2013年11月16日 星期六

any in affirmative sentences

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the grammar rule that says we use any for negative sentences and for interrogtive sentences. Do you have any money? No, I don't have any money. But this playlist is about exceptions to the rule. So for example, let's give you some examples with any in positive sentences. Which buy should I take to get to the centre of the town? Take any bus. It doesn't matter, all of the buses will take you to the centre of the town. So we are using any to say it doesn't matter which one, it desn't make any difference which. So in positive sentences, any says it doesn't matter, all are valid. Is this difficult to do? No, anyone can do it, it doesn't matter who, all people are capable of doing it, anybody can do it. So it doesn't matter which person, it doesn't matter a difference who you choose, everybody is able to do it. Yeah, ok, so we use any to say it doesn't matter which one, it doesn't matter which member of the group, but it's ok. Would you buy me some fruit? What type of fruit do you want? Any fruit, I don't mind. So as long as it's fruit, it's ok, but it doesn't matter which one, pears, apples, bananas, strawberries, cherries, whatever. So this is any in positive. Ok, so here is another exception to the rule. Notice as well, you can use any with negative words in the sentences. For example, I have hardly any money. Hardly, almost not, and therefor in my opinion this isn't an exception to the rule, because this one has already got negative in it, hardly, almost not, but that's another thing. So remember, any in positive sentences, means it doesn't matter which one. You can watch any of my videos, they will all help your English. It doesn't matter which video you watch, it will aid your study. Ok, so if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!我相信你們全都了解在語法規則中提到的any用於否定和疑問句規定,你有any money 嗎?沒有,我一點錢都沒有。但是此處的清單中確是該規則的例外情況。我給你們舉一些any可以用在肯定句中的例子。去城裡面我要乘坐多少號巴士?乘坐任何一輛巴士都可以,乘坐哪一輛車並不重要,任何一輛車都可以帶你去城中心。我們用any在肯定句中表示某些事‘選擇哪一個並不重要’,並不會產生任何差異。所以在肯定句中,any表示選擇哪一個無所謂,所有的選擇都是可行的。這個很難做嗎?不,任何人都可以做到,哪個人做不重要,任何人都有能力這樣做,任何人都可以做。所以哪個人並不重要,你選擇哪個人並不重要,任何人都可以做到。我們用any表達哪個人並不重要,人群中的哪個人並不重要,哪個都可以。你可以幫我買些水果嗎?你想要什麼水果?什麼水果都可以,我不介意。只要是水果就行了,哪種水果並不重要。梨、蘋果、香蕉、草莓、櫻桃,什麼都可以。這就是any在肯定句的用法。好了,這就是規則中的一個例外。也要注意,any可以和否定詞一起用在句子中。I have hardly any money,我幾乎沒有什麼錢。hardly,就是almost not,幾乎沒有,因此我的觀點是,這並不是規則的例外,因為這個詞已經有hardly作為否定意思。這是另外一回事了。好了,any用在肯定句式中表示‘哪一個並不重要’。你可以觀看我所有的錄像,全部對你的英語學習有幫助。觀看哪個錄像不重要,任何一個都會幫到你。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’;評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

