2013年11月13日 星期三


Hi there, studnent. Have you ever heard the word 'complacent, complacent'? This is an adjective meaning you are really satisfied with yourself, too satisfied with yourself. So happy with your previous achievements that you are sure everything you do in the future and in present will be good. Smug, if you like, yeah. Overpleased, overcontented with yourself now based on your past performance. Contented to a fault, so self-satisfied that you are not worried. So he has many many many (weeks success in the roll?), and finally he became complacent. Maybe you see this with a really big and important football team that when they play a small insignifcant team, they are complacent, maybe they lose, they are sure they are going to win, anything they do will be enough. To be complacent, ok, complacent. Pleased, self-satisfied, extremely self-satisfied, but over self-satisfied, too much, yeah. Smug, yeah, this word smug, I like it as well. Resting on your laurels, yeah. So self assured that you know you can't go wrong. Yeah, not a good characteristic, it's not a good thing to become complacent, you always need to be improving and trying to learn new things and improve your methor so that you don't become. Ok, so another adjective for your vocabularies. If you enjoy thevideo, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.
各位!你們聽說過‘complacent’這個詞嗎?這是個形容詞,意思是你對自己非常滿意,對自己極度滿意,對自己曾經有過的成就如此滿意,你確信將來和現在所做的事情都會很成功。你可以用smug來形容,自命不凡。overpleased, overcontented, 基於過去的自我表現,表現出的自命不凡,自鳴得意。非常自我滿意,不會擔憂什麼事情。他很多星期在總體上都是成功的,最後他變得自滿了。或許你會在足球隊裡面看到這種情況,當他們和一個無關緊要的球隊比賽時,他們洋洋自得,他們可能會輸掉比賽,他們確信會贏,他們以為所做的任何事都足夠好了。自鳴得意的,自我滿意的,極端自我滿意,過分自我滿意,洋洋自得,rest on one's laurels,滿足於過去的成就,如此非常自信,以至你知道自己不會做錯什麼。這不是一個好的性格,洋洋自得並不是好事情。你需要不停提高自己並且學習新的東西,提高做事的方式,令到自己不自滿。好了,這就是為你准備的一個詞。如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

