2012年12月29日 星期六

to be snowed under

Hi there, students. Hello from Denmark. I am looking out of the window and there is snow everywhere. And it made me think of a phrasal verb that I thought you would enjoy. To be snowed under, ok, normally passive to be snowed under, is when you got so much work or so many things to do but it is more than you can do. Notice, I am snowed under, I have more than I can do, intransitive. I am snowed under with work, transitive. Ok. For example, at the moment, there are lots lots of people asked me for classes but I can't give any classes because I am snowed under with students. Maybe the job centres at the moment in this crisis are snowed under, more work than they can do or they are snowed under with applications from people who need jobs. Ok. To snow, you know the snow falls down (? white?), if you are snowed under, you got lots of snow on you and it is very difficult to work. So remember the phrasal verb, passive, to be snowed under, to have more than your resources can deal with. To be snowed under with something, ok, to have more requests, demands, work than you can do. So anyway, if you enjoy this video from snow in Denmark, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學! 這裡來自丹麥的問候。我望出窗外,外面是一望無際的白雪。這令我聯想起一個你可能會喜歡的動詞短語,to be snowed under, 通常是用被動語態to be snowed under, 這是當你已經有太多的工作、太多事情要做的時候,仍然要做再多一些。注意,to be snowed under, 我要做的多過我能做的,不及物動詞;如果用to be under with 工作,這是及物動詞。好,舉個例子,現在有很多很多同學要求學我的課程,但是我已經無法再教任何課程,因為我已經忙得不可開交。也許工作介紹中心在危機之下已經不勝負荷,工作已超出他們所能承擔的,他們疲於應付需要工作的人申請。好,你知道下雪,雪從天上掉下來,如果snowed under, 你有太多的雪壓在你身上,這樣非常難於工作。所以記住這個動詞短語,被動式,to be snowed with, 你的工作多到超出你所具有的資源所能應付的程度;to be snowed with 一些事情, 有太多的工作上的要求、請求超出你所能承擔的。好了,如果你喜歡這個來自白雪籠罩的丹麥的錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級,訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

