2012年12月27日 星期四

To Be Plus Infinitive for Programmed Future Events

 Hi there, student. The verb to be plus an infinitive, I am to go to my friend's house tomorrow, I am to (arrive?) work early tomorrow. We use this verb to be plus infinitive to say something is programmed. Yeah. Ok. I am to have this work done before midnight. I am to have, it's a programme that I must do. Ok. So to be plus an infinitive, I am to go to the doctor tomorrow, it is a programme I have an appointment. This is very like your present continuous, this is saying something scheduled and organized. Yeah. It's been pre-programmed we know it's going to happen. Ok. So, yes, I am to visit Germany next month. Ok. It's a programme that I visit. Ok. Anyway, If you enjoy this video, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!動詞to be加上動詞不定式,明天我要去我朋友家,明天我要早點()工作­。我們用動詞to be後面加上動詞不定式來說某件事已經被安排好了。我要在午夜前­完成這項工作。I am to, 這是一個已經安排好的必須做的事。動詞to be加上動詞不定式,比如我明天要去看病,這是按照計劃所赴的約­會。這和一般進行時非常相似,是說有些事已經被計劃好了的、被安­排好了的。這是事先被安排好了的、我們知道會發生的事。明年我會­去德國,這是我安排好了的訪問。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,請留­下一個“喜歡”評級,訂閱我的頻道,我會很快和你再見面。

