2013年11月28日 星期四

's with time

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the rule about using the apostrophe s. Yes, for example, my teacher's pen. Ok, apostrophe s, the pen of my teacher. Alex's jersey, yeah, Alex's glasses. Ok, this is an apostrophe s for possessives. Now the rule says that this is for people, for animals, for groups of people and for groups of animals. But we don't use it for inanimate things. So for animals, the dog's leg, the lion's teeth, yeah. Or groups of people, Spain's population, IBM' s workers, ok, a group of people, Spain is a group of people. IBM, again, is a group of people. My school's teachers are very good. A school, the people who work in it. Ok, my school's teachers, so here the school, we think about a group of people. My company's Chrismas party, ok, so here again, possessives. Now there is an exception to this rule of this we use for animate things, for groups of people, for groups of animals, and for animals and people. We also use apostrophe s for time and for time phrases. So have you got yesterday's newspaper? Clearly yesterday is totally inanimate, well, I don't know. But yesterday's newspaper, so we use this for time expressions. Next week's concert is going to be very excellent. Tomorrow's weather forecast is sunny, the weather forecast of tomorrow. Ok, we also use it for periods of time. I have got a week's holiday next month, a week's holiday. I have got, it's about ten minutes' walk, a walk of ten minutes. I have got three hours of class tomorrow. I have got.. so, I have got three hours' class tomorrow. Three hours of class tomorrow or I have got three hours', apostrophe s class tomorrow. Ok so that's the exception to your rule. We use the apostrophe s for people, for animals, for groups of animals, for groups of people, and for time expressions, tomorrow's newspaper, and for periods of time. I have got three hours' class tonight. Three hours, we could say 'three hours of class'. Depends, you use it in the possessive or the plural, ok. Anyway, that's the exception to te rule. Apotrophe s with time. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating ; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我相信你們都知道使用撇好加s的規則,比如,我老師的筆。用撇號,加上s,是老師的筆的意思。Alex的毛衣,Alex的眼鏡。這裡的撇好加s表示擁有,其規則是撇號加s表示人、動物、群體的人及群體的動物。我們不會用它表示無生命的東西。比如動物,狗的腿,獅子的牙。群體的人,西班牙的人口,IBM的員工。這裡的西班牙是個群體性的詞,IBM,也是一個群體性詞。我學校的老師非常好。學校是一些人工作的地方,我學校的老師,這裡的學校,我認為也是群體性詞。公司的聖誕節聚會,再次說明這裡的撇號加s表示擁有的意思。但是這個規則有一個例外,就是撇號加s也可以用在時間及時間短語上面。你有昨天的報紙嗎?昨天,實際上是完全無生命性的,嗯,我也不肯定。yestereday's newspaper,我們用它來表示時間。下星期的音樂會將會是精彩的,明天的天氣預報是好天。我們也用它表示一段時間,下個月我有一個星期的假期,這是一段大概10分鐘的路程,明天我有一個三小時的課程。你可以說three hours' class或者three hours of class。這就是規則的例外情況,我們用撇號加s來表示人、動物、群體性的人及動物,並可以表示時間,如,明天的報紙,也可以表示一段時間,如,今晚我有三小時的課程。我們也可以說three hours of class, 這由你是用擁有的意思還是復數形式來決定。好了,這就是規則的例外情況,撇號加s用來表示時間。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月20日 星期三


Hi there, students. I am sure you all know that the employer, er, gives the job and the employee, double ee, receives the job, it's the person who does the job. Ok, so notice the er is the person who gives or does the action, and the ee is the person who receives. So for a check, the payer is the person who pays the money, and the payee is the person who receives the money. Yeah, employer, employee; payer, payee. Or for example, you can have an examiner, and examiner is the person who sets the exam, who gives the exam to the examinee. So the er is the person who gives, and the ee is the person who receives. So, yeah, it's like ee is the form of the passive participle, the receiver, the person is to whom the action is done. And the er is the person who does the action. Ok, so for example, you could have a supervisor. A supervisor supervises this. And people who receive this supervision are the supervisees. Ok, the people who receive the supervision. So there are quite a few like this, but not a huge number. Examiner, examinee; interviewer, interviewee;trainer, trainee. Yeah, you could have responder, the person who responds and respondee, the person who is responded to. Yeah, ok, so remember these two sides, er is the person who does the action and ee is the person who receives this. Ok, so you could say maybe teacher, teachee, but teachee doesn't work. So you can only use these suffix, suffix, word, a little bit that comes at the end of the word with some limited examples. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我確信你們都知道employer, er這裡指的是提供工作的人;而employee, 兩個e,是指接受工作的人,做工作的人。注意,er,是指給出某物的人,做動作的人;而ee是指接受某物的人。對於支票來說,payer是付款人的人,而payee是收款人。employer雇主,employee雇員;payer付款人,payee付款人。比如,examiner主考人,是指出試題的人,他出試題去考examinee,應試者。所以,er是指付出的人,而ee是收到的人。ee像是一個被動分詞,指的是動作的收受者;而er則是指動作的執行者。例如,supervisor是指進行監督的人,而被監督的人則是supervisee。有些詞是這種類型的,但並不是太多。examiner,examinee;interviewer, 面試人,interviewee被面試者;trainer教練員, trainee受訓者。還有responder,回應的人;respondee,被回應人。記住這兩方面的詞,er是做出動作的人,ee則是接受動作的人。也許有人說teahcher和teachee,說teachee是不行的。所以,只有有限的詞才可以用這些後綴詞結尾。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月16日 星期六

any in affirmative sentences

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the grammar rule that says we use any for negative sentences and for interrogtive sentences. Do you have any money? No, I don't have any money. But this playlist is about exceptions to the rule. So for example, let's give you some examples with any in positive sentences. Which buy should I take to get to the centre of the town? Take any bus. It doesn't matter, all of the buses will take you to the centre of the town. So we are using any to say it doesn't matter which one, it desn't make any difference which. So in positive sentences, any says it doesn't matter, all are valid. Is this difficult to do? No, anyone can do it, it doesn't matter who, all people are capable of doing it, anybody can do it. So it doesn't matter which person, it doesn't matter a difference who you choose, everybody is able to do it. Yeah, ok, so we use any to say it doesn't matter which one, it doesn't matter which member of the group, but it's ok. Would you buy me some fruit? What type of fruit do you want? Any fruit, I don't mind. So as long as it's fruit, it's ok, but it doesn't matter which one, pears, apples, bananas, strawberries, cherries, whatever. So this is any in positive. Ok, so here is another exception to the rule. Notice as well, you can use any with negative words in the sentences. For example, I have hardly any money. Hardly, almost not, and therefor in my opinion this isn't an exception to the rule, because this one has already got negative in it, hardly, almost not, but that's another thing. So remember, any in positive sentences, means it doesn't matter which one. You can watch any of my videos, they will all help your English. It doesn't matter which video you watch, it will aid your study. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!我相信你們全都了解在語法規則中提到的any用於否定和疑問句規定,你有any money 嗎?沒有,我一點錢都沒有。但是此處的清單中確是該規則的例外情況。我給你們舉一些any可以用在肯定句中的例子。去城裡面我要乘坐多少號巴士?乘坐任何一輛巴士都可以,乘坐哪一輛車並不重要,任何一輛車都可以帶你去城中心。我們用any在肯定句中表示某些事‘選擇哪一個並不重要’,並不會產生任何差異。所以在肯定句中,any表示選擇哪一個無所謂,所有的選擇都是可行的。這個很難做嗎?不,任何人都可以做到,哪個人做不重要,任何人都有能力這樣做,任何人都可以做。所以哪個人並不重要,你選擇哪個人並不重要,任何人都可以做到。我們用any表達哪個人並不重要,人群中的哪個人並不重要,哪個都可以。你可以幫我買些水果嗎?你想要什麼水果?什麼水果都可以,我不介意。只要是水果就行了,哪種水果並不重要。梨、蘋果、香蕉、草莓、櫻桃,什麼都可以。這就是any在肯定句的用法。好了,這就是規則中的一個例外。也要注意,any可以和否定詞一起用在句子中。I have hardly any money,我幾乎沒有什麼錢。hardly,就是almost not,幾乎沒有,因此我的觀點是,這並不是規則的例外,因為這個詞已經有hardly作為否定意思。這是另外一回事了。好了,any用在肯定句式中表示‘哪一個並不重要’。你可以觀看我所有的錄像,全部對你的英語學習有幫助。觀看哪個錄像不重要,任何一個都會幫到你。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’;評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月13日 星期三


Hi there, studnent. Have you ever heard the word 'complacent, complacent'? This is an adjective meaning you are really satisfied with yourself, too satisfied with yourself. So happy with your previous achievements that you are sure everything you do in the future and in present will be good. Smug, if you like, yeah. Overpleased, overcontented with yourself now based on your past performance. Contented to a fault, so self-satisfied that you are not worried. So he has many many many (weeks success in the roll?), and finally he became complacent. Maybe you see this with a really big and important football team that when they play a small insignifcant team, they are complacent, maybe they lose, they are sure they are going to win, anything they do will be enough. To be complacent, ok, complacent. Pleased, self-satisfied, extremely self-satisfied, but over self-satisfied, too much, yeah. Smug, yeah, this word smug, I like it as well. Resting on your laurels, yeah. So self assured that you know you can't go wrong. Yeah, not a good characteristic, it's not a good thing to become complacent, you always need to be improving and trying to learn new things and improve your methor so that you don't become. Ok, so another adjective for your vocabularies. If you enjoy thevideo, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過‘complacent’這個詞嗎?這是個形容詞,意思是你對自己非常滿意,對自己極度滿意,對自己曾經有過的成就如此滿意,你確信將來和現在所做的事情都會很成功。你可以用smug來形容,自命不凡。overpleased, overcontented, 基於過去的自我表現,表現出的自命不凡,自鳴得意。非常自我滿意,不會擔憂什麼事情。他很多星期在總體上都是成功的,最後他變得自滿了。或許你會在足球隊裡面看到這種情況,當他們和一個無關緊要的球隊比賽時,他們洋洋自得,他們可能會輸掉比賽,他們確信會贏,他們以為所做的任何事都足夠好了。自鳴得意的,自我滿意的,極端自我滿意,過分自我滿意,洋洋自得,rest on one's laurels,滿足於過去的成就,如此非常自信,以至你知道自己不會做錯什麼。這不是一個好的性格,洋洋自得並不是好事情。你需要不停提高自己並且學習新的東西,提高做事的方式,令到自己不自滿。好了,這就是為你准備的一個詞。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月11日 星期一


Hi there, students. Have you heard the verb 'to harangue' ? Or even the noun 'a harangue' ? Ok, to harangue is to leture somebody in an aggressive, critical and (lingsy??) manner. So maybe when you were a kid , you did sojmething wrong, you mum harangued you for a long time, you shouldn't have done lt like that, you mustn't do it like this. Ok, to harangue, to talk for a long time about something aggressively. To address a person or a crowd in an aggree way, in trying to be forcefully persuasive. Yeah, a harangue, a loud, forceful, angry speech. A scolding verbal attack. You can even say a (diatry??) ''. Maybe a dictator harangued his people with a long speech about what they should think and what they should do. Ok, to harangue, to give a long (punpus?? keydies??) speech which has a didactic nature to teach you something but the opinion of the person gave it, not necessarily your opinion. Ok, to deliver a harangue, to give a harangue, or the verb to harangue, to harangue a person, to talk to them in a violent, strong forceful angry way. Ok, so, yeah, I probably better harangue you about the meaning of harangue and let you draw your own conclusitions and find your own solutions to it. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過動詞‘to harangue’嗎?又或者名詞‘a harangue’? to harange是用一種侵略性的、嚴厲的、(??)的方式訓斥某人。或許當你還是個孩子的時候,如果你做錯了什麼事,你的媽媽會harangue你很長時間,你不該這麼做,你必須這樣做!to harangue就是很有壓迫性地長時間談論某件事,用一種很氣憤的態度對某人或一群人發表講話。試圖表達強有力的說服力。a harangue,就是大聲的、有力的、氣憤的講話。斥責性言辭攻擊,你甚至可以說(??):你不可以做這件事!或者一個獨裁者長篇大論地訓斥他的手下,什麼應該做,什麼應該想。a harangue, 就是長篇的(????)講詞,帶有didactic指教性的特征,教導你應該做什麼,但是,這並不是你需要的觀點,而是訓導者的觀點。ti deliver a harangue, 就是做出一個訓導性的講話。 to harganue 某人,就是對他發表一通猛烈的、強勁的、有力的、氣憤的講話。我還是停止用harganue的意思來不停地harangue你,讓你自己得出結論並找到解決問題的方案。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月7日 星期四

have the upper hand

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to have the upper hand'? Ok, one hand, and the upper hand, the superior hand. Ok, this means to be controlling or in a position to control either a person or a situation. Ok, this is when somebody or something has power or control over a situation. I don't know, for example in the basketball match, the blue team clearly had the upper hand, they were controlling the match and they clearly look like they were going to win it.  In the fight between the two boxers, the taller boxer had the upper hand. Or in politics, maybe the ruling party have the upper hand, they control the political scene. He has six brothers and sisters. But clearly of all his siblings, he is the one who has the upper hand. He is the one who says what happens, who controls the relationship between them and controls what is done, yeah. So to have the upper hand, ok, maybe you are more powerful, you are stronger and like that,  you control the situation. So to have the upper hand, to be in control of the situation. If you study enough for your English exams, you will have the upper hand on your English, you will be in control. He seemed very tired in emotion and his emotion seemed to have the upper hand. Ok, his reasoning was not in control, his emotions were in control. So to have the upper hand, to be in control, to be in power, to be winning, to be the stronger, the strong is force in a given situation.  Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘to have the upper hand’這句短語嗎?看這裡,一只手,另一只高一點兒的手,較高級別的手。這個短句的意思是控制或處在控制某人或某種局面的位置。它是指某人或某物具有某種權利,或具控制某種局面的力量。比如,在籃球比賽中,藍隊具有絕對優勢,to have the upper hand,他們控制了比賽,看來他們將贏得比賽。在這兩個拳擊手的比賽中,較高的拳手占了上風。政治領域,執政黨占有優勢,他們控制了政治形勢。他有六個兄弟姊妹,在他們之中,他具有控制地位,他決定將發生的事及控制彼此間的關系,他決定做什麼。或許你具有某種權利,你要比他人更強勢,於是,你來決定形勢的走向。to have the upper hand,就是處在決定權的位置。如果你為英語考試做了充分准備,你在考試中就具有優勢。他看起來非常疲倦,情緒占據了上風,理性失去了控制地位。所以,to have the upper hand,就是處在控制、具有某種權利、獲勝、強勢的位置。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月4日 星期一

a trifle

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'it is a trifle' ? It's trifling, ok when we say in English, it's a trifle, it means it's very small, it's insignificant, it's not revelant, it's not important. And something that is trifling, trifling is an adjective, so this is a trifling problem, a very small problem. This is a trifle, we can resolve this immediately. Yeah, it's not a big problem, it's very small, ok. A trifle in English is also a type of pudding, a type of dessert.  With spongecake, probably with Sherry or Brandy and then jelly or jam, and then (cuts it??), and then maybe with cream on top, a trifle, very tasty. But notice we can also use it as an idiom, this is a trifle, it's unimportant, it's insignificant, it doesn't matter. Yeah, you could say 'I am a trifle late', and a little bit late. This is trifling, this is unimportant. It was a trifle, more expensive than I thought, a little bit more expensive than I thought, just a little bit,  but not very much. Ok, so a trifle, either a pudding or a very small insignificant amount. Ok, so there you go anyway. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過a trifle這個詞嗎?在英語裡,當我們說這件事是a trifle, 意思是它很小、微不足道、意義不大或不重要的意思。當我們說某件­事是一個trifling問題, 這裡的trifling是個形容詞,意思是只是一個小問題。這是­一個trifle,我們可以很快解決它。它並不是什麼大問題,是­很小的問題。trifle在英語裡還是一種pudding,布丁­,甜品的一種,通常裡面有海綿蛋糕,散發雪利酒和白蘭地酒味道,­還拌有啫喱和果醬,或許(??),上面塗有一層奶油,美味極了。­注意,我們仍可以將它用在本文中的短句中,表示不重要的,意義不­大的,不要緊的。你可以說,我只是a trifle late, 我只是遲到了一點,它只是 trifling, 不重要的。它要比我預想的貴一點,a trifle,只是一點兒,並不多。所以,a trifle或者表示布丁,或者表示極微小的量,a trifle就是這樣理解了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜­歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年11月3日 星期日

hit the ground running

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to hit the ground running'? He really seems to hit the ground running today, ok, this means.. it is very figurative, it means to do very well at something immediately after starting or start your day really well. Imagine you jump out of the bus or an airplane or off a horse, if you hit the ground running, you are less likely to fall over. So you start by running very fast. And that's a way to do well.  To hit the ground running, yeah. Ok, this means so, means to be very successful at something, very soon after starting, yeah. So he really seems to hit the ground running in this business, he has been very successful doing this (for right?) from the beginning. Or I really hit the ground today, I was really efficient,  I did a lot of good things, really well-done today, I hit the ground running. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過to hit the ground running 這個短句嗎?he really hit the ground running today,這是什麼意思?這句話非常形像,它的意思是一開始做­某件事,就馬上做得非常好,開頭開得非常好。你可以想像,你從巴­士、飛機或者一匹馬上面跳下來,如果你hit the ground running,你幾乎不會摔倒。你一開始就跑得非常快。to hit the ground running 的意思做某件事非常成功,開始做之後就進行得非常快。在這個生意­上,他似乎進行得非常成功,really hit the ground running。他一開始就將這件事做得非常成功。我確實hit the ground running,我今天非常有效率,我做了很多事。如果你喜歡這­個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。