2013年1月10日 星期四

Using Should in Zero and First Conditionals

Hi there, students. Using should in zero and first conditionals. If I stop, you need to continue. If I should stop, you need to continue. If I should stop, you will need to continue. Notice, both of these are zero conditional and first conditional. If you should see him , say hello from me. If you see him, say hello from me. If the mixture starts to boil, turn off the heat. If the mixture should start to boil, turn off the heat. So we are using this "should" to say if by any chance this  happens. It'saying this thing is unlikely but possible and in that case then do something else. If you should feel cold, turn on the heating. If you should by any chance feel cold, I don't think you are going to feel cold, but if it happens, then please do the following. Ok, so if you should, if he should, if this happens, if by a remote unlikely chance this happens, then something else. Ok. Very often in this construction as well, we take away the 'should' and put, sorry, we take away the 'if', and put the phrase in a question form. So for example, if you feel cold, should you feel cold, then turn on the heating. Ok. Should you be hungry, go to the frdge to find something to eat. Ok. So should you, we make it into a question form and take away the 'if', but the meaning is the same. So notice, if you feel hungry, go to the fridge. It's possible, it's very possible you will feel hungry. Should you feel hungry, I don't think you will but the possibility does exist, then go to the fridge. And that is the idea of the 'should' in this type of zero and first conditional. It's most common, most commonly used in zero conditionals. So, if you enjoy this video, then give it a rating. Notice it's not a zero condition. If you have enjoyed it, maybe it is. If you have enjoyed it, then give an imperative rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!在零條件句和第一條件句中使用should,比如,我­停下來,你就接著做;假如我停下來,你就接上去。注意,這兩個就­是零條件句和第一條件句。假如你看到他,代我問候他;你見到他,­代我問候他。混合物停止沸騰就關掉加熱器;假如混合物停止沸騰,­就關掉加熱器。我們用should來表示某件事的發生存在任何的­可能性,就是說,這件事不像會發生,但卻是有發生的可能性,如果­是這樣的話,就做相應的事。假如你感到冷, 打開加熱器;假如萬一你感到冷,我不認為你會,但是如果這樣,就­做接下來的事。所以,如果you should, 如果he should, 如果這樣情況發生,如果有任何微小的機會會發生這樣的事,那麼就­做相應的事。在這個句子結構中,我們經常會將should去掉,­抱歉,不,我們將if去掉,然後將這個短語放在疑問句中。如果你­感到冷,或者should you feel cold, 就打開加熱器。假如你感到餓,就去冰箱裡找點東西吃。should you, 我們將它放入疑問句中,然後將if取消,意思是一樣的。所以,注­意,如果你感到餓,就去冰箱找吃的,這種情況是可能的,你感到肚­子餓是非常有可能的。假如你感到飢餓,我不認為你會,但是可能性­是確實存在的,那麼就去冰箱找吃的。這就是should在該種零­條件句和第一條件句中的用法。在零條件句中該種用法是十分常見的­。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級。注意,這不是一­個零條件句,如果你已經喜歡上了這個錄像,嗯,或許這個是,那麼­就給這個錄像一個必要的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面­。

