2013年1月23日 星期三

vowel sounds k

1. Hi there. I am going to say a series of words that all begin with the sound k and then the sound t and they have very (?) vowel sound for combinations of vowel sound in between. What I recommand you to do is you get a piece of paper and a pencil and write down the words you hear. Ok, so now, here we go, you are ready for them. Number 1. cat. Number 2. caught. Number 3. kite. Number 4. cut. Number 5. kit. Number 6. coat. Number 7. coot. Number 8. cot. Number 9. cart. Number 10. curt. Number 11. kate. So what you (could) do is identify the sounds and words that I've said. Note, some of them may be people's names. So good luck identify them. Thank you!

各位!我將要說出一連串以k音開始並以t音結尾的元音詞,它們有­非常()的元音發音及元音混合體介乎於它們中間。我要你們找一張­紙和一支鉛筆,寫下你聽到的詞。好了,我們開始吧,你們應該准備­好了。Number 1. cat. Number 2. caught. Number 3. kite. Number 4. cut. Number 5. kit. Number 6. coat. Number 7. coot. Number 8. cot. Number 9. cart. Number 10. curt.  你所要做的是辨別並寫下我說的詞。注意,其中的一些詞可能是人的­名字。祝你好運找出它們!

