2013年11月3日 星期日

hit the ground running

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'to hit the ground running'? He really seems to hit the ground running today, ok, this means.. it is very figurative, it means to do very well at something immediately after starting or start your day really well. Imagine you jump out of the bus or an airplane or off a horse, if you hit the ground running, you are less likely to fall over. So you start by running very fast. And that's a way to do well.  To hit the ground running, yeah. Ok, this means so, means to be very successful at something, very soon after starting, yeah. So he really seems to hit the ground running in this business, he has been very successful doing this (for right?) from the beginning. Or I really hit the ground today, I was really efficient,  I did a lot of good things, really well-done today, I hit the ground running. Ok, anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過to hit the ground running 這個短句嗎?he really hit the ground running today,這是什麼意思?這句話非常形像,它的意思是一開始做­某件事,就馬上做得非常好,開頭開得非常好。你可以想像,你從巴­士、飛機或者一匹馬上面跳下來,如果你hit the ground running,你幾乎不會摔倒。你一開始就跑得非常快。to hit the ground running 的意思做某件事非常成功,開始做之後就進行得非常快。在這個生意­上,他似乎進行得非常成功,really hit the ground running。他一開始就將這件事做得非常成功。我確實hit the ground running,我今天非常有效率,我做了很多事。如果你喜歡這­個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。

