2012年12月10日 星期一

to be tickled pink about

 Hi there, students. To be tickled pink about something, ok, to tickle, is when somebody tickles you, to tickle. Maybe your neck is ticklish, or your armpit is ticklish. So you can be tickled pink (the colour) about something. This means to be very happy about something. I was tickled pink when I heard that I had passed my exam. I was very happy that I had passed my exam. He was tickled pink that he had got the job. Ok, so here we have a very nice idiom to be tickled pink about something. So if you learn this phrase, learn to use it well, I will be tickled pink, I would be very happy about it. OK. So just remember this phrase, to tickle. Some people are ticklish, some people aren't. But to be tickled pink about something, to be very very happy about. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!to be tickled pink about something, 好,to tickle 是說當你被胳肢時(哈哈哈,笑聲)的狀態。也許你的脖子是一個怕­癢處,也許你的胳肢窩是一個怕癢處。你可能會to be tickled pink (顏色)about something, 意思是對某件事感到非常高興。當我聽說我通過了考試時,我簡直太­高興了。我非常高興,因為我通過了考試。他因得到那份工作而感到­非常高興。這裡我們有了一個非常好的短語:to be tickled pink about someething。如果你學了這個短語,而且用得很好,我會­非常高興。好了,要記住這個短語,去胳肢。有些人是怕胳肢的,有­些人則不怕。to be tickled pink about something, 是對某事感到非常、非常高興。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一­個“喜歡”評級並請訂閱我的頻道。我將很快和你再見面。再見!

