2012年12月3日 星期一

go on doing something and go on to do something

Hi there, students. To go on to do something or to go on doing something, what's the difference? Ok, to go on doing something is to continue doing something. So at the moment I am going to go on speaking, I am going to continue speaking. However to go on to do something, says on the next thing I will do is. So the teacher explained the numbers and then he went on to explain the addition. So on the next thing he did was. And then he went on to explain substraction, so and again the next thinghe did was. OK, so to go on doing something , to continue doing something; to go on to do something, to say what you are going to do next. OK. So anyway, I think I am going to stop making this video. OK. If you enjoy it, give it a rating. Subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!to go on doing something 和to go on to do something, 它們的分別何在?是這樣的,前者的意思是持續做某件事,比如此刻,我打算繼續說話,我打算持續講下去。然而後者的意思是下一件事我打算做的事。比如那個教師解釋了數字,然後他開始解釋加數。然後他開始解釋減法,下一件他要做的事情。所以前者意思是持續做某件事,後者說的是開始做另外一件事。好了,我認為我應該停止繼續制作這個錄像了。如果你喜歡這個錄像,給它一個“喜歡”的評級病訂閱我的錄影頻道。我講很快和你再見面。再見!

