2013年4月20日 星期六

off the top of m head

Hi there, students. Off the top of my head, or off the top of one's head, this is when you do something without thinking about it, without preparing, in an impromptu way. So for example, she sang the song off the top of her head, she didn't get it perfect, she got it one or two little bits wrong but she did it off the top of her head, without rehearsing, without preparing. So how much did this cost? Well, off the top of my head, about 1000 eurs. But I would need to investgate more to give you the exact answer. Ok. So off the top of my head, without looking it up, without looking someone, looking in internet to find the answer or to give the exact answer. So thinking without thinking, giving information without being prepared, without preparing for it, yeah. So this may be when you take an exam, normally you need to give the answers off the top of your head. Maybe you have prepared for the exam, or maybe you haven't. If you haven't, then you are answering off the top of your head. Ok. Impromptu, just doing it without preparing for it. Yeah. So, anyway, maybe this was a video that I made off the top of my head. I didn't prepare it, I head the idea, I thought that is a great idea for the video, for a video. And I just made it, just like that. Ok. So anyway, if you enjoy the video, give it a rating; subscribe to my channel and I will see you soon. Bye for now.

各位!off the top of the head,或者off the top of one's head, 這個短句是說當你做一件事的時候,你沒有經過思考、准備,你是即­席而作的。比如,她即席唱了這首歌。她沒有准備,她沒有把這首歌­唱到完美,裡面有幾個錯處,但是這是即席之唱。沒有排練,沒有准­備。這個要多少錢?嗯,如果不假思索地說,要1000歐元。但是­我需要做更多的研究以便給你一個准確的答案。所以,off the top of my head, 是不經細想,無需在網上尋找某人便給出答案,准確的答案。這是一­種不假思索的思考,不假思索、不加考慮地給出資訊。就好像你在考­試,通常你是不加思考地給出答案,或許你為此做了准備,或許沒有准備。如果你沒有為考試做准備,你就是在考試時對試題做了off the top of your head回答。只是即時的,不假思索的,馬上去做,不加考慮。或許這個錄像就是我off the top of my head之作。我沒有做准備,我只是聽說了這個制作錄像的主意而認為這是個非常好的建議,於是我就不假思索地制作了這個錄像。好了,如果你喜歡這個錄像,留下一個“喜歡”的評級;訂閱我的頻道,我將很快和你又見面。

