2013年5月31日 星期五


Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the word 'galore' ? It's an adjective, it can also be adverb, but it means in great number, in abundance. So there were people galore in the underground this morning. Ok, great numbers of them, large numbers of them. Its origin is from the Irish gaelic, . (witch?), ok, it's interesting ( in itself?). This word we use to mean 'in plentiful amounts', yeah. There was alcoho galore at the party. A huge amount, a massive amount, in abundance, yeah. Abounding everywhere, in great supply, yeah. To (spare?) all over the place. So for example, in Spain everyone thinks there is sun galore, but it depends where you go. Ok, galore, so notice, this is what is called a postpositive adjective. Yeah, that means, postpositive, what does that mean? It means you have the noun and it goes immediately after the noun. Ok, which in English is quite unusual, in other languages it's very common. But in English not, so you use the noun galore. His computer used megabits galore. Noun, megabits, galore. It cost him money galore, a huge amount of money, a large amount, a lot, yeah. Where I live there are trees galore. There are trees everywhere, all over the place. They are abounding, they are aboundant. Tree are plenty even, ok. So there you go.  if you look at my channel, you will find videos galore. A huge number of them, ok, a large supply, yeah. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and like that you can find the videos galore that I was talking about and I will see you soon. Bye for now.


