2013年1月28日 星期一

vowel sound h...t

Hi there. Ok. I am going to another one of these things I say words with different vowel sounds in the middle. Ok. This series begins with h and end in t. And you got very (involved) sounds of combinations of vowel sound between those two. So you are ready? Let's go. Number 1. hit. Number 2. hot. Number 3. heart. Number 4. hat. Number 5. height. Number 6. hurt. Number 7. heat. Number 8. hoot. Number 9. hut. Number 10. hate. Good luck and identify all words. Post the answers. Thanks a lot, guys.

各位!我將會做另一個中間有元音的詞彙練習。這一系列的詞以h開­頭,以t結尾。在這二者中間,有比較復雜的元音組合。准備好了我­們就開始。1. hit. Number 2. hot. Number 3. heart. Number 4. hat. Number 5. height. Number 6. hurt. Number 7. heat. Number 8. hoot. Number 9. hut. Number 10. hate。分辨這些詞語,祝你們好運。將你們的答案貼出來。謝謝­大家,再見~!

