2013年1月22日 星期二

Vowel sounds C

Hi there. What I am going to do today is a test, but this test is quite difficult. It's for people who are learning English. Now what you need is a pencil and a piece of paper and I want you to listen to the words I am going to say, and I need you to identify them and write them down. Ok. Are you ready? Here we go. call, kill, coal, kyle, carl, keel, cull, cool, coil, kale, curl. Ok, that's all of them. Now you know they all begin with k and they all end with L. Ok, but they have got different (sounds?)of vowels inside them. (Some of them you have got to say at beginning?). These words can also be names, Ok. So, let's listen again. 1. call, 2. kill, 3. coal, 4. kyle, 5. carl, 6. keel, 7. cull, 8. cool, 9. coil, 10. kale, 11. curl. . If you like to post your answers underneath, I will take how many you have got. Thanks very much. Bye.

各位!我今天要做的是一個測試,這個測試比較難。它是為學習英語­的人士准備的。現在你需要一支筆和一張紙。我需要你聆聽我即將說­出的詞,並分辨它們,然後將它們寫下來。准備好了嗎?我們開始:­call, kill, coal, kyle, carl, keel, cull, cool, coil, kale, curl. 這就是全部詞。現在你知道,它們全部是以k音開始,並且以l結尾­,但是它們內部卻有不同的元音。當中的一些詞也可作為人名存在。­好了,我們再聽一次:1. call, 2. kill, 3. coal, 4. kyle, 5. carl, 6. keel, 7. cull, 8. cool, 9. coil, 10. kale, 11. curl.好了,如果你將答案貼在下面,我會看看你答對了多少。­謝謝,再見。

