2013年11月4日 星期一

a trifle

Hi there, students. Have you ever heard the phrase 'it is a trifle' ? It's trifling, ok when we say in English, it's a trifle, it means it's very small, it's insignificant, it's not revelant, it's not important. And something that is trifling, trifling is an adjective, so this is a trifling problem, a very small problem. This is a trifle, we can resolve this immediately. Yeah, it's not a big problem, it's very small, ok. A trifle in English is also a type of pudding, a type of dessert.  With spongecake, probably with Sherry or Brandy and then jelly or jam, and then (cuts it??), and then maybe with cream on top, a trifle, very tasty. But notice we can also use it as an idiom, this is a trifle, it's unimportant, it's insignificant, it doesn't matter. Yeah, you could say 'I am a trifle late', and a little bit late. This is trifling, this is unimportant. It was a trifle, more expensive than I thought, a little bit more expensive than I thought, just a little bit,  but not very much. Ok, so a trifle, either a pudding or a very small insignificant amount. Ok, so there you go anyway. If you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel, and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!你們聽過a trifle這個詞嗎?在英語裡,當我們說這件事是a trifle, 意思是它很小、微不足道、意義不大或不重要的意思。當我們說某件­事是一個trifling問題, 這裡的trifling是個形容詞,意思是只是一個小問題。這是­一個trifle,我們可以很快解決它。它並不是什麼大問題,是­很小的問題。trifle在英語裡還是一種pudding,布丁­,甜品的一種,通常裡面有海綿蛋糕,散發雪利酒和白蘭地酒味道,­還拌有啫喱和果醬,或許(??),上面塗有一層奶油,美味極了。­注意,我們仍可以將它用在本文中的短句中,表示不重要的,意義不­大的,不要緊的。你可以說,我只是a trifle late, 我只是遲到了一點,它只是 trifling, 不重要的。它要比我預想的貴一點,a trifle,只是一點兒,並不多。所以,a trifle或者表示布丁,或者表示極微小的量,a trifle就是這樣理解了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜­歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

