2013年6月2日 星期日

sink in

 Hi there, students. To sink in, this is a nice little phrasal verb. Ok, so firstly to sink, the Titanic sunk, because it hit a iceberg. But to sink in is a phrasal verb so it has a slight different meaning. To sink in, to understand, to comprehend. Let me give you some examples to make it clearer and finally I hope this phrasal verb will sink in and you will understand it better. Ok, he had a serious accident and he could walk but it took a long time for the reality of his situation  to sink in. So it took a long for him to understand the reality. Something sinks in, you understand finally after a long time what the real meaning is. Maybe you spent a lot of time studying a specific subject in English. But it takes time and use practice for that to sink in. For you to understand it completely and be able to remember and use it correctly. He lost his job, but the reality of losing his job took some time to sink in. So he lost his job, but initially he didn't think about  or realize the true implications of losing his job. So it didn't sink in. But then he realized how am I going to pay for the house, how am I going to buy food, how am I going to pay for this and that is when the reality starts to sink in, to be absorbed or understood. Ok, so to sink in, to understand fully the implications of something. Or to understand completely how to use it. Ok, so maybe if you watch this video two or three times, the real meaning of useage of it to sink in, will sink in to your mind. Notice to sink in is normally intransitive, it doesn't take an objective. And then something sinks in to somebody, yeah. But, ok, he didn't understand the true implications and it took time for it to sink in. Notice again, intransitive. It (to? )sink in to his mind. Yeah, but it is normally intransitive. Ok, so to sink in, to understand the true implications, the reality of the situation. At the moment in Spain there is a big crisis. But many people are still spending money like there is no tomorrow. Maybe the reality of the crisis has not sunk in fully yet. So I am going to stop there. If you enjoy this video, give it rating; subscribe to my channel, watch the video again and think about it again for it to sink in, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

 各位!to sink in, 這個是個有趣的動詞短語。首先,to sink,泰坦尼克號由於撞到冰山沉沒了。這裡的to sink in是個短語動詞,意思上稍有不同。to sink in有明白、理解的意思,讓我給你舉些例子來說得更清楚一些,到­了最後我我希望這個短語動詞能夠被你們所理解,你們會更好地明白­這個詞。他遇到了嚴重的交通意外令到他無法行走。他用了很長時間­才認識到他所面對的現實情況。就是說他花了很長時間才明白他所面­對的現實狀況。某件事sinks in是說經過一段長時間之後,你終於明白了某件事的真正意義。或­許你花了很長時間學習英語中的某個特別內容,但是這需要使用並經­常練習這些內容,以便它們可以被更好地理解,令到你可以完全明白­並能記住和正確使用這些內容。他失去了這份工作,他花了很長時間­才認識到失去工作的這個事實。他沒有了工作,他一開始並沒有思考失去工作這個事實的內在含義,­這件事並沒有sink in。然後他突然意識到怎麼支付房款,怎麼承擔食物開支,怎麼支­付各種開銷,此時,失去工作的現實才真正sink in, 才真正被他體會理解到。to sink in是完全理解、明白某事帶有的暗示、含義的意思。如果你將這個­錄像看上兩三遍,你也許會體會到這個錄像的真正意思和用法,這些­東西會被你的思維所理解。注意,sink in是不及物動詞,後面不接賓語。我們要說某事to sink in to 某人。開始時他並不理解這件事的真正含義,花了很長時間這個事實­才被他所理解。再次注意,這裡的sink in是不及物動詞,sink in通常都是不及物動詞。to sink in就是理解真正現實環境所包含的意義。此刻西班牙正經歷一場嚴­重危機。但是很多人仍在大手大腳地花錢,似乎明天不會到來。也許­這場危機的真正含義還沒有sink in,還沒有真正被人們所理解。我要完成這個錄像了。如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,多看一遍這個­錄像,再思考一次它的意思,它的意思就會被sink in。好了,我將很快和你又見面。

