是黑色的。那麼the pot calling the kettle black 是什麼意思呢?它的意思是某人因為某事而責備另一個人,但是他同樣對此犯有過錯。比如,我說某人很胖,其實我自己就很胖,這就是一個‘the pot calling the kettle black’的例子,因為我自己很胖,卻笑別人很胖。這就是該短句的意思。比如有兩個賊,其中一個對另一個說:“你是一個賊”。這就是一個‘the pot calling the kettle black’的情況。因為說這話的人剛好同他所說的對像具有同樣的特征。如果我批評某人臉上有太多的毛發,即胡須,這也是一個例子,因為我同樣也有很多胡須,而我批評別人的缺點卻同樣出現在我自己身上。我並不是說有胡須是錯的,那是另外一個問題。the pot calling the kettle black, 就是某人批評另一個人的缺點,但是他自己卻同樣有該缺點。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

