2012年12月26日 星期三

Noticable Subjunctives - When The Subjunctive Form Can Be Seen

Hi there, students. The subjunctive, now in most cases in English with the subjunctive, you don't see it, you don't realize you are using a subjunctive. Because you have an indicative form that's exactly the same or it's similar to the subjunctive. For example, if I spoke perfect English, here, spoke, spoke is a past simple, or in this case, it's an imperfect subjunctive. If you didn't speak perfect English, you would listen to more videos. Ok, so an imperfect subjunctive, if you spoke or if you didn't speak, although it's exactly the same as a past simple and like that you just don't see it, you don't notice it. It's essential that you come early tomorrow. ok, you come. Here we have 'you come' as a present subjunctive. But it just looks like a present simple. So again, you can't see any difference. Ok. It's essentical that you speak slowly. Here 'You speak' is a present subjunctive but it looks like a present simple. So another question: when can we see the difference? When can we actually notice where we use subjunctives? Ok. With the first common thing is with the verb 'to be'. Ok. If I were you, I would study more. If I were, not I was, past simple would be 'I was', I were. Here your 'I were' is an imperfect subjunctive. Ok. Yeah. If I were you, I would do it like this. So, I were. Or another example. It's essential that you be here early. ok. You be, this here is a persent subjunctive. Yeah. You be. Some people would say that it's essential that you are here early. But it is essential that normally takes a present subjunctive. So we use it is essential that you be. Yeah. You be, so you be, a perfect subjunctive. So with the verb to be, we have clear examples of the subjunctive. If he were here, he were, not he was. Many people do say he was, but we can say he were and this is a clear example. Now (whenas? )do we actually see  this present subjunctive? Ok. We see it in the third person of the present subjunctive. So it is essential that he come early tomorrow. Ok, he come. Many people will say 'he comes', but in this structure, he come is better. Here, he come, is a presentsubjunctive. It is necessary that he return this quickly. He return, not he returns. So in this present subjunctive with constructions it is a must that, it is necessary that, it is important that. He or she or it, then without the s to make a present subjunctive. Here a clear example of a perfect subjunctive. Ok. Let's try aonther one as well. Normally in the negatives of the present subjunctive,( it's very clear the difference as well?). I give you some examples. It's essential that you not come late tomorrow. Ok. You not come, we don't use the phrase 'you don't come', you should use 'that you not come'. So notice in the negative of present subjunctive, we use not instead of don't. It's a must that you don't drink the water,no,it is a must that you not drink the water. Ok. So it is a must you not drink, you not drink. Not the phrase you don't drink. If it was a present simple, then you would say 'you don't drink'. But as it is a subjunctive, we use not. And that's another place where we clearly see the existence of a subjunctive in English. OK. It is a must that he not come late tomorrow. It is essential that you not do it like that. All of these negatives should (be?) with not instead of don't or doesn't. Ok. That's where you see it. Ok. Let's me go over these again. So with the verb 'to be', if I were you, if he were here. Ok. With the verb to be as well. It is essential that you be here early. It is a must that you be on time. Ok. So that's the verb to be. With third person singular of the present subjunctive, it is essential that he come early. It is essential that he eat all his food. Ok. He eat, Ok. It is essential that she do this properly. She do, not she does, it is essential that she do  it properly. OK. And in the negatives of this, It is important that this not be done. It is important that you not drink the local water. OK. So these negatives as well. Not instead of don't. OK. Anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating, subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位同學!我們來看看虛擬語氣。在英語裡,和虛擬語氣有關的大多­數例子,你看不到它,也意識不到自己正在使用虛擬語氣。這是因為­你使用了和虛擬語氣完全一樣或者相似的陳述語氣句,比如,如果我­說流利的英語,這裡,用了spoke, spoke是過去一般時態,或者說,在這個句子中,屬於未完成式­的虛擬語氣。如果你不能說流利的英語,你應該多聽一些錄像。如果­你能說及如果你不能說,這些屬於未完成式的虛擬語氣,雖然這同一­般過去式完全一樣,但你就是視而不見。至關重要的是你明天要早到­。you come, 這裡我們將you come看作是現在式虛擬語氣,但它看上去就好像是現在一般式一­樣。再說一次,你沒有辦法看出之間的差別。至關重要的是你要說得­慢一點。這裡,speak,是現在式的虛擬語氣,但是它看上去很­像一般現在式。這裡有了一個問題:我們什麼時候才可以看到或者意識到二者之間的­分別,什麼時候我們才能真正注意到在什麼地方我們使用虛擬語氣?­最通常和虛擬語氣相關的是動詞to be。如果我是你的話,我會多學一點。是I were, 不是I was,I was是一般過去式。這裡,I were是未完成虛擬語氣。如果我是你,我會這樣做。所以,用了­I were。另舉一個例子:你提早到這裡至關重要。you be, 這裡的you be 是一個現在式虛擬語氣。有些人會說應該是it is essential that you are here,但實際上是it is essential 通常帶有一個現在式的虛擬語氣,所以我們用it is essential that you be,這裡you be是現在式的虛擬語氣。所以,通過動詞to be,我們有了清晰的虛擬語氣的例子。如果他在這裡,he were, 不是he was, 很多人確實說he was, 但是實際上我們可以說he were, 這是一個非常清晰的例子。那我們什麼時候才會看到這種現在式的虛擬語氣呢?我們可以在以第­三人稱為主語的從句中看到這種現在式的虛擬語氣。他明天早到是至­關重要的。he come, 很多人說he comes, 但是在這個結構中,he come是較為好的,因為這裡的he come是現在式的虛擬語氣。他將此盡快退還是必要的,he return, 不是he returns。在這個帶有it is a must that, it is necessary that, it is important that的現在式的虛擬語氣中,去掉he 或者she或者it後面動詞中的s,從而構成了一個現在式的虛擬­語氣,這是一個非常清晰的現在式虛擬語氣的例子。好,我們來看看另外一個例子。通常在否定式的現在式虛擬語氣句中­,其中的差別是非常明顯的。我給大家一些例子。你明天不要遲到是­至關重要的。you don't come, 我們不用 you don't come這個短語,你該用 you not come。這裡要注意,在否定式的現在虛擬語氣句中,我們用no­t 取代don't。it is a must you not drink the water,不,我們要說,it is a must that you not drink the water。是you not drink, 不說you don't drink。如果是個現在一般時態,你應該說you don't drink。但由於它是虛擬語氣,所以我們用not。這是另外一­個我們可以清楚看到英語中虛擬語氣存在的地方。他明天不可以遲到­是必須的,你不那樣做是至關重要的。所有這些否定句都是和not­連用而不是don't。這就是你看到虛擬語氣的地方。我們回顧一­下以上內容:針對動詞to be, 如果我是你,如果他在這裡,你提早到這裡是至關重要的,你准時到­是必須的,這就是動詞 to be。現在式虛擬語氣中的第三人稱單數句,他早到是至關重要的,他吃掉­所有的食物是至關重要的,he eat,她適當做此事是至關重要的,she do, 不是she does,it is essential that she do this properly。在否定式的虛擬語氣中,這件事不被完成是重要­的,你不喝當地的水是重要的。這是否定式,用not取代don'­t。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留一個‘喜歡’的評級,訂閱我的­頻道,我將很快和你再見面。

