2013年1月3日 星期四

Future Continuous Future Perfect Simple Future Perfect Continuous

Hi there, students. OK, in this video, I am going to give you a contrast between the future continuous, I will be eating, the future perfect simple, I will have eaten, and the future perfect continuous, I will have been eating. Ok, let's look at the future continous (as a start?) Ok, the future continuous, we use for an action that will be occurent at a certain time in the future. So for example, tomorrow my lunch will be between 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Therefore, at 1:30, I will be eating lunch. Ok. I will be eating, future continuous, the action started before 1:30, the action is a current at 1:30, and the action probably in this case will be occurent after 1:30. Ok. So at 1:30 I will be eating lunch. Ok. The future perfect simple, I will have eaten, we use for an action that has finished at a certain point in the past. So tomorrow again my lunch is between 1 and two, at 2:15, I will have eaten lunch. Lunch has finished, I have finished eating lunch. Ok. At 2:15, I will have finished eating lunch before that point, before 2:15, eating lunch finished. And what about the last one, the future perfect continuous? I will have been eating. Well, we normally use this to say how long something will have been happening in the future. Let me explain with an example, with my example. Lunch is between 1 and 2 tomorrow. So at 1:30 tomorrow, I will have been eating lunch for 30 minutes. Between 1 o'clock and 1:30 , at 1:30, I will have been eating. a period of time, my lunch for 30 minutes. Ok. So it tells us how long something will have been happening. The duration before and up to a point in the future. So let me go through these (?)again. Future coninuous, an action started happening and probably continuing at a point in the future. Ok. So tomorrow at 1:30 I will be eating lunch. Ok. Future perfect simple, at 2:15, it is finished, something that finished before. So we use future perfect to say at a point in the future something will have been finished, will have terminated, ok. And future perfect continuous, to tell us how long an action has been occurent up to a point in the future. So at 1:30 tomorrow , I will have been eating lunch for 30 minutes. Ok. Anyway, I hope you understood all of them. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!在這個錄像裡,我會給出你們一個在將來進行時(我將正­在吃飯)、將來一般完成時(我將已經吃完飯)及將來完成進行時(­我將持續在吃飯)三者之間的對比。好了,我們來看看將來進行時作­為開始。將來進行時,我們用它來表示一種在將來某一時點正在進行的動作。­比如說,明天我的午飯將在1點和2點之間。這就是說,在1:30­分,我將正在吃午飯。I will be eating, 這是將來進行時。動作始於1:30之前,動作在1::30分正在­進行,而且在本例中這個動作或許在1::3分之後也仍將進行。好­了,在1::30分我正在吃午飯。至於將來一般完成時,I will have eaten, 我將已經吃完飯,我們用來表示動作在將來某一確定時點已經做完。­比如,還是1點至2點的午飯時間,在2:15分,我將已經吃完午­飯,午飯被完成了,我已經吃完了,在2:15分之前,我將已經吃­完午飯,在這一時點之前,午飯將已經被完成。那麼,作為最後一種情況,將來完成進行時又是怎麼樣的?我們通常­用它來表示在將來的某一動作將持續進行多久。我來用我自己的例子­來解釋一下。明天午飯時間設在1-2點。在1:30分開始,我將­正在吃午飯長達30分鐘。在1點和1:30分之間,從1:30­起,我將持續吃午飯一段特定時段。這個時態告訴我們一種動作將持­續進行多久,動作從之前發生,一直到將來某個時點的持續時間。好­了,我來將這些(?)來總結一下。將來進行時,動作開始並可能在將來某一時點持續進行。明天1:3­0分我將在吃午飯。將來一般完成時,在明天2:15分,我將已經­吃完午飯,表示某事已經在某一時點之前完成。所以我們用將來完成­時表示在將來某一時點的某一動作將已經被完成,將被終結。而將來­完成進行時則能告訴我們在將來某一時點之後,某一動作將持續進行­的時間。比如在明天1::3分開始,我將開始吃午飯並持續30分­鐘。好了,我希望你們都明白了這些例子。如果你們喜歡這個錄像,­請留下一個“喜歡”的評級。請訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面­。

