2012年12月29日 星期六

to be snowed under

Hi there, students. Hello from Denmark. I am looking out of the window and there is snow everywhere. And it made me think of a phrasal verb that I thought you would enjoy. To be snowed under, ok, normally passive to be snowed under, is when you got so much work or so many things to do but it is more than you can do. Notice, I am snowed under, I have more than I can do, intransitive. I am snowed under with work, transitive. Ok. For example, at the moment, there are lots lots of people asked me for classes but I can't give any classes because I am snowed under with students. Maybe the job centres at the moment in this crisis are snowed under, more work than they can do or they are snowed under with applications from people who need jobs. Ok. To snow, you know the snow falls down (? white?), if you are snowed under, you got lots of snow on you and it is very difficult to work. So remember the phrasal verb, passive, to be snowed under, to have more than your resources can deal with. To be snowed under with something, ok, to have more requests, demands, work than you can do. So anyway, if you enjoy this video from snow in Denmark, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學! 這裡來自丹麥的問候。我望出窗外,外面是一望無際的白雪。這令我聯想起一個你可能會喜歡的動詞短語,to be snowed under, 通常是用被動語態to be snowed under, 這是當你已經有太多的工作、太多事情要做的時候,仍然要做再多一些。注意,to be snowed under, 我要做的多過我能做的,不及物動詞;如果用to be under with 工作,這是及物動詞。好,舉個例子,現在有很多很多同學要求學我的課程,但是我已經無法再教任何課程,因為我已經忙得不可開交。也許工作介紹中心在危機之下已經不勝負荷,工作已超出他們所能承擔的,他們疲於應付需要工作的人申請。好,你知道下雪,雪從天上掉下來,如果snowed under, 你有太多的雪壓在你身上,這樣非常難於工作。所以記住這個動詞短語,被動式,to be snowed with, 你的工作多到超出你所具有的資源所能應付的程度;to be snowed with 一些事情, 有太多的工作上的要求、請求超出你所能承擔的。好了,如果你喜歡這個來自白雪籠罩的丹麥的錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級,訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

The twelve days of Christmas

1. Hi there, students. So happy Chrismas to all my subscribers and even to those who are not. Now I am going to sing you a Chrismas carols. So excuse me my bad voice, out ( off?) time singing, off pitch singing, etc. But here we go a Chrismas greeting from me to you. OK. It is called the twelve days of Chrismas. So you are ready, here goes. "On the frist day of Chrismas my true love sent to me, a partridge in a pear tree. On the second day of Chrismas my true love sent me two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the third day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me three French hens , two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the fourth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the fifth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the sixth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the seventh day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the eighth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the ninth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the tenth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me ten lords a-leaping, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the eleventh day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. On the twelvth day of Chrismas, my true love sent to me twelfth drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two tortle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. So there you go, that's your Chrismas carol for this year. Happy Chrismas to all of you. Bye for now.

I take it that

Hi there, students. I take it that you are happy with the videos that I am making. So to take something, I take it, I assume, I guess, I believe that it's true. Yeah. So to take it, I take it that, I assume that, I understand that, I take it as I understood that. I take it that you are going to a party because you are very nicely dressed. I take it that you have no money because your wallet is empty. I take it that you are very happy with this decision. So I take it, I understand, I believe that it is true. Ok. So to take it, I take it. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating. If you give it a rating, I will take it that you enjoy the video. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!我猜測你們喜歡我制作的錄像,to take 某件事,I take it, 我假設、猜測、相信這件事是真的。所以,I take it, 我猜測,我理解,我理解所以我這樣猜測。我猜測你要去參加一個聚會,因為你穿的很入時。我猜測你沒有錢了,因為你的錢包是空的。我猜測你對這個決定是非常高興的。所以,I take it, 我理解,我相信這件事是真的。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;如果你留下了“喜歡”的評級,我相信你喜歡這個錄像。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

2012年12月27日 星期四

To Be Plus Infinitive for Programmed Future Events

 Hi there, student. The verb to be plus an infinitive, I am to go to my friend's house tomorrow, I am to (arrive?) work early tomorrow. We use this verb to be plus infinitive to say something is programmed. Yeah. Ok. I am to have this work done before midnight. I am to have, it's a programme that I must do. Ok. So to be plus an infinitive, I am to go to the doctor tomorrow, it is a programme I have an appointment. This is very like your present continuous, this is saying something scheduled and organized. Yeah. It's been pre-programmed we know it's going to happen. Ok. So, yes, I am to visit Germany next month. Ok. It's a programme that I visit. Ok. Anyway, If you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!動詞to be加上動詞不定式,明天我要去我朋友家,明天我要早點()工作­。我們用動詞to be後面加上動詞不定式來說某件事已經被安排好了。我要在午夜前­完成這項工作。I am to, 這是一個已經安排好的必須做的事。動詞to be加上動詞不定式,比如我明天要去看病,這是按照計劃所赴的約­會。這和一般進行時非常相似,是說有些事已經被計劃好了的、被安­排好了的。這是事先被安排好了的、我們知道會發生的事。明年我會­去德國,這是我安排好了的訪問。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留­下一個“喜歡”評級,訂閱我的頻道,我會很快和你再見面。

2012年12月26日 星期三

Noticable Subjunctives - When The Subjunctive Form Can Be Seen

Hi there, students. The subjunctive, now in most cases in English with the subjunctive, you don't see it, you don't realize you are using a subjunctive. Because you have an indicative form that's exactly the same or it's similar to the subjunctive. For example, if I spoke perfect English, here, spoke, spoke is a past simple, or in this case, it's an imperfect subjunctive. If you didn't speak perfect English, you would listen to more videos. Ok, so an imperfect subjunctive, if you spoke or if you didn't speak, although it's exactly the same as a past simple and like that you just don't see it, you don't notice it. It's essential that you come early tomorrow. ok, you come. Here we have 'you come' as a present subjunctive. But it just looks like a present simple. So again, you can't see any difference. Ok. It's essentical that you speak slowly. Here 'You speak' is a present subjunctive but it looks like a present simple. So another question: when can we see the difference? When can we actually notice where we use subjunctives? Ok. With the first common thing is with the verb 'to be'. Ok. If I were you, I would study more. If I were, not I was, past simple would be 'I was', I were. Here your 'I were' is an imperfect subjunctive. Ok. Yeah. If I were you, I would do it like this. So, I were. Or another example. It's essential that you be here early. ok. You be, this here is a persent subjunctive. Yeah. You be. Some people would say that it's essential that you are here early. But it is essential that normally takes a present subjunctive. So we use it is essential that you be. Yeah. You be, so you be, a perfect subjunctive. So with the verb to be, we have clear examples of the subjunctive. If he were here, he were, not he was. Many people do say he was, but we can say he were and this is a clear example. Now (whenas? )do we actually see  this present subjunctive? Ok. We see it in the third person of the present subjunctive. So it is essential that he come early tomorrow. Ok, he come. Many people will say 'he comes', but in this structure, he come is better. Here, he come, is a presentsubjunctive. It is necessary that he return this quickly. He return, not he returns. So in this present subjunctive with constructions it is a must that, it is necessary that, it is important that. He or she or it, then without the s to make a present subjunctive. Here a clear example of a perfect subjunctive. Ok. Let's try aonther one as well. Normally in the negatives of the present subjunctive,( it's very clear the difference as well?). I give you some examples. It's essential that you not come late tomorrow. Ok. You not come, we don't use the phrase 'you don't come', you should use 'that you not come'. So notice in the negative of present subjunctive, we use not instead of don't. It's a must that you don't drink the water,no,it is a must that you not drink the water. Ok. So it is a must you not drink, you not drink. Not the phrase you don't drink. If it was a present simple, then you would say 'you don't drink'. But as it is a subjunctive, we use not. And that's another place where we clearly see the existence of a subjunctive in English. OK. It is a must that he not come late tomorrow. It is essential that you not do it like that. All of these negatives should (be?) with not instead of don't or doesn't. Ok. That's where you see it. Ok. Let's me go over these again. So with the verb 'to be', if I were you, if he were here. Ok. With the verb to be as well. It is essential that you be here early. It is a must that you be on time. Ok. So that's the verb to be. With third person singular of the present subjunctive, it is essential that he come early. It is essential that he eat all his food. Ok. He eat, Ok. It is essential that she do this properly. She do, not she does, it is essential that she do  it properly. OK. And in the negatives of this, It is important that this not be done. It is important that you not drink the local water. OK. So these negatives as well. Not instead of don't. OK. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!我們來看看虛擬語氣。在英語裡,和虛擬語氣有關的大多­數例子,你看不到它,也意識不到自己正在使用虛擬語氣。這是因為­你使用了和虛擬語氣完全一樣或者相似的陳述語氣句,比如,如果我­說流利的英語,這裡,用了spoke, spoke是過去一般時態,或者說,在這個句子中,屬於未完成式­的虛擬語氣。如果你不能說流利的英語,你應該多聽一些錄像。如果­你能說及如果你不能說,這些屬於未完成式的虛擬語氣,雖然這同一­般過去式完全一樣,但你就是視而不見。至關重要的是你明天要早到­。you come, 這裡我們將you come看作是現在式虛擬語氣,但它看上去就好像是現在一般式一­樣。再說一次,你沒有辦法看出之間的差別。至關重要的是你要說得­慢一點。這裡,speak,是現在式的虛擬語氣,但是它看上去很­像一般現在式。這裡有了一個問題:我們什麼時候才可以看到或者意識到二者之間的­分別,什麼時候我們才能真正注意到在什麼地方我們使用虛擬語氣?­最通常和虛擬語氣相關的是動詞to be。如果我是你的話,我會多學一點。是I were, 不是I was,I was是一般過去式。這裡,I were是未完成虛擬語氣。如果我是你,我會這樣做。所以,用了­I were。另舉一個例子:你提早到這裡至關重要。you be, 這裡的you be 是一個現在式虛擬語氣。有些人會說應該是it is essential that you are here,但實際上是it is essential 通常帶有一個現在式的虛擬語氣,所以我們用it is essential that you be,這裡you be是現在式的虛擬語氣。所以,通過動詞to be,我們有了清晰的虛擬語氣的例子。如果他在這裡,he were, 不是he was, 很多人確實說he was, 但是實際上我們可以說he were, 這是一個非常清晰的例子。那我們什麼時候才會看到這種現在式的虛擬語氣呢?我們可以在以第­三人稱為主語的從句中看到這種現在式的虛擬語氣。他明天早到是至­關重要的。he come, 很多人說he comes, 但是在這個結構中,he come是較為好的,因為這裡的he come是現在式的虛擬語氣。他將此盡快退還是必要的,he return, 不是he returns。在這個帶有it is a must that, it is necessary that, it is important that的現在式的虛擬語氣中,去掉he 或者she或者it後面動詞中的s,從而構成了一個現在式的虛擬­語氣,這是一個非常清晰的現在式虛擬語氣的例子。好,我們來看看另外一個例子。通常在否定式的現在式虛擬語氣句中­,其中的差別是非常明顯的。我給大家一些例子。你明天不要遲到是­至關重要的。you don't come, 我們不用 you don't come這個短語,你該用 you not come。這裡要注意,在否定式的現在虛擬語氣句中,我們用no­t 取代don't。it is a must you not drink the water,不,我們要說,it is a must that you not drink the water。是you not drink, 不說you don't drink。如果是個現在一般時態,你應該說you don't drink。但由於它是虛擬語氣,所以我們用not。這是另外一­個我們可以清楚看到英語中虛擬語氣存在的地方。他明天不可以遲到­是必須的,你不那樣做是至關重要的。所有這些否定句都是和not­連用而不是don't。這就是你看到虛擬語氣的地方。我們回顧一­下以上內容:針對動詞to be, 如果我是你,如果他在這裡,你提早到這裡是至關重要的,你准時到­是必須的,這就是動詞 to be。現在式虛擬語氣中的第三人稱單數句,他早到是至關重要的,他吃掉­所有的食物是至關重要的,he eat,她適當做此事是至關重要的,she do, 不是she does,it is essential that she do this properly。在否定式的虛擬語氣中,這件事不被完成是重要­的,你不喝當地的水是重要的。這是否定式,用not取代don'­t。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留一個‘喜歡’的評級,訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

2012年12月10日 星期一

to be tickled pink about

 Hi there, students. To be tickled pink about something, ok, to tickle, is when somebody tickles you, to tickle. Maybe your neck is ticklish, or your armpit is ticklish. So you can be tickled pink (the colour) about something. This means to be very happy about something. I was tickled pink when I heard that I had passed my exam. I was very happy that I had passed my exam. He was tickled pink that he had got the job. Ok, so here we have a very nice idiom to be tickled pink about something. So if you learn this phrase, learn to use it well, I will be tickled pink, I would be very happy about it. OK. So just remember this phrase, to tickle. Some people are ticklish, some people aren't. But to be tickled pink about something, to be very very happy about. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!to be tickled pink about something, 好,to tickle 是說當你被胳肢時(哈哈哈,笑聲)的狀態。也許你的脖子是一個怕­癢處,也許你的胳肢窩是一個怕癢處。你可能會to be tickled pink (顏色)about something, 意思是對某件事感到非常高興。當我聽說我通過了考試時,我簡直太­高興了。我非常高興,因為我通過了考試。他因得到那份工作而感到­非常高興。這裡我們有了一個非常好的短語:to be tickled pink about someething。如果你學了這個短語,而且用得很好,我會­非常高興。好了,要記住這個短語,去胳肢。有些人是怕胳肢的,有­些人則不怕。to be tickled pink about something, 是對某事感到非常、非常高興。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一­個“喜歡”評級並請訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和你再見面。再見!

2012年12月9日 星期日

A Review of Mixed Conditionals

 Hi there, students. Ok, a lot of you have problems with mixed conditionals. So let me give you some examples of mixed conditionals. Ok. If I have done this work properly, then I wouldn't have a problem now. Ok, this is to say if the past had been different, then the present would be different. This is a past condition. If I had done this properly with an effect in present then I would be ok now, I wouldn't have a problem now. Yeah. Or we can also make this condition in the future. If I had done this properly, I wouldn't be going to have a problem tomorrow. OK, I haven't got time to do it for tomorrow. So here we have a past condition with a future effect. If I had been to the bank tomorrow, sorry, if I had been to the bank yesterday, I wouldn't be in need money tomorrow. But tomorrow I am going to be in need money, because I didn't go to the bank. Ok. So here we have two types of mixed conditionals. A past condition with a present effect, if I had done this properly, I wouldn't have a problem now. Or a past condition and a future effect. If I had been to the bank yesterday, I wouldn't be going to need money tomorrow. Let's try some more these mixed conditionals (as well?). Ok let's say if I were rich, I would have bought you an expensive present. So if I were rich in the present, so this is a present condition, then the effecct in the past would be different. If I were rich now, I would have bought you a present, an expensive present in the past. So we are mixing the two there as well. This is a past condition with a, sorry, this is a present conditon with a past effect. If you spoke a perfect English, you wouldn't have studied to watch this video. So if you spoke perfect English now, present condition, then a past effect would have been different. OK, that's another mixed condition. Ok, let's look at another side of mixed conditionals as well. If I wergoing to be different, if I weren't going on holiday tomorrow, then the effect in the past would have been different. Yesterday I would have visited your house. Ok, so a future condition with a past effect. We could also make this a future conditon with a present effecct. If I weren't going on holiday tomorrow, I would come to your house now. Ok, so that's a mixed between....with a future conditional or a future condition and a present effect. And if you like this as well, you could have a en't going on holiday tomorrow, I would have come to your house yesterday. So if the future were  future condition and a future effect. If I weren't be going on holiday tomorrow, I would be going to come to your house tomorrow. Ok, this is a future condtion and a future effect. So notice, all of these are mixtures of conditonals. This is no longer your traditional zero conditonal, first condtional, second conditional and third conditional. This is a complete mix of them. So you need to have your mind more open when you think about these conditionals. Anyway, tha'ts enough before I make this even more complicated. So if you enjoy this video, give me a rating. If you enjoyed, then give it now. So past effect, it's a past condition, if you enjoyed it in the past, then give me a present, a present result, a present rating. If you have enjoyed this video, if you enjoy this video, two different ones, then give it a rating, subscribe to my channel. That's just a (direct order??). And I will see you soon. So, bye for now.

各位! 你們當中的很多人對於混合虛擬語氣都有很多問題。我給你們一些關­於混合虛擬語氣的例子。比如,如果我一早就將這項工作適當做好,­那現在就不會有問題。這是說,如果過去的情況不同,那麼現在的情­形就將是不同的。這是一個過去式的條件句,如果我一早將這件事適­當做好,那麼現在出現的結果將是沒有問題的。我們同樣可以將這個­條件句放在將來句式中。如果我昨天就將這件事適當做好,那明天就­將不會有什麼問題。我明天沒有時間做這件事。這裡我們有一個過去­式的條件句,產生一個將來的結果。如果我明天已經去過銀行,抱歉­,如果我昨天已經去過銀行,那我明天就不會需要錢。但是明天我是­需要錢的,因昨天我沒去過銀行。所以這裡我們有兩種方式的混合虛­擬語氣句式:過去式的條件句帶有現在式的結果,如果我早就將這件­事適當做好,現在就不會有問題了;另一個是過去式的條件句帶有將­來的結果,如果我昨天去過銀行,那我明天就不會需要錢。我們來多­試一些混合式的條件句。如果我現在是富有的,我應該一早就買給你­一件昂貴的禮物。所以,如果我現在是富有的,這是一個現在式句型­,那麼在過去的結果就將是不同的。如果我現在是富有的,我應該一­早就買給你一件昂貴的禮物。所以我們把這兩個句式在此混合在了一起。這是一個過去虛擬語氣句­結合一個...抱歉, 這是一個現在式條件句,結合過去的結果。如果你現在能講一口完美­的英語,你將無需開始觀看這個錄像。就是說如果你現在就可以說完­美的英語,那麼過去的結果將是不同的。這是另外一種混合式的虛擬­條件句。我們來看一下另外一種混合式的虛擬條件句。如果我明天不­休假,我昨天就會去你家了。就是說,如果未來的情況是不同的,如­果我明天不去休假,那麼過去所發生的結果也將是不同的,昨天我就­會拜訪你了。這是一個未來式的虛擬條件句,結合一個過去的結果。­我們也同樣可以將此未來式虛擬條件句和現在式的結果相結合。如果­我明天不去休假,我現在就去你家拜訪。這就是過去虛擬條件句和現­在結果的結合。如果你喜歡的話,你還可以把將來式虛擬條件句和將­來結果結合起來。如果我明天不休假,明天我將去你家拜訪。這是一­個將來式虛擬條件句結合將來的結果。在此,你要留意,所有這些都­是混合式的虛擬條件句。這不再是你所知了解的傳統的真實條件句、­過去式虛擬條件句、完成式的虛擬條件句、與過去事實相反的虛擬條­件句,這個是一個完全的混合體。所以,當你去思考這些句式時, 你需要令自己的大腦更加開放。總之,這些句式已經足夠了,我不想­將其變得更加復雜。如果你喜歡這個錄像,給它一個“喜歡”的評級­。如果你已經喜歡了,現在就評級,過去的結果,不,是過去的條件­,如果你在過去就喜歡了,那麼給出一個現在的結果、評級。如果你­早已喜歡了,如果你喜歡了,是兩個不同的類型句式,給我一個“喜­歡”的評級,訂閱我的youtube頻道,我將很快和你再見面。­再見!

2012年12月5日 星期三

Third Conditional Review

Hi there, students. Ok, third conditionals, it seems the people around here in Danmark have a lot of problems with that third conditionals. So let's look at simple third condition. If the past had been different, then the past would have been different, the subsequent past would have been different. If I had had enough money, I would have paid for you. I didn't have enough money, so I didn't pay for you. Yeah. If the past had been different, then the past, subsequent past would have been different. (there??) we also have another interesting construction with this. For example, if I had known you were going to come, then I would have baked the cake. If I had known he were going to arrive late, then I would have come home more slowly. So notice, if I had known, if I had understood, if I had realized that you were, he were, I were going to do something, then I would have done something else. OK, another way of (looking at it??). OK, so these past conditionals, these third conditionals are talking about if the past had been different, then the subsequent past would have been different. This is totally unreal and impossible. Because the past was as it was, but if it hadn't been, then there would have been a different result. Ok. So remember, if plus past subjunctive. If I had studied more at school, that's a past subjunctive, I would have (obtained??) past conditional better results. So I hope this little conditional review has made things easier and a little clearer for you. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.


2012年12月3日 星期一

go on doing something and go on to do something

Hi there, students. To go on to do something or to go on doing something, what's the difference? Ok, to go on doing something is to continue doing something. So at the moment I am going to go on speaking, I am going to continue speaking. However to go on to do something, says on the next thing I will do is. So the teacher explained the numbers and then he went on to explain the addition. So on the next thing he did was. And then he went on to explain substraction, so and again the next thinghe did was. OK, so to go on doing something , to continue doing something; to go on to do something, to say what you are going to do next. OK. So anyway, I think I am going to stop making this video. OK. If you enjoy it, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!to go on doing something 和to go on to do something, 它們的分別何在?是這樣的,前者的意思是持續做某件事,比如此刻,我打算繼續說話,我打算持續講下去。然而後者的意思是下一件事我打算做的事。比如那個教師解釋了數字,然後他開始解釋加數。然後他開始解釋減法,下一件他要做的事情。所以前者意思是持續做某件事,後者說的是開始做另外一件事。好了,我認為我應該停止繼續制作這個錄像了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,給它一個“喜歡”的評級病訂閱我的錄影頻道。我講很快和你再見面。再見!

wary and weary

Hi there, students. Wary or weary, ok, these are two adjectives with very different meanings. If you are wary, wary, you need to be careful; if you are weary, you are tired. OK. So when you are weary, when you are tired, you need to be more wary, more careful, because it's more easy, it's easier to have an accident. OK. So be wary, be careful, wary. OK. Careful, with your eyes open, keep them peeled. But if you are weary, weary, weary, then you feel really tired. You have been working all day, so you are really weary. OK, wary, weary, try to get the two right. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it  a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!wary 和weary, 這兩個都是形容詞但卻有著非常不同的意思。如果你wary, 你需要很小心;如果你weary, 你非常疲倦。所以當你weary, 你需要非常wary, 因為這很容易或者比較容易出現意外。所以,wary, 小心,要很小心;要睜大眼睛保持警覺;但如果你weary, 你會非常疲倦,你已經工作了一整天,所以你非常疲倦。嘗試將這兩­個詞搞掂。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留下“喜歡”評級並訂閱我的頻道­。我將很快又和你見面。再見


Hi there, students. Histrionics, ok, histrionically, this is to show your emotions in a theatrical way,over the top, very strongly. So the girl and the man were shouting at each other histrionically, like they were in a theatre, like it was a play or a film, yeah. With lots and lots of noise and action, yeah. Histrionically, more than real life. With huge amounts of emotion and show, yeah. OK, so histrionics, emotional outburst, but very strong ones, threatrical emotional outburst. The English or the British are not known for being histrionic, yeah. Histrionics is not something that you find often in Britain. Well, you can, the Britiish can be pretty emotional too. So, another word for your vocabulary, histrionics, the noun. No more histrionics please. And he shouted histrionically, the adverb, ok. And a histrionic person, the adjective. Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!histrionics, 是這樣的,比較戲劇化地,意思是戲劇性,該詞表示用一種十分戲劇性的方式來表達你的情感,超出可以理解的程度,非常強烈。比如一個女孩和一個男人在吵架,很富戲劇性,就像他們正在戲院中,像是正在上演的一部戲或者電影。帶有太多太多的噪音和動作,懂嗎?超出現實生活,帶有超量的情感和表演成分。就是這樣, 戲劇性,情感的爆發,但是非常強烈,戲劇性的情感爆發。英國人或者英格蘭人並不以戲劇性而聞名。你並不能常常在英國發現很戲劇性的東西。當然,如果要找,也是可以找到的,英國人也是很情緒化的。好了,這是你詞典中的另一個詞。histrionics, 是名詞,請不要太戲劇性。她戲劇性地喊叫,這裡是副詞。也有很戲劇性的人,這裡是形容詞。好了,如果你喜歡我的錄像,請留下一個"喜歡"評級並訂閱我的頻道。我將很快又和你見面。再見。