2013年10月29日 星期二


 Hi there, students. To sift, a sift, to sift is to separate something in a sift to separate the very fine bits from the bigger bits. So this is a sifter, if you put flour in here and you rub it, then you can sift the flour. So all the small small grains go through, and any bigger pieces are left inside the sift. That is to sift. Maybe you can sift sands to get only the fine particles, ok. So to sift is to separate the small pieces from the bigger pieces. Now we can use this verb sift  figuratively as well. Ok, so for example, if you are looking for somebody to do a job and you receive a lot of CVs, curriculums, applications for the job. Maybe you can sift the candidates, you say this one looks interesting, this one doesn't look interesting. So to sift is to separate into the bits you want and the bits you don't want. So to sift , to separate, to separate one type of thing from anohter. You can also use this to mean examine. I had to sift through all the papers  to find the information that I needed. But again this is the idea, separate the bits you don't want from the bits you do want. Maybe you made a beatuiful desert and then you sift a little bit of icing sugar on the top of it, you could even use a sugar sifter, ok, something sifts very fine bits on [the top] of sugar or very fine bits of icing sugar onto something, you can sift, use a sifter. Ok, so to sift, to use this sifter, to separate the small tiny bits from bigger bits.  But you can use sifter as well (phgritifily???) to mean to separate into the bits of something you want and the bits you don't want. I have to sift through the information to find the exact piece of information I want, yeah. Ok, so to sift, something could be useful for you, for your vocabulary. Maybe you need to sift through my videos and find the ones that useful particularly for you. Because there are so many, maybe they need (sifted??). Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to sift, a sifter, to sift就是將一些東西用篩子分離出來,將細小的顆粒分離出來。­這就是一個篩子,如果你將面粉放在裡面,然後摩擦面粉,那麼你就­是在篩面粉。所有細小的顆粒漏了下來,大的顆粒則留在了篩子裡。­這就是篩東西。你可以篩沙子,將細小的沙子篩選出來。所以,to sift就是將小粒的東西從較大的顆粒中分離出來。我們也可以用­這個動詞to sift(?)。比如,你在找一個人去做某件工作,你受到很多簡­歷,就是申請工作的簡歷。你可以篩選候選人,你可以認為這個人比­較合適,那個人不太合適。這裡的to sifte就是將你想要的篩選出來,不想要的也篩選出來。to sift就是分離,將一種東西由另外一種東西裡面就是說用將一些不想要的東西由想要的東西篩出來。你也可以做一件­好看的甜點,將一些糖霜sift在甜點的上面。你也可以用一個糖­篩在一些東西上面篩灑出一些糖或糖霜。to sift也用於將一些你想要的部分分離與不要想的部分。我必須將­信息進行sift,找出我需要的東西。好了,這就是sift,一­個可能對你的詞彙庫有用的詞。或許你需要對我的錄像進行篩選,找­出對你有用而且比較特別的東西。錄像是在是太多了,需要篩選。好­了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你再見面。分離出來。你也­可以用這個詞表示檢查。我要將所有的文件進行sift, 找出對我有用的資料。

