2013年11月11日 星期一


Hi there, students. Have you heard the verb 'to harangue' ? Or even the noun 'a harangue' ? Ok, to harangue is to leture somebody in an aggressive, critical and (lingsy??) manner. So maybe when you were a kid , you did sojmething wrong, you mum harangued you for a long time, you shouldn't have done lt like that, you mustn't do it like this. Ok, to harangue, to talk for a long time about something aggressively. To address a person or a crowd in an aggree way, in trying to be forcefully persuasive. Yeah, a harangue, a loud, forceful, angry speech. A scolding verbal attack. You can even say a (diatry??) ''. Maybe a dictator harangued his people with a long speech about what they should think and what they should do. Ok, to harangue, to give a long (punpus?? keydies??) speech which has a didactic nature to teach you something but the opinion of the person gave it, not necessarily your opinion. Ok, to deliver a harangue, to give a harangue, or the verb to harangue, to harangue a person, to talk to them in a violent, strong forceful angry way. Ok, so, yeah, I probably better harangue you about the meaning of harangue and let you draw your own conclusitions and find your own solutions to it. Ok, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過動詞‘to harangue’嗎?又或者名詞‘a harangue’? to harange是用一種侵略性的、嚴厲的、(??)的方式訓斥某人。或許當你還是個孩子的時候,如果你做錯了什麼事,你的媽媽會harangue你很長時間,你不該這麼做,你必須這樣做!to harangue就是很有壓迫性地長時間談論某件事,用一種很氣憤的態度對某人或一群人發表講話。試圖表達強有力的說服力。a harangue,就是大聲的、有力的、氣憤的講話。斥責性言辭攻擊,你甚至可以說(??):你不可以做這件事!或者一個獨裁者長篇大論地訓斥他的手下,什麼應該做,什麼應該想。a harangue, 就是長篇的(????)講詞,帶有didactic指教性的特征,教導你應該做什麼,但是,這並不是你需要的觀點,而是訓導者的觀點。ti deliver a harangue, 就是做出一個訓導性的講話。 to harganue 某人,就是對他發表一通猛烈的、強勁的、有力的、氣憤的講話。我還是停止用harganue的意思來不停地harangue你,讓你自己得出結論並找到解決問題的方案。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

