2013年1月30日 星期三

vowel sound b...n

Hi there. Ok. This is another of my videos with vowel sound. All of these words begin with b and end in n. Ok. and you get (have?)various vowel sounds combinations vowel sounds in the middle. So let's see, let's start with this. Number 1. bane. Number 2. barn. Number 3. ban. Number 4. Ben. Number 5. bun. Number 6. born. Number 7. bean. Number 8. bin. Number 9. bone. Number 10. boon. Number 11. burn. Ok. That's all of them. I hope you got them. So thanks for listening and if you got any questions, post below. Thanks very much. Bye.

各位!這是我錄制的另一個關於元音的視頻。所有這些詞都是以b開­頭,以n結尾。你會聽到各種元音及其組合在這些詞的中間。好了,­我們看看吧,開始。Number 1. bane. Number 2. barn. Number 3. ban. Number 4. Ben. Number 5. bun. Number 6. born. Number 7. bean. Number 8. bin. Number 9. bone. Number 10. boon. Number 11. burn. 好了,這就是全部詞,我希望你全部解決了。謝謝收聽,如果你有任­何問題,貼在下面。謝謝!再見!

spelling test

Hi there. I am going to spell some words and I want you to see if you can get the words that I am spelling. You might want a pen and a paper and you might be, you might (??) without it. So here we go, (that pen..??). So number 1. collect. Number 2. answer. Number 3. carry. Number 4. screen. Number 5. pilot. Number 6. architect. Number 7. towards. Number 8. parallel. Number 9. coffee. Number 10. deparment. Ok. I hope you got those. If you got any questions, please post below. thanks a lot. Bye

各位!我將拼出一些詞,我想讓你試試能不能將我拼的詞分辨出來。­你或許會需要筆和紙,沒有筆和紙不好做。我們開始。()1. collect. Number 2. answer. Number 3. carry. Number 4. screen. Number 5. pilot. Number 6. architect. Number 7. towards. Number 8. parallel. Number 9. coffee. Number 10. deparment.好了,我希望你將所有的詞都解決了。如果你­有任何問題,請貼在下面。非常感謝!再見!

2013年1月28日 星期一

vowel sound...r

Hi there. Ok. I am going to do another video with vowel sounds. So take a pen and a paper and write down the sounds you hear. Ok. This one starts with vowel sounds or combination vowel sounds and end with the sound r. Ok. Here we go. It's quite short. So let's begin. Number 1. Are. Number 2. air. Number 3. ear. Number 4. ire Number 5.are NUmber 6.err Number 7. or. Notice, there may be more than one answer to many of those. Ok. If you like to post your answers , I will help you if I can. Any questions post them as well. Thanks a lot. Bye.

各位!我將進行另一個與元音有關的視頻,准備一支筆和紙,把你聽­到的詞寫下來。本次的詞以元音或者元音組合開始,以r音結尾。好­,我們開始,這個視頻很短。Number 1. Are. Number 2. air. Number 3. ear. Number 4. ire Number 5.are NUmber 6.err Number 7. or。注意,這其中可能有不止一個相同的答案。好了,如果你想貼­出你的答案,我將盡量幫助你。有任何問題都可以貼出來。謝謝,再­見!

vowel sound h...t

Hi there. Ok. I am going to another one of these things I say words with different vowel sounds in the middle. Ok. This series begins with h and end in t. And you got very (involved) sounds of combinations of vowel sound between those two. So you are ready? Let's go. Number 1. hit. Number 2. hot. Number 3. heart. Number 4. hat. Number 5. height. Number 6. hurt. Number 7. heat. Number 8. hoot. Number 9. hut. Number 10. hate. Good luck and identify all words. Post the answers. Thanks a lot, guys.

各位!我將會做另一個中間有元音的詞彙練習。這一系列的詞以h開­頭,以t結尾。在這二者中間,有比較復雜的元音組合。准備好了我­們就開始。1. hit. Number 2. hot. Number 3. heart. Number 4. hat. Number 5. height. Number 6. hurt. Number 7. heat. Number 8. hoot. Number 9. hut. Number 10. hate。分辨這些詞語,祝你們好運。將你們的答案貼出來。謝謝­大家,再見~!

2013年1月27日 星期日


Hi. What I am going to do now is I am going to ask you some questions. So I suggest you might need a pen and a paper and just write down reasonable answers. Ok. so you are ready, let's start. First question: what would you put in the tank of the car? Number 2. Where does a miner work? Number 3. In which game the objective is checkmate? Number 4. At what age do children grow up? Number 5. What would you do with an iron? Number 6. Name a place where you might check in or check out. Number 7. Name a way you could hurt yourself. Number 8. How could a person become intoxicated? Number 9. How would a person be constipated? What would constipated mean? What does constipated mean? To be constipated, what can you do? Number 10. Nmae a place where you can tie a bow. Ok. Thanks very much. Bye.


2013年1月25日 星期五

vowel sound f...l

Hello. Ok, these vowel sounds videos seem to be popular, so here is another one. Ok, what you need is a pencil and a paper and I will say some words. You need to write them down and see if you can identify all of them. OK, all of these words begin with f and end in l. So you are ready, here we go. Number 1. full. Number 2. fuel. Number 3. fill. Number 4. feel. Number 5. file. Number 6. fail. Number 7. fall. NUmber 8. foal. NUmber 9. fall. NUmber 10. furl. Number 11.fell. good luck. Thanks very much.

各位。這些有關元音的視頻似乎很受歡迎,所以,我又錄了一個。你­需要一支筆和一張紙,我會說出一些詞,你需要將它們寫下來,看看­能不能將它們全部分辨出來。這些詞全部是以f開頭並以l結尾。准­備好了,我們開始。Number 1. full. Number 2. fuel. Number 3. fill. Number 4. feel. Number 5. file. Number 6. fail. Number 7. fall. NUmber 8. foal. NUmber 9. fall. NUmber 10. furl. Number 11.fell。 祝你好運。十分感謝!

spelling TEST

Hi there. What I am going to give you today is a spelling test. I am going to spell some words and you are going to have to decide what the words are. You may need a piece of paper for this, some people may not. OK. So I am going to spell the words and you need to decide what the words are. Let's start. Here is number 1. Number 1. money. Nuber 2. area. Number 3. decide. Nuber 4. camera. Number 5. visual. Number 6. object. Nubmer 7. arrow. Number 8. finger. Number 9. actual. And finally number 10. building. Thank you very much for your attention. If you got any questions, please post below.

各位!今天我要給大家的是一個拼寫測試。我將拼寫一些詞,你們自­己決定它們是些什麼詞。你或許需要一張紙和一支筆,有些人也許不­需要。我會拼出這些詞,你們看看它們是些什麼。我們開始,這是第­一個。Number 1. money. Nuber 2. area. Number 3. decide. Nuber 4. camera. Number 5. visual. Number 6. object. Nubmer 7. arrow. Number 8. finger. Number 9. actual. 最後是第10個,number 10. building. 多謝你耐心看完。如果你有任何問題,將它貼在下面。

2013年1月24日 星期四


 Hello. We are going to practise the numbers. I am going to say some numbers and you need to take a pen and a paper and write down the numbers I say to see if you can get them right. Easy. Number 1. 19. Number 2. 990. Number 3. 4,180. Number 4. 60,813. Number 5. 918, 330. Number 6. 9,415,580. Number 7. 19,540,314. Number 8. 819,613,550. and now lastly, Number 9. 1,913,817,770. Please post your answers and I will tell you if you got them right.

大家好!今天我們要練習數字。我會說出一些數字,你們要准備一支­筆和一張紙,將我說的數字寫下來,看看你能不能准確聽清楚。1. 19. Number 2. 990. Number 3. 4,180. Number 4. 60,813. Number 5. 918, 330. Number 6. 9,415,580. Number 7. 19,540,314. Number 8. 819,613,550. 最後是Number 9. 1,913,817,770。請把你的答案公布出來,我會告訴你­是否你的答案是對的。

2013年1月23日 星期三

vowel sounds k

1. Hi there. I am going to say a series of words that all begin with the sound k and then the sound t and they have very (?) vowel sound for combinations of vowel sound in between. What I recommand you to do is you get a piece of paper and a pencil and write down the words you hear. Ok, so now, here we go, you are ready for them. Number 1. cat. Number 2. caught. Number 3. kite. Number 4. cut. Number 5. kit. Number 6. coat. Number 7. coot. Number 8. cot. Number 9. cart. Number 10. curt. Number 11. kate. So what you (could) do is identify the sounds and words that I've said. Note, some of them may be people's names. So good luck identify them. Thank you!

各位!我將要說出一連串以k音開始並以t音結尾的元音詞,它們有­非常()的元音發音及元音混合體介乎於它們中間。我要你們找一張­紙和一支鉛筆,寫下你聽到的詞。好了,我們開始吧,你們應該准備­好了。Number 1. cat. Number 2. caught. Number 3. kite. Number 4. cut. Number 5. kit. Number 6. coat. Number 7. coot. Number 8. cot. Number 9. cart. Number 10. curt.  你所要做的是辨別並寫下我說的詞。注意,其中的一些詞可能是人的­名字。祝你好運找出它們!

2013年1月22日 星期二

Vowel sounds C

Hi there. What I am going to do today is a test, but this test is quite difficult. It's for people who are learning English. Now what you need is a pencil and a piece of paper and I want you to listen to the words I am going to say, and I need you to identify them and write them down. Ok. Are you ready? Here we go. call, kill, coal, kyle, carl, keel, cull, cool, coil, kale, curl. Ok, that's all of them. Now you know they all begin with k and they all end with L. Ok, but they have got different (sounds?)of vowels inside them. (Some of them you have got to say at beginning?). These words can also be names, Ok. So, let's listen again. 1. call, 2. kill, 3. coal, 4. kyle, 5. carl, 6. keel, 7. cull, 8. cool, 9. coil, 10. kale, 11. curl. . If you like to post your answers underneath, I will take how many you have got. Thanks very much. Bye.

各位!我今天要做的是一個測試,這個測試比較難。它是為學習英語­的人士准備的。現在你需要一支筆和一張紙。我需要你聆聽我即將說­出的詞,並分辨它們,然後將它們寫下來。准備好了嗎?我們開始:­call, kill, coal, kyle, carl, keel, cull, cool, coil, kale, curl. 這就是全部詞。現在你知道,它們全部是以k音開始,並且以l結尾­,但是它們內部卻有不同的元音。當中的一些詞也可作為人名存在。­好了,我們再聽一次:1. call, 2. kill, 3. coal, 4. kyle, 5. carl, 6. keel, 7. cull, 8. cool, 9. coil, 10. kale, 11. curl.好了,如果你將答案貼在下面,我會看看你答對了多少。­謝謝,再見。

2013年1月11日 星期五

That - When you need That and when you Can Omit That

Hi there, students. When do we omit that? Ok. For example, these glasses that I use to see, ok, I can also say 'these glasses I use to see' with no that. But I could also say 'these are the glasses that are yellow'. Now if I say that I can't omit the 'that', 'these are the glasses are yellow', no, 'these are the glasses that are yellow'. So what's the difference? Ok. These are the glasses that I use to see with. So here, I use the glasses, the glasses are the object. Yeah. And when 'that'  represents the object, these are the glasses that I use to see, then you can omit 'that'. Ok. These are the glasses that are yellow, these glasses are yellow, notice, here the glasses are now the subject, when 'that' represents the subject, then you can not omit the word 'that'. Ok, and that's the difference. So when 'that' represents the object of your relative clause, you can omit it. When 'that' represents the subject of your relative clause, you can't omit it. So this is the video that will help you understand , ok, the video, this is the video that will help you understand, the video will help you understand, so you can't omit 'that'. Ok. This is the video that Alax made, Alax made the video, 'that' represents the object, this is the video Alax made and you can omit it. Ok. and that's the difference. Ok, notice that's a difference 'that'. So just remember, when 'that' represents the subject of your relative clause, then you can't omit it, it's necessary. when 'that' represents the object of the relative clause, then you can omit it. I am sorry it's a bit complicated, but that's how it goes. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. This is a video that you give a rating to, so this is a video you give a rating to. You give a rating to the video, this is a video, that, option. Ok. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!我們什麼時候可以省略that? 不如,這些是我用來看東西的眼鏡,我也可以不用that,直接說­這些是我看東西的眼鏡。我也可以說,這些是眼鏡,黃顏色的眼鏡。­如果這裡我用了that, 我就不能省略that, 我不能說these are the glasses are yellow,不可以,these are the glasses that are yellow。這期間的分別在哪裡?這是我用來看東西的眼鏡,這­裡,我使用這個眼鏡,眼鏡是賓語,當that代替賓語,thes­e are the glasses that I use to see, 那麼,你可以省略that。在these are the glasses that are yellow,這個眼鏡是黃色的,注意,這裡的這個眼鏡不是賓語­。當that代表主語,你不可以省略that。這就是其中的分別。當that在定語從句中代表賓語時,你可以省­略;當that在定於從句中代表主語時,不可以省略。這是一個能­幫到你理解英語的錄像,this is the video that can help you understand, 你不可以省略that;這是一個Alex制作的錄像,Alex制­作了這個錄像,that代表了賓語,此時你可以省略它。這就是其­中的分別。注意到了嗎?這就是that在其中的分別。好了,要記­住,當that在定語從句中代表主語時,你不可以省略that, that是必須的;當that代表賓語時,你可以省略that。­我很抱歉,這也許是有點復雜,但是這正是that在此處的用法。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級。這是一個你­要留下評級的錄像,這是一個錄像,that是選項。好了,如果你­喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我講很快­和你又見面。

2013年1月10日 星期四

Using Should in Zero and First Conditionals

Hi there, students. Using should in zero and first conditionals. If I stop, you need to continue. If I should stop, you need to continue. If I should stop, you will need to continue. Notice, both of these are zero conditional and first conditional. If you should see him , say hello from me. If you see him, say hello from me. If the mixture starts to boil, turn off the heat. If the mixture should start to boil, turn off the heat. So we are using this "should" to say if by any chance this  happens. It'saying this thing is unlikely but possible and in that case then do something else. If you should feel cold, turn on the heating. If you should by any chance feel cold, I don't think you are going to feel cold, but if it happens, then please do the following. Ok, so if you should, if he should, if this happens, if by a remote unlikely chance this happens, then something else. Ok. Very often in this construction as well, we take away the 'should' and put, sorry, we take away the 'if', and put the phrase in a question form. So for example, if you feel cold, should you feel cold, then turn on the heating. Ok. Should you be hungry, go to the frdge to find something to eat. Ok. So should you, we make it into a question form and take away the 'if', but the meaning is the same. So notice, if you feel hungry, go to the fridge. It's possible, it's very possible you will feel hungry. Should you feel hungry, I don't think you will but the possibility does exist, then go to the fridge. And that is the idea of the 'should' in this type of zero and first conditional. It's most common, most commonly used in zero conditionals. So, if you enjoy this video, then give it a rating. Notice it's not a zero condition. If you have enjoyed it, maybe it is. If you have enjoyed it, then give an imperative rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!在零條件句和第一條件句中使用should,比如,我­停下來,你就接著做;假如我停下來,你就接上去。注意,這兩個就­是零條件句和第一條件句。假如你看到他,代我問候他;你見到他,­代我問候他。混合物停止沸騰就關掉加熱器;假如混合物停止沸騰,­就關掉加熱器。我們用should來表示某件事的發生存在任何的­可能性,就是說,這件事不像會發生,但卻是有發生的可能性,如果­是這樣的話,就做相應的事。假如你感到冷, 打開加熱器;假如萬一你感到冷,我不認為你會,但是如果這樣,就­做接下來的事。所以,如果you should, 如果he should, 如果這樣情況發生,如果有任何微小的機會會發生這樣的事,那麼就­做相應的事。在這個句子結構中,我們經常會將should去掉,­抱歉,不,我們將if去掉,然後將這個短語放在疑問句中。如果你­感到冷,或者should you feel cold, 就打開加熱器。假如你感到餓,就去冰箱裡找點東西吃。should you, 我們將它放入疑問句中,然後將if取消,意思是一樣的。所以,注­意,如果你感到餓,就去冰箱找吃的,這種情況是可能的,你感到肚­子餓是非常有可能的。假如你感到飢餓,我不認為你會,但是可能性­是確實存在的,那麼就去冰箱找吃的。這就是should在該種零­條件句和第一條件句中的用法。在零條件句中該種用法是十分常見的­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級。注意,這不是一­個零條件句,如果你已經喜歡上了這個錄像,嗯,或許這個是,那麼­就給這個錄像一個必要的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面­。

2013年1月3日 星期四

Future Continuous Future Perfect Simple Future Perfect Continuous

Hi there, students. OK, in this video, I am going to give you a contrast between the future continuous, I will be eating, the future perfect simple, I will have eaten, and the future perfect continuous, I will have been eating. Ok, let's look at the future continous (as a start?) Ok, the future continuous, we use for an action that will be occurent at a certain time in the future. So for example, tomorrow my lunch will be between 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Therefore, at 1:30, I will be eating lunch. Ok. I will be eating, future continuous, the action started before 1:30, the action is a current at 1:30, and the action probably in this case will be occurent after 1:30. Ok. So at 1:30 I will be eating lunch. Ok. The future perfect simple, I will have eaten, we use for an action that has finished at a certain point in the past. So tomorrow again my lunch is between 1 and two, at 2:15, I will have eaten lunch. Lunch has finished, I have finished eating lunch. Ok. At 2:15, I will have finished eating lunch before that point, before 2:15, eating lunch finished. And what about the last one, the future perfect continuous? I will have been eating. Well, we normally use this to say how long something will have been happening in the future. Let me explain with an example, with my example. Lunch is between 1 and 2 tomorrow. So at 1:30 tomorrow, I will have been eating lunch for 30 minutes. Between 1 o'clock and 1:30 , at 1:30, I will have been eating. a period of time, my lunch for 30 minutes. Ok. So it tells us how long something will have been happening. The duration before and up to a point in the future. So let me go through these (?)again. Future coninuous, an action started happening and probably continuing at a point in the future. Ok. So tomorrow at 1:30 I will be eating lunch. Ok. Future perfect simple, at 2:15, it is finished, something that finished before. So we use future perfect to say at a point in the future something will have been finished, will have terminated, ok. And future perfect continuous, to tell us how long an action has been occurent up to a point in the future. So at 1:30 tomorrow , I will have been eating lunch for 30 minutes. Ok. Anyway, I hope you understood all of them. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!在這個錄像裡,我會給出你們一個在將來進行時(我將正­在吃飯)、將來一般完成時(我將已經吃完飯)及將來完成進行時(­我將持續在吃飯)三者之間的對比。好了,我們來看看將來進行時作­為開始。將來進行時,我們用它來表示一種在將來某一時點正在進行的動作。­比如說,明天我的午飯將在1點和2點之間。這就是說,在1:30­分,我將正在吃午飯。I will be eating, 這是將來進行時。動作始於1:30之前,動作在1::30分正在­進行,而且在本例中這個動作或許在1::3分之後也仍將進行。好­了,在1::30分我正在吃午飯。至於將來一般完成時,I will have eaten, 我將已經吃完飯,我們用來表示動作在將來某一確定時點已經做完。­比如,還是1點至2點的午飯時間,在2:15分,我將已經吃完午­飯,午飯被完成了,我已經吃完了,在2:15分之前,我將已經吃­完午飯,在這一時點之前,午飯將已經被完成。那麼,作為最後一種情況,將來完成進行時又是怎麼樣的?我們通常­用它來表示在將來的某一動作將持續進行多久。我來用我自己的例子­來解釋一下。明天午飯時間設在1-2點。在1:30分開始,我將­正在吃午飯長達30分鐘。在1點和1:30分之間,從1:30­起,我將持續吃午飯一段特定時段。這個時態告訴我們一種動作將持­續進行多久,動作從之前發生,一直到將來某個時點的持續時間。好­了,我來將這些(?)來總結一下。將來進行時,動作開始並可能在將來某一時點持續進行。明天1:3­0分我將在吃午飯。將來一般完成時,在明天2:15分,我將已經­吃完午飯,表示某事已經在某一時點之前完成。所以我們用將來完成­時表示在將來某一時點的某一動作將已經被完成,將被終結。而將來­完成進行時則能告訴我們在將來某一時點之後,某一動作將持續進行­的時間。比如在明天1::3分開始,我將開始吃午飯並持續30分­鐘。好了,我希望你們都明白了這些例子。如果你們喜歡這個錄像,­請留下一個“喜歡”的評級。請訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面­。