2013年4月23日 星期二

criterion, criteria

Hi there, students. One criterion, two criteria, they could say you can use criterions, but I think criteria is much more common. So what is a criterion? Ok, it is a standard or a rule by which you can measure, estimate or judge things that you can decide, ok. Which is the most beautiful flower in the garden? You need different, various different citeria to decide what is the most beautiful flower. Maybe the colour, maybe the size, maybe the shape, ok, this is different criteria. What's the criteria for beauty in a woman? A pale skin or a dark skin? That would be one criterion. Ok. So criterion, criteria, irregular plural. So what are your criteria for speaking English? Ok. You need to understand well, you need to explain clearly, you need to pronounce well and you need to have a good vocabulary and use the grammar correctly. Various criteria just speaking good English. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!one criterion, two criteria, 也許有人說你可以用criterions, 但是我認為criteria在使用上更加普遍。那麼什麼是cri­terion? criterion是一種標准、規則,通過它,你可以衡量、估算­或判斷事物,就此做出決定。哪一種是這個花園裡面最漂亮的花? 你需要不同的標准去決定哪種花才是花園裡最漂亮的花。也許是顏色­,也許是大小,也許是形狀,這些都是不同的標准。什麼是漂亮女人­的標准?淺膚色還是較深膚色?這只是一個criterion。c­riteria是criterion的不規則復數形式。你對於能­說英語的標准又是什麼?你需要理解力強,能夠清晰解釋問題,發音­准確,掌握詞彙並能正確運用語法。能說好英語需要很多標准。好了­,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,­我將很快和你又見面。

