2013年1月11日 星期五

That - When you need That and when you Can Omit That

Hi there, students. When do we omit that? Ok. For example, these glasses that I use to see, ok, I can also say 'these glasses I use to see' with no that. But I could also say 'these are the glasses that are yellow'. Now if I say that I can't omit the 'that', 'these are the glasses are yellow', no, 'these are the glasses that are yellow'. So what's the difference? Ok. These are the glasses that I use to see with. So here, I use the glasses, the glasses are the object. Yeah. And when 'that'  represents the object, these are the glasses that I use to see, then you can omit 'that'. Ok. These are the glasses that are yellow, these glasses are yellow, notice, here the glasses are now the subject, when 'that' represents the subject, then you can not omit the word 'that'. Ok, and that's the difference. So when 'that' represents the object of your relative clause, you can omit it. When 'that' represents the subject of your relative clause, you can't omit it. So this is the video that will help you understand , ok, the video, this is the video that will help you understand, the video will help you understand, so you can't omit 'that'. Ok. This is the video that Alax made, Alax made the video, 'that' represents the object, this is the video Alax made and you can omit it. Ok. and that's the difference. Ok, notice that's a difference 'that'. So just remember, when 'that' represents the subject of your relative clause, then you can't omit it, it's necessary. when 'that' represents the object of the relative clause, then you can omit it. I am sorry it's a bit complicated, but that's how it goes. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. This is a video that you give a rating to, so this is a video you give a rating to. You give a rating to the video, this is a video, that, option. Ok. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!我們什麼時候可以省略that? 不如,這些是我用來看東西的眼鏡,我也可以不用that,直接說­這些是我看東西的眼鏡。我也可以說,這些是眼鏡,黃顏色的眼鏡。­如果這裡我用了that, 我就不能省略that, 我不能說these are the glasses are yellow,不可以,these are the glasses that are yellow。這期間的分別在哪裡?這是我用來看東西的眼鏡,這­裡,我使用這個眼鏡,眼鏡是賓語,當that代替賓語,thes­e are the glasses that I use to see, 那麼,你可以省略that。在these are the glasses that are yellow,這個眼鏡是黃色的,注意,這裡的這個眼鏡不是賓語­。當that代表主語,你不可以省略that。這就是其中的分別。當that在定語從句中代表賓語時,你可以省­略;當that在定於從句中代表主語時,不可以省略。這是一個能­幫到你理解英語的錄像,this is the video that can help you understand, 你不可以省略that;這是一個Alex制作的錄像,Alex制­作了這個錄像,that代表了賓語,此時你可以省略它。這就是其­中的分別。注意到了嗎?這就是that在其中的分別。好了,要記­住,當that在定語從句中代表主語時,你不可以省略that, that是必須的;當that代表賓語時,你可以省略that。­我很抱歉,這也許是有點復雜,但是這正是that在此處的用法。­好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級。這是一個你­要留下評級的錄像,這是一個錄像,that是選項。好了,如果你­喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級。訂閱我的頻道,我講很快­和你又見面。

