2013年11月20日 星期三


Hi there, students. I am sure you all know that the employer, er, gives the job and the employee, double ee, receives the job, it's the person who does the job. Ok, so notice the er is the person who gives or does the action, and the ee is the person who receives. So for a check, the payer is the person who pays the money, and the payee is the person who receives the money. Yeah, employer, employee; payer, payee. Or for example, you can have an examiner, and examiner is the person who sets the exam, who gives the exam to the examinee. So the er is the person who gives, and the ee is the person who receives. So, yeah, it's like ee is the form of the passive participle, the receiver, the person is to whom the action is done. And the er is the person who does the action. Ok, so for example, you could have a supervisor. A supervisor supervises this. And people who receive this supervision are the supervisees. Ok, the people who receive the supervision. So there are quite a few like this, but not a huge number. Examiner, examinee; interviewer, interviewee;trainer, trainee. Yeah, you could have responder, the person who responds and respondee, the person who is responded to. Yeah, ok, so remember these two sides, er is the person who does the action and ee is the person who receives this. Ok, so you could say maybe teacher, teachee, but teachee doesn't work. So you can only use these suffix, suffix, word, a little bit that comes at the end of the word with some limited examples. Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我確信你們都知道employer, er這裡指的是提供工作的人;而employee, 兩個e,是指接受工作的人,做工作的人。注意,er,是指給出某物的人,做動作的人;而ee是指接受某物的人。對於支票來說,payer是付款人的人,而payee是收款人。employer雇主,employee雇員;payer付款人,payee付款人。比如,examiner主考人,是指出試題的人,他出試題去考examinee,應試者。所以,er是指付出的人,而ee是收到的人。ee像是一個被動分詞,指的是動作的收受者;而er則是指動作的執行者。例如,supervisor是指進行監督的人,而被監督的人則是supervisee。有些詞是這種類型的,但並不是太多。examiner,examinee;interviewer, 面試人,interviewee被面試者;trainer教練員, trainee受訓者。還有responder,回應的人;respondee,被回應人。記住這兩方面的詞,er是做出動作的人,ee則是接受動作的人。也許有人說teahcher和teachee,說teachee是不行的。所以,只有有限的詞才可以用這些後綴詞結尾。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

