2013年1月25日 星期五

spelling TEST

Hi there. What I am going to give you today is a spelling test. I am going to spell some words and you are going to have to decide what the words are. You may need a piece of paper for this, some people may not. OK. So I am going to spell the words and you need to decide what the words are. Let's start. Here is number 1. Number 1. money. Nuber 2. area. Number 3. decide. Nuber 4. camera. Number 5. visual. Number 6. object. Nubmer 7. arrow. Number 8. finger. Number 9. actual. And finally number 10. building. Thank you very much for your attention. If you got any questions, please post below.

各位!今天我要給大家的是一個拼寫測試。我將拼寫一些詞,你們自­己決定它們是些什麼詞。你或許需要一張紙和一支筆,有些人也許不­需要。我會拼出這些詞,你們看看它們是些什麼。我們開始,這是第­一個。Number 1. money. Nuber 2. area. Number 3. decide. Nuber 4. camera. Number 5. visual. Number 6. object. Nubmer 7. arrow. Number 8. finger. Number 9. actual. 最後是第10個,number 10. building. 多謝你耐心看完。如果你有任何問題,將它貼在下面。

