2013年4月30日 星期二

to sit on your hands

 Hi there, students. To sit on your hands, ok, this means to do nothing when something needs to be done. If there is a problem or situation that deals that needs to be (doubt??) with, perhaps you just sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing. Yeah, we need everyone to help, you can't just stay sitting on your hands. Ok, to sit on your hands, to take no action, to do nothing to help, just to watch things happen, to watch things go by, specially when something needs to be done. Yeah, ok, to sit on your hands, literally you are sitting on your hands, you can't do anything to help with your hands and therefor you do nothing. So either you can take action or you can sit on your hands, do nothing. So if you enjoy the video, don't sit on your hands but give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to sit on your hands, 這個短句的意思是當需要完成某件事的時候,當事人卻什麼都不做,­不采取任何行動。當有個問題或某種情況及交易尚未確認時,你卻事­不關己,毫無作為。我們需要每一個人的援助,你不可以呆在一旁,­事不關己。to sit on your hands, 是不采取行動,不做任何幫助的事情,只是旁觀事情發生,靜觀事態­進行,特別是當某件事急需被解決的時候。所以to sit on your hands,從字面上看就是你坐在自己的手上從而無法采取行動,­無法做任何事情。你或是采取行動,或是to sit on your hands, 事不關己。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,不要sit on your hands, 留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年4月29日 星期一

for the time being


Hi there, students. For the time being, so my normal camera is not working so I am using my friend's camera for the time being, temporarily. Ok, for the time being talks about temporary situation, something that is happening temporarily, probably about now. So for the time being , for a short time about now, not a permantent situation. My car had a serious accident and I am not sure if they can repair it. So until I decide whether to repair or buy a new one, I am using a cheap little runabout a cheap little car, for the time being. Ok, for the moment, ok. So maybe for the time being, your English is not perfect. But if you listen to (another?) videos, you will get a lot better. So for the time being, a phrase to talk about a temporary situation. Ok, not to talk about a permantent one. Ok, so....yeah, we hope the crisis is for the time being, yeah, around now. So anyway, if you eenjoy the video, give it a rating; sbuscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!for the time being, 我常用的攝影機壞了,所以我暫時用我朋友的攝影機。就是說,是臨時性的。for the time being,講的是臨時性的狀態,某件事暫時性地發生在現在的狀況。for the time being是眼前暫時性的短暫時間,並不是永久性的持續下去。我的車出了嚴重的事故,我不肯定他們能否修好它。所以在決定是讓他們修理還是買一部新車之前,我決定暫時先開一家小型的廉價車。就是說,眼前先用著它。眼下你的英語可能還不完美,但是如果你不停地聽錄音看錄像,你的英語會變得更好。所以,for the time being說的是暫時性狀況,並非永久。我們希望這場危機只是暫時性的。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年4月28日 星期日

between jobs

Hi there, students. To be between jobs, or to be in between jobs, this is a very discreet and nice of saying that you are unemployed. You are between jobs, you had a job before, and you will have a job again in the future when you find it, ok. So in between jobs, at the moment, I am in between jobs. I am unemployed and trying to find a job. I am an actor who is between jobs and I am looking for something to do. Ok, to be between jobs, a nice euphemism, ok, a smart way of saying, you are unemployed. At the moment in the crisis there are many people who are between jobs. Let's hope that changes. Ok. Anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to be between job或者to be in between jobs,這是一句非常謹慎和友善的短句,意思是“你失業了”。­you are in between job,你之前有份工作,你將來也會有份工作,如果你能找到的話­。此刻,i am between jobs, 我失業了,正在找份工作。我是一個演員,我失業了,正在找點東西­做。這是一句非常婉轉並且聰明的對於失業人士的說法。在這次危機­中,很多人都失業了,to be between jobs。讓我們保持希望,事情會變好的。好了,如果你喜歡這個­錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。

2013年4月27日 星期六

my heart isn't in it

 Hi there ,students. My heart really isn't in it, his heart isn't in it, so this is when you do something but you are not convinced, you don't really feel that this is a good thing and you are not putting all your energy or all your enthusiasm into it. So they made me go to a party on Saturday (on?) my work, but my heart really wasn't in it. I wanted to do something else. Ok. So if your heart isn't in something, you are not completely enthusiastic, you don't really really want to do this. Yeah, you really would prefer to be doing something else, to be doing something else. So you say 'my heart really isn't in it'. Yeah, ok. So when you are not really enthusiastic about doing something but you got to do it, you say 'I am sorry , I will do it, my heart isn't really in it'. Ok. I am not doing it with all my strength, with all my enthusiasm, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!my heart really isn't in it, 或者his heart isn't in it,這是當你做某件事時,你對此不確定該不該做,你無法真正感­覺到在做一件正確的事,你無法將自己的能量和熱情放進去。星期六­他們把我弄到了一個聚會上,我的心根本不在那,我想做些其他的事­。所以如果your heart is not in something,你對做這件事沒有熱情,你反而想做其他的事­,你寧願去做另外的一些事。所以當你沒有熱情去做某件事而必須要­做的時候,你可以說“好吧,我會去做,但是我完全沒有興致去做”­。我不會用全部力量去做,我不會投入熱情去做。好了,如果你喜歡­這個錄像,留下一個‘喜歡’的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你­又見面。

2013年4月25日 星期四

overhead and overheads

 Hi there, students. Overhead or overheads, let's see. Overhead can be an adverb and an adjective. (Sam?) what is above you? Below my flat, there are some Italians who live there. And overhead, there are two spanish. Overhead, above my head. The plane flew overhead. Ok. It is an adverb. The ceiling is overhead. Ok, so over your head, above your head. But we have another meaning for this in business. Very often we use the phrase 'overheads'. These are the fixed costs of the business. without taking into an account making anything. Maybe you need to pay rent, repairs and electricity and different ultility bills and things like that. These are fixed cost not the costs, the variable cost when you produce more things. These are the costs that (?) cost you stay to open. The overheads of the business, if you like, the running cost. This is the cost without taking into an account making anything. When you actaully start to make something, Those costs are not overheads. So overheads, the basic costs of the business. Ok, so, overhead, the plane flew overhead; and the overheads of the business are extremely expensive and I don't know how we can make profit. One thing is good about working in the internet is the overheads, the fixed costs are very low. Ok, so anyway, overhead, overheads. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!overhead和overheads,我們看看這兩個詞­。overhead可以作副詞或是形容詞。你頭上是什麼?在我住­的單位樓層下面,有些意大利人在住,在我的樓上則有兩個西班牙人­。overhead, 在我的頭頂。有一架飛機在我的頭上飛過,這裡的overhead­做副詞。天花板在頭頂,所以over your head,就是above your head的意思。這個詞在商業上還有另外一個意思,在此我們經常­使用overheads。它們是一些固定的費用並不會直接產生任­何收益。你也許要支付租金、修理費、電費及各種公共費用開支。這­些都是固定費用,並非似有些費用那樣可以產生收益,這些都只是維­持經營所需必要開支。overheads of the business,就好像大家經常所說的running cost一樣,無需入賬,無法產生直接收益。當你開始經營一項生­意時,所產生的成本不是雜項開支。所以,overheads是生­意中的雜項開支。overhead, 一架飛機在頭頂飛過,這項生意中的overheads非常高,我­不知道怎麼才能賺得利潤。通过互联网工作的一个好处是它的overheads非常低。好了­,如果喜欢这个录像,留下一个‘喜欢’的评级;订阅我的频道,我­将很快和你又见面。

fall guy

 Hi there, students. The fall guy, a fall guy, ok ,this is , I think a phrase of an American origin, notice the word 'guy'. But it is used very commonly in British English as well. Ok, a fall guy, is someboy who is held for responsib, somebody who people think are responsible, is responible for the bad actions, the criminal actions, the nasty things that another person does. So one person does the bad things and another one is the fall guy, a scapegoat if you like. Somebody to take the blame somebody to take the responsibility even though they may or may not be responsible. There are slightly different nuances of a fall guy. Ok, a fall guy can be innocent and blamed for a bad action. Or a fall guy can be guilty or responsibile. But (takes your responsiblity?) of the group, so he is the one that is responsible for it and the others are ignored. A fall guy can be a person that everyone makes jokes about. The fall guy (??), the fall guy in the team, everyone makes jokes about him, Then finally there is another in work, (a worker?) who takes (your?) responsibility of other people. But a fall guy, the responsibility, the blame, the problem fall on this guy even he is not responsible, yeah, a fall guy. So somebody is held responsible for the bad actions, or another person or a group of people, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a fall guy, 我認為這是一個來自美國英語的短語,你可以從‘guy’這個詞推­­斷。但是它也廣泛用於英國英語中。a fall guy是某人要對某事負責任,大家都認為他要對某種不好的行為負­­責任,或者為其他人所作出的犯法行為、卑劣行為負責。某人做了­壞­事,另外一個人卻成了the fall guy,你也可以用scapegoat去形容,是某人要承擔責罵­­、擔起責任,即使他也許有責任,也許沒有責任。a fall guy在詞義上有細微的不同。a fall guy可以是無辜的,也可能要為不好的行為遭受責罵。又或者,a fall guy可能要為整個集體的壞事兒承擔責任,一人擔責,其他人則被­­忽視。a fall guy也可能是被眾人嘲笑的對像,(?),每個人都在開他的玩笑­­。最後,在工作中有一個人,也許是個工人,他替他人承擔責任。­對於a fall guy來說,就算不是他應付的責任,而責任、責難、問題還是全都­傾注在他一人身上。所以,a fall guy就是某人承擔了他人或一群人的責任。好了,如果你喜歡這個­錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見­面。

2013年4月23日 星期二

put a sock in it

Hi there, students. A sock, have you ever heard the phrase 'put a sock in it'? Ok, it is really quite a impolite and quite informal way to tell somebody to shut up, to put a sock. Ok. So you can tell someone to put a sock in it, I need to some work. Reduce the noise, shut up, stop talking. Myabe you are in class and you are trying to concentrate and two people next to you are talking and talking. Put a sock in it ! Ok. You are not saying anything extremely rude but it is fairly impolite and informal way of telling someone to shut up, be quiet, stop talking. Put a sock in it. Put a sock in it, I guess "it" is the mouth but we never say the mouth, we just say put a sock in it. Ok, so anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating, don't put a sock in it; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a sock, 你聽過“put a sock in it”這個短語嗎?這是一個頗為不禮貌而且非在正式場合的方式去­告訴某人閉上嘴,to put a sock。你可以對某人說:put a sock in it,我要進行工作。不要吵,閉嘴,不要聊天!如果你在課堂上,­你想集中精力聽課,有兩個坐在你旁邊的家伙不停地說呀說,你可以­對他們叫:put a sock in it! 你並沒有用極端粗魯的話,但是這個短語也是相當不禮貌而且非正式­場合所用的話去告訴某人閉嘴、保持安靜、停止閑談。put a sock in it, it, 我猜是指嘴。但是我們從來不直接說嘴,只是用it代替嘴。好了,­如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;不要說put a sock in it。訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

criterion, criteria

Hi there, students. One criterion, two criteria, they could say you can use criterions, but I think criteria is much more common. So what is a criterion? Ok, it is a standard or a rule by which you can measure, estimate or judge things that you can decide, ok. Which is the most beautiful flower in the garden? You need different, various different citeria to decide what is the most beautiful flower. Maybe the colour, maybe the size, maybe the shape, ok, this is different criteria. What's the criteria for beauty in a woman? A pale skin or a dark skin? That would be one criterion. Ok. So criterion, criteria, irregular plural. So what are your criteria for speaking English? Ok. You need to understand well, you need to explain clearly, you need to pronounce well and you need to have a good vocabulary and use the grammar correctly. Various criteria just speaking good English. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!one criterion, two criteria, 也許有人說你可以用criterions, 但是我認為criteria在使用上更加普遍。那麼什麼是cri­terion? criterion是一種標准、規則,通過它,你可以衡量、估算­或判斷事物,就此做出決定。哪一種是這個花園裡面最漂亮的花? 你需要不同的標准去決定哪種花才是花園裡最漂亮的花。也許是顏色­,也許是大小,也許是形狀,這些都是不同的標准。什麼是漂亮女人­的標准?淺膚色還是較深膚色?這只是一個criterion。c­riteria是criterion的不規則復數形式。你對於能­說英語的標准又是什麼?你需要理解力強,能夠清晰解釋問題,發音­准確,掌握詞彙並能正確運用語法。能說好英語需要很多標准。好了­,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你又見面。

2013年4月22日 星期一

a pile up

Hi there, students. A pile up, ok, this is a phrasal noun. So (???) a pile, and to pile up, to become bigger and bigger and, in tyhe moutain, in the heap. Well, a pile up is a multiple car accident. There was a pile up in the motorway and I was stuck there for 4 hours. Ok, a pile up is a multiple crash between multiple cars because the cars pile up, they crash with each other, yeah. So the cars, the crashed cars pile up. There was a pile junction 25 on the motorway, yeah. It was a terrible accdient. Ok. So notice, to pile up means to accumulate, to get more and more is a phrasal verb. But the phrasal noun, it means a multiple accident with a multiple vehicles on the road, a pile up, ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!a pile up, 这是一个名词性短语,to pile up, 是变得越来越多,堆积如山,成堆聚集。这里的a pile up是汽车连环撞车意外。在告诉公路上有一起汽车连环撞车意外,我被堵了4个小时。a pile up是在多辆汽车之间的连环撞击,因为汽车因撞击而叠在了一起,因彼此撞击而叠在了一起。在高速公路上有25辆车连环撞车,事故十分严重。注意,to pile up是累积、累加的意思,变得越来越多,它是个名词性短语。作为动词性短语,a pile up则是多架汽车发生连环相撞。如果你喜欢这个录像,留下一个“喜欢”的评级;订阅我的频道,我将很快和你又见面。

2013年4月21日 星期日

to dwindle

Hi there, studnents. To dwindle, to descrease, to become less in amount. Yes it is getting dark and the light is dwindling, it is decreasing. I am tired, my energy is dwindling, becoming less. They say the money I saved is dwindling, rapidly disappearing, descreasing. Ok, to dwindle, to lessen, to shrink, to decrease, to diminish, to (wein?), to become less. Ok. So, to dwindle, a nice interesting verb, a regular verb as well, ok. So before your interest in this video dwindles, I am going to finish it and say if you enjoy it, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位! to dwindle, 是在數量上縮減、變少的意思。天色在變暗,光線也在暗淡。我很累­,我的體能在dwindling, 在降低。他們說我存的錢在急速dwindling, 急速貶值、變少。所以,dwindle是變少、收縮、減小、減少­的意思。(?),變少。to dwindle, 這是個很好而有趣的詞,也是個常規動詞。在你對這個錄像的興趣d­windle之前,我要完成這個錄像並且說:如果你喜歡這個錄像­,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年4月20日 星期六

off the top of m head

Hi there, students. Off the top of my head, or off the top of one's head, this is when you do something without thinking about it, without preparing, in an impromptu way. So for example, she sang the song off the top of her head, she didn't get it perfect, she got it one or two little bits wrong but she did it off the top of her head, without rehearsing, without preparing. So how much did this cost? Well, off the top of my head, about 1000 eurs. But I would need to investgate more to give you the exact answer. Ok. So off the top of my head, without looking it up, without looking someone, looking in internet to find the answer or to give the exact answer. So thinking without thinking, giving information without being prepared, without preparing for it, yeah. So this may be when you take an exam, normally you need to give the answers off the top of your head. Maybe you have prepared for the exam, or maybe you haven't. If you haven't, then you are answering off the top of your head. Ok. Impromptu, just doing it without preparing for it. Yeah. So, anyway, maybe this was a video that I made off the top of my head. I didn't prepare it, I head the idea, I thought that is a great idea for the video, for a video. And I just made it, just like that. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!off the top of the head,或者off the top of one's head, 這個短句是說當你做一件事的時候,你沒有經過思考、准備,你是即­席而作的。比如,她即席唱了這首歌。她沒有准備,她沒有把這首歌­唱到完美,裡面有幾個錯處,但是這是即席之唱。沒有排練,沒有准­備。這個要多少錢?嗯,如果不假思索地說,要1000歐元。但是­我需要做更多的研究以便給你一個准確的答案。所以,off the top of my head, 是不經細想,無需在網上尋找某人便給出答案,准確的答案。這是一­種不假思索的思考,不假思索、不加考慮地給出資訊。就好像你在考­試,通常你是不加思考地給出答案,或許你為此做了准備,或許沒有准備。如果你沒有為考試做准備,你就是在考試時對試題做了off the top of your head回答。只是即時的,不假思索的,馬上去做,不加考慮。或許這個錄像就是我off the top of my head之作。我沒有做准備,我只是聽說了這個制作錄像的主意而認為這是個非常好的建議,於是我就不假思索地制作了這個錄像。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

2013年4月1日 星期一

blend in

Hi there, students. To blend in or to blend into, (or?) firstly to blend is to mix. Yeah, you have a blender which mixes different types of food together. So you could blend one thing into another. But more figuratively, we use this idea of to blend in is to look or seem the same as the surroudning people or the surrounding things or the surrouding culture. So when you go to a foreign country, perhaps you look like a tourist or perhaps you try to blend in to look the same as local people.  If you go to a party where everybody is informally dressed, in T-shirt and jeans. If you wear a dinner jacket, then it is going to be difficult to blend in. Maybe you have to  wear the same cloth to blend in, look or seem, you don't have to be, but to seem the thing as the things or people around you. Ok, so yes, if you blend in then you don't stand out, you seem to be the same, you do the same things perhaps. but maybe you think differently, maybe you are not the same, you just try to  look the same, try to appear the same as everyone else. To fit in, if you like, to blend in, yeah. So when you go to a foreign country, try to blend in. Anyway if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!to blend in 或者blend into,首先,blend是混合的意思。比如用攪拌機可以將不­同的食物攪拌在一起。你可以將一件東西混在另一件裡面。但是我們­可以用blend來做比喻,使某人看起來和周圍的人、事、文化背­景相似乃至一樣。當你去一個陌生的國度,你可能看起來像是一個游­客,你也許想blend in,融入當地,使自己看起來和當地人一樣。如果你參加一個聚會­,那裡每個人都穿著便服,體恤衫,牛仔褲,如果你穿著禮服則很難­融入這個環境。或許你應該穿著同樣的服裝以便blend in,你不必變成和他們一樣的人,僅僅是和你周圍的人看起來相似­就可以了。如果你blend in,你就不會stand out,顯眼,你會和周圍的人很相似。或許你有不同的想法,你並­不像和他人一樣,你只是想看上去和他們一樣。你也可以說to fin in,融洽。當你去一個陌生國家時,要試著blend in, 融入其中。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”評級;訂­閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

daylight robbery


Hi there, students. Daylight robber, when somebody is stealing in the daylight, yeah. daylight robbery, what does this really mean? If somebody charges you a really high price for something, you say "it's daylight robbery". Ok, it's not a robber going into your house at the middle of night and stealing something, it's somebody stealing your money in the daylight during the day when you are buying something. Ok, the things they are selling at their shop are so expensive, it's daylight robbery. yeah. But sometimes you need the things as well. Ok, so daylight robbery, it's when you are charged much more than you think you should have to pay for something, ok. You say "it's daylight robbery". I asked them how much it would cost to get my car repaired. He said, he quoted my a fortune, it was daylight rubbery. (...money he wanted??). Maybe some places in London are so expensive it feels like daylight robbery to pay for them. Ok, so you say something is daylight robbery when  it is incredibly expensive, when it is much more expensive than it should be that you think it should be. Ok, so, yeah, maybe some English teachers charge so much for their classes, it's daylight robbery, others don't .Ok, anyway, so if you enjoy the video, give it rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!daylight robber, 字面上看是某人白天偷東西的意思。但是它的真實意思又是什麼呢?­實際上當某人為某樣東西向你收取非常高的費用時而表達的意思。此­時並不是盜賊夜晚闖入你的家裡去偷東西,它是當你在白天買東西的­時候搶你的錢。在他們店鋪賣的東西實在是太貴了,it's dayligh robbery,他們是在搶劫。當然有時你也需要那些東西。da­ylight robbery其實就是當你被收取的錢遠多於你認為該付的費用時­,你就會說這是daylight robbery,這是打劫。我問他們修好我的車要多少錢。他們向­我報出了一個天文數字的金額,這根本是在打劫。倫敦的一些地方貴­得驚人,簡直是打劫。當你說某事是daylight robbery時,它一定是超出尋常的昂貴,它一定是要比你認為­其本來應該的價錢要貴出很多很多。有些英語老師收費很貴,簡直是­打劫,其他老師卻很合理。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“­喜歡”評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。