2013年11月7日 星期四

have the upper hand

 Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to have the upper hand'? Ok, one hand, and the upper hand, the superior hand. Ok, this means to be controlling or in a position to control either a person or a situation. Ok, this is when somebody or something has power or control over a situation. I don't know, for example in the basketball match, the blue team clearly had the upper hand, they were controlling the match and they clearly look like they were going to win it.  In the fight between the two boxers, the taller boxer had the upper hand. Or in politics, maybe the ruling party have the upper hand, they control the political scene. He has six brothers and sisters. But clearly of all his siblings, he is the one who has the upper hand. He is the one who says what happens, who controls the relationship between them and controls what is done, yeah. So to have the upper hand, ok, maybe you are more powerful, you are stronger and like that,  you control the situation. So to have the upper hand, to be in control of the situation. If you study enough for your English exams, you will have the upper hand on your English, you will be in control. He seemed very tired in emotion and his emotion seemed to have the upper hand. Ok, his reasoning was not in control, his emotions were in control. So to have the upper hand, to be in control, to be in power, to be winning, to be the stronger, the strong is force in a given situation.  Ok, so anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過‘to have the upper hand’這句短語嗎?看這裡,一只手,另一只高一點兒的手,較高級別的手。這個短句的意思是控制或處在控制某人或某種局面的位置。它是指某人或某物具有某種權利,或具控制某種局面的力量。比如,在籃球比賽中,藍隊具有絕對優勢,to have the upper hand,他們控制了比賽,看來他們將贏得比賽。在這兩個拳擊手的比賽中,較高的拳手占了上風。政治領域,執政黨占有優勢,他們控制了政治形勢。他有六個兄弟姊妹,在他們之中,他具有控制地位,他決定將發生的事及控制彼此間的關系,他決定做什麼。或許你具有某種權利,你要比他人更強勢,於是,你來決定形勢的走向。to have the upper hand,就是處在決定權的位置。如果你為英語考試做了充分准備,你在考試中就具有優勢。他看起來非常疲倦,情緒占據了上風,理性失去了控制地位。所以,to have the upper hand,就是處在控制、具有某種權利、獲勝、強勢的位置。好了,如果喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

