2013年11月28日 星期四

's with time

Hi there, students. I am sure you all know the rule about using the apostrophe s. Yes, for example, my teacher's pen. Ok, apostrophe s, the pen of my teacher. Alex's jersey, yeah, Alex's glasses. Ok, this is an apostrophe s for possessives. Now the rule says that this is for people, for animals, for groups of people and for groups of animals. But we don't use it for inanimate things. So for animals, the dog's leg, the lion's teeth, yeah. Or groups of people, Spain's population, IBM' s workers, ok, a group of people, Spain is a group of people. IBM, again, is a group of people. My school's teachers are very good. A school, the people who work in it. Ok, my school's teachers, so here the school, we think about a group of people. My company's Chrismas party, ok, so here again, possessives. Now there is an exception to this rule of this we use for animate things, for groups of people, for groups of animals, and for animals and people. We also use apostrophe s for time and for time phrases. So have you got yesterday's newspaper? Clearly yesterday is totally inanimate, well, I don't know. But yesterday's newspaper, so we use this for time expressions. Next week's concert is going to be very excellent. Tomorrow's weather forecast is sunny, the weather forecast of tomorrow. Ok, we also use it for periods of time. I have got a week's holiday next month, a week's holiday. I have got, it's about ten minutes' walk, a walk of ten minutes. I have got three hours of class tomorrow. I have got.. so, I have got three hours' class tomorrow. Three hours of class tomorrow or I have got three hours', apostrophe s class tomorrow. Ok so that's the exception to your rule. We use the apostrophe s for people, for animals, for groups of animals, for groups of people, and for time expressions, tomorrow's newspaper, and for periods of time. I have got three hours' class tonight. Three hours, we could say 'three hours of class'. Depends, you use it in the possessive or the plural, ok. Anyway, that's the exception to te rule. Apotrophe s with time. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating ; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!我相信你們都知道使用撇好加s的規則,比如,我老師的筆。用撇號,加上s,是老師的筆的意思。Alex的毛衣,Alex的眼鏡。這裡的撇好加s表示擁有,其規則是撇號加s表示人、動物、群體的人及群體的動物。我們不會用它表示無生命的東西。比如動物,狗的腿,獅子的牙。群體的人,西班牙的人口,IBM的員工。這裡的西班牙是個群體性的詞,IBM,也是一個群體性詞。我學校的老師非常好。學校是一些人工作的地方,我學校的老師,這裡的學校,我認為也是群體性詞。公司的聖誕節聚會,再次說明這裡的撇號加s表示擁有的意思。但是這個規則有一個例外,就是撇號加s也可以用在時間及時間短語上面。你有昨天的報紙嗎?昨天,實際上是完全無生命性的,嗯,我也不肯定。yestereday's newspaper,我們用它來表示時間。下星期的音樂會將會是精彩的,明天的天氣預報是好天。我們也用它表示一段時間,下個月我有一個星期的假期,這是一段大概10分鐘的路程,明天我有一個三小時的課程。你可以說three hours' class或者three hours of class。這就是規則的例外情況,我們用撇號加s來表示人、動物、群體性的人及動物,並可以表示時間,如,明天的報紙,也可以表示一段時間,如,今晚我有三小時的課程。我們也可以說three hours of class, 這由你是用擁有的意思還是復數形式來決定。好了,這就是規則的例外情況,撇號加s用來表示時間。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

