2013年4月25日 星期四

overhead and overheads

 Hi there, students. Overhead or overheads, let's see. Overhead can be an adverb and an adjective. (Sam?) what is above you? Below my flat, there are some Italians who live there. And overhead, there are two spanish. Overhead, above my head. The plane flew overhead. Ok. It is an adverb. The ceiling is overhead. Ok, so over your head, above your head. But we have another meaning for this in business. Very often we use the phrase 'overheads'. These are the fixed costs of the business. without taking into an account making anything. Maybe you need to pay rent, repairs and electricity and different ultility bills and things like that. These are fixed cost not the costs, the variable cost when you produce more things. These are the costs that (?) cost you stay to open. The overheads of the business, if you like, the running cost. This is the cost without taking into an account making anything. When you actaully start to make something, Those costs are not overheads. So overheads, the basic costs of the business. Ok, so, overhead, the plane flew overhead; and the overheads of the business are extremely expensive and I don't know how we can make profit. One thing is good about working in the internet is the overheads, the fixed costs are very low. Ok, so anyway, overhead, overheads. If you enjoy this video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!overhead和overheads,我們看看這兩個詞­。overhead可以作副詞或是形容詞。你頭上是什麼?在我住­的單位樓層下面,有些意大利人在住,在我的樓上則有兩個西班牙人­。overhead, 在我的頭頂。有一架飛機在我的頭上飛過,這裡的overhead­做副詞。天花板在頭頂,所以over your head,就是above your head的意思。這個詞在商業上還有另外一個意思,在此我們經常­使用overheads。它們是一些固定的費用並不會直接產生任­何收益。你也許要支付租金、修理費、電費及各種公共費用開支。這­些都是固定費用,並非似有些費用那樣可以產生收益,這些都只是維­持經營所需必要開支。overheads of the business,就好像大家經常所說的running cost一樣,無需入賬,無法產生直接收益。當你開始經營一項生­意時,所產生的成本不是雜項開支。所以,overheads是生­意中的雜項開支。overhead, 一架飛機在頭頂飛過,這項生意中的overheads非常高,我­不知道怎麼才能賺得利潤。通过互联网工作的一个好处是它的overheads非常低。好了­,如果喜欢这个录像,留下一个‘喜欢’的评级;订阅我的频道,我­将很快和你又见面。

